mardi 24 novembre 2015

Siri, Cortana, Google Now, or Alexa?

Odds are by now you are using or at least have one of these voice activated virtual assistant, search thingies. If not, you probably will be by the end of the holiday season with the 4 major players going on full scale marketing pushes.

Was wondering who uses which, if you like using them, and how do you feel about the future possibilities?

I have Android phones so I've been using Google now for a while. I think it's a pretty awesome tool on the phone. Google has access to pretty much all the information that you need. I even used it the other day while importing some old CD's that I'd burned years ago and forget some of the track names. I just kept asking Google "What's the name of this song?" and it was spot on every single time. And some of my music is pretty niche Dance and EDM.

I have Windows 10 computers so I do use Cortana, but it's not really as good and it doesn't speak back most of the answers, it merely shows you on screen (as if that's really some kind of inconvenience).

Same with the XBOX. It's spotty at best and I don't really ever use my voice to control it anymore.

I also have an Amazon Echo and it is very impressive. At the moment it lacks the access to the same wealth of search information as Google, but where it really shines is in it's ability to control other devices. Something the others either don't do, or only do in their own ecosystem.
It's voice recognition is also far superior than the others, and you can speak naturally from across the room and it will hear you and do what you say.

I don't have anything Apple, but I have tried Siri on other people's phones and it is very good.

If I could combine Google's access to information, with the Echo's voice recognition and integration with other "smart" devices, it would be perfect.

Obviously I'm still waiting to see which one of these will let me use "Computer" as my trigger word so that I can realize my Star Trek dreams.

So who's using what and what do you think about them?
Or do you dislike them altogether, worry about privacy or other concerns?

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