lundi 30 novembre 2015

My local news did a story on a Pay Pal loophole that screws people over [Video]

I was glad to see this story, even if it is only on a local station.
I got screwed on this one a while back (You can read my experience in the video's comments) and it is infuriating that buyers are able to do this to businesses and sellers and get away with it. Also that credit card companies are willfully in on the scam of screwing people over. I'm actually angrier at the [Master Card] credit card company and the buyer than I am Pay Pal since they are the co-conspirators in the fraud.

I always sing Pay Pal's praises, but nothing is perfect and this has been screwing the little guy over for years and savvy people who know the law exploit it all of the time.
8 On Your Side: PayPal - Story | LasVegasNow | KLAS-TV

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