mardi 17 novembre 2015

More Money = More Profit

Everyone knows this. Bigger financial capital means bigger income. Is simple.

Greetings to everybody! I'm new on this server and i want to present you some toughts about my bussines. I must warn you that i'm not a native english speaker so please excuse any writing mistakes.

Financial capital is everything about my bussines. Is like blood that keeps it alive and transport nutrients, helping it grow bigger and stronger. I'm saying this because i obtain profit using only money, like banks and brokers. To be more accurate it is about sport betting. I know that first reaction of many folks.They see my like a "scam boy" or betting games addict. I don't care because i know i'm not like that. Sport Betting is my passion for a few years. I don't own a betting agency. I studied the system, i calculated the oportunities for months and i came up with a long term plan for obtaining profit. Imediatly after i builded the plan, i puted it to work, without using real money. I simulated for one whole year. And it worked. It's not making you a millionaire over night, but brings a good percentage of profit. It passed six months since i puted a little sum of real money to work for me and everything runs good. The main advantage of this bussines is that is consumes only a few hours per week (3 hours). The money works for me. I just stick to my everyday schedule. I'm a college student and i can't miss any classes.

The main "problem" for me now is that i don't have enough liquid money

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