mercredi 26 août 2015

Greetings everyone!


As a new member, I want to formally introduce myself to everyone. I am currently a full time employee at AT&T as a project manager, and enjoy playing poker during my free time. Well how did I end up at this forum, and what interest do I have here?....

I have always considered myself a businessperson, and so have my friends. From haggling, selling and flipping random items, to daily pondering my next business venture, I am always excited to talk business/money. At times I wish I had studied business, but being in a typical Asian household, I was to choose medical, law or engineering lol. Long story short, I decided not to accept my seat in law school due to the over saturated market; it just didn't make sense to me to take out a 6 figure debt only to hope for a job that will start out very little. I met an older gentleman who thought I would do well as a project manager at AT&T, so I took his offer and here I am. I am doing very well, but it really is a means to an end for me. I cannot see myself staying at a 9-5 for the rest of my life, and it is only a matter of time before I quit to work for myself.

I am currently in the process of starting up an eCommerce website, and have been doing some research. During one of my googling session, I stumbled across this forum and read some very helpful information so I decided to join the community :D


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