mardi 17 novembre 2015

Can't come up with an interesting original business name!

Ok guys I could do with some help here. Whilst other areas of setting up the business are progressing well I can't come up with a good name for the business.

The business is event based and is specifically aimed at car and motorcycle showrooms to promote sales. It involves us sending out marketing material to clients inviting them to a sales event, advising the showroom on how to position cars etc during the event and finally dressing the showroom for the event.

The names I've come up with or have been suggested so far have either been already in use or not relevant at all. Ideally I want something that describes what we do but would also lend itself well to the design of a logo. I realise that names, logo's etc aren't the most important thing in the world and this type of business is going to be successful only if the results of our events are good. That being said I would still like a decent name to start the business off with.

I kind of have a tag line / 3 descriptive words.... 'promote-event-sales' .... but if anyone thinks this can also be improved upon I'd love to hear suggestions.

I'd appreciate any help at all on this as I've been trying to think of a name for a good while now. I've deliberately not listed any previous ideas or companies currently in the same industry so that any suggestions are completely fresh and not influenced by old ideas.

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