samedi 21 novembre 2015

Music Management and Streaming Music Services

For years I've been using iTunes faithfully and have one iPod touch that I've had for years that I never use anymore.
However IMO using iTunes as a music manager is a complete nightmare and it has always been but there weren't many options before.

At the moment I have all my music backed up and duplicated all over the place. iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music, Plex, Groove Music (formerly XBOX Music, formerly Zune Music), and the various cloud accounts that those services come with, and my own WD cloud server.

Obviously with the exception of my own home server it is ridiculous to have this daisy chain of one thing backing up to another, backing up to another but it's the only way to have all of my music on every device. (Android Phone, XBOX, 2 Windows Computers, Amazon Fire and Echo). And maybe I don't completely trust any of them and want to make sure I have multiple back ups.

I thought Plex would be an all in one solution since there are apps for it on everything, but it really doesn't seem very stable to me.

I've also been testing a trial of the Google Play Music service (after resisting paying for a streaming music service), and to be honest, the fact that it comes with You Tube Red, and You Tube Music makes it a pretty awesome deal. Especially now that these services are better at curating the kind of music I listen to most. Still not sure if I'm going to pay for it though.

So, I'm wondering what some of you use, why, and how happy you are with the set up or service that you have.

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