lundi 9 novembre 2015

Requesting Feedback for Business Plan Writing Service.

New member here but have been reading and love the energy and interaction on this forum so I thought I jump in and ask a question.

My brother and I (MBA and a degree in finance) are considering offering business plan writing services catering to start-ups. (this is not a solicitation we are seeking input)

Our own personal plan seeks to target millennials with a limited budget and high ambition. Through our market research we have discovered that creating the financials are the most challenging aspect for start-ups as well as forming a clear value proposition, cost structure and revenue streams.

Of course I agree that writing your own business plan would be ideal and feel that everyone should write their own plan in some manner, even if it is just one page. With that in mind I also realize that some do not have the skill sets or time to create one and need something a bit more professional for funding.

There are a wide range of individuals online offering business plan writing services on and offline from $20 to $50,000. With software and online fill in the blank forms galore.

With that in mind if I may ask as entrepreneurs what would you find valuable in a business plan writing service? What needs would compel you to purchase one and at what price point?

Our goal is to create an effective means via business plan writing to truly assisting individuals interested in business.

Any input or suggestions you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!

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