dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Business Name


I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on a business name for a body product.

I love Hawaii and have been there a few times so of course the first thing that came to find was a Hawaiian sounding name however it seems like a few of them are hard to pronounce.

I want something pretty sounding and that has a nice meaning behind it relating to beauty, the body, youthfulness etc, doesn't necessarily need to be Hawaiian

In relation to Hawaiian names so far I have only found the ones below although im not really sold on them

KANANI f Hawaiian
Means "the beauty" in Hawaiian.

UILANI f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly beauty" or "royal beauty" from Hawaiian u'i "youth, beauty" and lani "heaven, sky, royal, majesty".

Does anyone have any suggestions? As I mentioned doesn't need to be Hawaiian

Does your persoality type make you a better business person?

We all know that some people are better at business than others. Some people just seem to have no fear, and other seems to be a little more timid.

I took this test at 16 Personalities a few weeks ago and I was pretty surprised how accurate it was. Says I'm a Type (ENTJ- A ) Personality. Some good traits when it comes to getting things done and leadership, and some bad ones about lack of empathy and patience.

It's an easy test, that gives you some pretty detailed assessments of the kind of person you seem to be. I found it pretty enlightening, and in many ways motivational. It wasn't all good news, but I wasn't exactly upset about the things that it said I needed to work on, because I do.

Here's the link to take it for yourself. I think it's a good exercise and very informative.

s-corp - huge tax liability shutting down the business based on end of fiscal year?

Hi All -
I'm sure this is a relatively common question/concern, but I can't seem to locate it on the forums. It seems like you open yourself up to a huge amount of liability just based on the dates you do business and your fiscal year. I don't believe this can be correct, but I'm trying to find the mechanism that allows you to true-up after the conclusion of the transaction.
Simple Scenario:
Single owner s-corp. Fiscal Year matches the Calendar Year

A customer hires the s-corp to build a widget for 100k. The s-corp sub-contracts the widget out to another company for 90k. The customer pays the s-corp 100k on December 31st. The s-corp pays the sub-contractor 90k on January 2nd. The s-corp never does any additional business and closes.

Logically, it would seem your personal tax liability should only be against the 10k you actually made. But as I understand it, wouldn't the IRS regard the 100k that was in your bank account on January 1st as taxable personal income? The following year you could show a 90k loss, but if the business is gone, that wouldn't matter, so you'd end up losing a tremendous amount of money.

This is a simple scenario, but it applies to a much larger scenario. If an s-corp is going out of business (paying last paychecks, PTO, contractors, etc), I find it difficult to believe there would be such a tremendous tax benefit for doing it at the end of the fiscal year vs the beginning of the next, and they can potentially tax you on income you never actually made, but was in your account when the year rolled over.

Any pointers on how this gets reconciled would be greatly appreciated.


vendredi 29 juillet 2016

Hello Everyone!

I am an early stage investor in start-ups, early stage ventures and also leads and participates in non-distressed buy-outs, both from retiring owner-managers and large corporations spinning off non-core subsidiaries.

If you know of any small business owners looking to exit in the near future, with sales revenues between $3M - $6M in the manufacturing, telecom, B2B, technology, engineering, or professional services, please feel free to let me know.

Best Regards,


Help me go to business school and change the world!

Here's my go fund me page! http://ift.tt/2axZZRt I hope you all enjoyed my story it's been a life long dream of mine to change the world through owning a world wide business, and I don't come from a very wealthy family so getting the tools to do so has been a struggl. Any help will be greatly appreciated!!!

The speed of business?

Hello everyone,

This may turn into a rant more then a cry for guidence but bear with me through the details... About a year and a half ago my business partner and I established an LLC to start an auto repair shop. We finally (in the past 2 months) found a location that has potential for us to operate out of. After going through multiple hoops with the current land owners we came up with a signed purchase agreement for the location. Now, by no means is our current business numbers considered to be a "power house business," we are profitable. The property is inexpensive but we will still need to finance. Both my partner and I have very good credit scores and virtually no debt with exclusions of each having a mortgage. We've presented our plan to a bank and delivered all the financial statements that were requested. We've asked for extra money on top of the actual loan of immediate improvments for us to utilize this as an auto repair facility.

So... this is where we are today. The bank has told us that this process takes about 8 - 10 days for loan approval. This issue is time sensitive due to date restraints with the purchase agreement. It has gone into day 15 now waiting for approval of the loan with no property evalutation. I've called multiple times to the bank to have some sort of status update and these guys are usually on vacation and are never communicating amongst each other because I still have no definitive answer. I want to remain calm and stay professional but do I need to become "pushy" with this issue? Should I be speaking with other banks in the mean time? We now have officially 30 days before we seek the closing date and nerves and stimulated to say the least. Is this common for loan approval processes to take this long?

I apprciate any input immensely.
Thank you.

jeudi 28 juillet 2016

How much capital do I need?

For someone currently not working, how much capital do you think I need to purchase a commercial property such as a motel, where I can leverage my money with a bank and put 20% down, so I can earn at least 40k a year after mortgage payments and have the property to sell when I am ready to retire?

Is BlueHost VPS service good?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am planning to buy the Virtual Private Server of BlueHost.

I got the idea from this thread: http://ift.tt/2azI3qC from @Harold Mansfield's reply. There are names of many hosting companies in this thread but BlueHost is comparatively cheaper.

I am going to host a PHP 7 website with low to medium traffic. I came to know that BlueHost does not support PHP 7 yet in their shared hosting schemes. So I am having to buy their VPS.

Have anyone used BlueHost's VPS? Is it any good? Are there any better options?

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,
Raja Mukherjee

mercredi 27 juillet 2016

Online business ideas


I have been interested in starting an online business, I currently work however I have a lot of spare time.

The ideas I have come up with so far:

1. Web design
I am pretty good at setting up websites, buying domains etc. Would be good idea as I do sit on a computer all day long anyway. Only problem is that there is a lot of competition, how would I make myself stand out? how would I gain business?

2. Service based website
I have an idea for a service were people pay to advertise a specific product on my website, good idea as it requires minimal effort from myself however I have a direct competitor or two. Not sure how I would make myself stand out from the competitors and how I would gain customers.

3. Homemade natural body products
I would be interested in creating my own body scrubs, packaging and selling them. The only issue is this is a over saturated market. How would I make my products different. I like the idea of Frank body scrubs, simple product however the marketing Is what makes it stand out.

These are the main ideas I can come up with, not sure how good they are, what does everyone think? Do you have any other ideas for me?

I Am a New User

Hello! I am a full-time business marketing student and full-time paid intern at a fine art gallery in Mississippi. I also do volunteer firefighting. I enjoy playing Civilization V and create visual art in the little spare time I have. I am unsure what business I want to start with and when the ideal time is to do it. I am deeply interested in advertising and consumerism. I have many years experience with Adobe creative products such as: Illustrator, Photoshop, Lightroom, and InDesign. I would like to have some recommendations for books involving starting a business and business models. I prefer audiobooks but any medium is fine!

Should use Google Plus for Websites Promotion?

I has been looking for good websites for promotion but seems it is hard. Some suggest me using Google Plus but I'm not really sure about its capability. Does anyone have any recommendation?

Hello Everybody, I am Martin

Hello everyone,

I am Martin Williams from UK, Founder of TimberMaster LTD
Thanks admin for being me part of this wonderful community.

Startup Online Store

Hello Everybody,

My name is Martin, owner of TimberMaster LTD. Recently we design our new website & starts sells bespoke furniture on it.
My question is that how to more popular my store in our local area.


mardi 26 juillet 2016

Best free WordPress themes

I know this question has been asked a million times but allow me to make it a million and one.

I am about to launch a second website and have been scouring all the articles and blog posts on recommendations about which free WordPress themes are the best.

My current theme is Sparkling by Colorlib and although satisfactory for what I use it for, it is a bit too minimalist.

I don't want a theme that requires an engineering degree to operate but by the same token nothing that is so minimalist that I need a herd of plugins to get it to do anything.

I have had Hemingway suggested and it looks quite decent.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance

Is Music Society better than Music School/Institute for franchise/sponsorship?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a medium size music school/institution based in Kolkata, West Bengal, India. I was planning to conduct an inter-school music competition. For that I require sponsorship.

A friend of mine told me that I would get sponsorship a lot easier if I had a music society instead of a music school/institution.

Is it really true? Is there really any benefit, as far as sponsorship are concerned, in having a music society rather than a music school/institution?

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Raja Mukherjee

P.S. Please pardon me if I am asking anything stupid.


I have been recommended to contact these people over a legal issue.
I am based in the East of England.
s this a good referral?

lundi 25 juillet 2016


Hi everyone,
I'm very first comer to this forum and I'm a trainee blogger. And also i'm doing freelance also. So That new topic " YAHOO buys from Verizone." What do you think about that?

5 Ways to Protect Your Small Business Against a Legal Fallout

Came across this article that shares some good tips http://ift.tt/2a20Bxn

Web design and development Startup

My friend and I just started up our own website design company called Deffro Technologies. Our team is very talented and can make great websites and graphic designs, but we are finding it hard to find clients since we are so new and do not have portfolios like other established web design companies. Does anyone have any ideas on how to find clients in need of a web designer? :)

Facebook "Bot"

I am currently working for a start-up company that is working on implementing an automated Facebook messenger service for small businesses. This "bot" would allow customers to set up appointments, ask questions, and add money to your store credit (powered through CinchKey...which is the company I'm currently interning for). The bot is new and has room for improvement, so we'd like your feedback on how you think you could utilize this, how you think it can be helpful, and if you'd consider implementing this. If you'd like to get a better idea of how it really works, you can go on Facebook, search "Lorna Spa Salon", and start chatting with the bot. Thanks!

Bangalore Models Esore

iuttklik6u7u-0[6407y73vhct90cbc 6t8dy7b cvy9y8u9yuuyh76
Attached Images

dimanche 24 juillet 2016

Buying a Fedex route

Hey guys, I have a couple of questions for experienced business owners or anyone alike.
I am 17 years old and I have a goal of buying a fedex route when I become legal age for an SBA loan. I don't have any experience in logistics or anything, but that's what I am here for. I was hoping someone on here could help me out with a few general ideas, goals I should have in mind, and basically any advice on how to achieve my goal. I'm all about making good money, leading a great business, and making sure everyone around me is more than satisfied with there jobs. The only issue I face: I do not have a mentor. they are not easy to find, but that does not deter me. I have a dream, and dreams only come true if you chase the suckers down, so if anyone has any insights into the fedex world that would like to share would be greatly appraised.

How to give discount coupons of big companies to my customers on my website?

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have a small business. I want to attract more customers by offering them discount coupons.

Suppose a customer buys items worth Rs.500/- then he/she will get Rs.500/- worth of discount coupons (coupons of different companies summing up to Rs.500/-) of big companies like McDonalds, eBay, PizzaHut, etc.

I got this idea from Videocon D2H online recharge site where they give discount coupons (of many companies) equal to the amount of recharge.

The questions are, from where does the company (Videocon D2H) gets all those discount coupons? Or how do they get it? What it takes to get those coupons? Does it (the coupons) cost anything? If so, then how much? From where can I get all the details?

Thanking you in advance.

Yours sincerely,
Raja Mukherjee

samedi 23 juillet 2016

fresh from the sticks...

high my name is kenny and i recently got involved with and need to learn some basic bookkeeping as applied to a simple brick and mortar retail store. this store has off loaded the payroll by hiring all employees through a temp agency so they just get a bill from the temp agent. no payroll to deal with. also year end taxes will be hired out to a pro. i do need to do a good job of tracking the $ so that pro can do a good job on the taxes at the end of the year and so that the company knows the what where when and how the money is moving through out the year.

never done anymore accounting than preventing my bank account from going negative...lol live a very simple life with few bills and simple income source. i now need to learn how to track and or record sales, purchases, bills, product loss, self use of product, product used for sampling, expenses like transportation and such. it does not seam like i need a full blown software suite but not sure what i need since i dont really know what i need to do. maybe i can actually just keep the books on paper?

any recommendations on threads or topics i should read before asking too many questions?

thanks in advance, i look forward to learn many knew things in this adventure

Consignment Sales

Hello all. I am trying to find the answer to a rather specific question, and the answer may not be available but here goes:

I opened a business 19 month ago. I sell handmade craft items (jewelry, woodworking, candles, tie dye, etc.) on consignment. I originally took 40% of the selling price. In an effort to reduce the price of larger items, I have a varying percentage that I apply. Have modified my agreement from the consignor setting the selling price, to them telling me what they want to be paid and I set the selling price.

My problem is I have quite a few who seem to be willing to let their stuff just sit on the shelf unsold. Some items have sit here the entire 19 months which probably isn't the best idea. I thought full shelves would be better than partially empty shelves. Anyone familiar with consignment know a way to get people to reduce and clear out overdue stuff, or do I just cancel the agreement and try to find replacements.

Ideas? Thanks.

Healing crystals and stones shop

I have a great idea for a healing crystal/meditation/yoga shop in my area which has nothing like that at all currently. However, before I can get started on anything, I was wondering where current crystal shops get their crystals. If someone could point me in the right direction that would be wonderful

Healing crystals and stones shop

So I have a great idea for a crystal shop in my area that offers yoga and meditation guide classes also. But before I can even get started on such an idea, I have no idea where the crystal shops in big cities (Florida is the only place where Ive been to an actual healing crystal shop) get their stones and crystals. So if someone could point me in the right direction of that, Id really appreciate it.


Hey Guys, I'm new here.

Hows everyone doing?

Master thesis: FinTechs' early stage determination of success probability

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Currently, I am writing on my dissertation about success probabilities of FinTechs, from an investor’s perspective. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to be part of this research.

With this research, I aim on decreasing uncertainty before a potential cooperation between investors and entrepreneurs. Hence, more investors will have increased confidence into their engagement and entrepreneurs should be able to better realize their visions.

If you have collected experience about FinTechs (e.g. you have founded a FinTech, worked in a FinTech or followed news about FinTechs), you are perfect to go.

This survey only takes about 20 minutes. Moreover, I may offer you to receive the results in about October 2016. Within this questionnaire, I ask you to briefly answer some questions about the most successful FinTech (positive return for investors) and the least successful (capital loss or no capital gain for investors).

To enter the survey, please follow this link: https://plymouthbusiness.eu.qualtric...Language=EN-GB

I am looking forward to your participation and kindly ask you to finish this survey until 3rd August, 2016. Entries are treated confidential and answers will be anonymized.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me: jan.kluge@postgrad.plymouth.ac.uk.

Best regards,

Jan M. Kluge

Hello there!

Hey folks,

My name is Max, I'm running a marketing agency and the reason I'm here is to help people with their businesses, contribute to the community and share knowledge.

Any questions, feel free to ask, I'll be glad to help.

See you around!

New Here

Hello Friends,

New here from Melbourne

What a web designer from different country can do legally if client don't pay?

I am in web designing business from last 8 years and sometimes client never paid me for the work done. I want to know what can i do legally to force him to pay me. One time i removed files from my client's client server, which i found out later is not legal. I am still not sure some says its completely legal. Please give me your thoughts, thanks in advance!

Gift Basket Companies

How do gift basket companies work? Say you get majority if not all of your products from a certain company, why would they sell to you when they could do it themselves? It's really just assembling the various goods into a new package. Is this a viable business? Could I just buy wholesale from them and do my thing? How and where does liability fall?
Sorry for the rapid-fire questions, but they've been on my mind and I've yet to find answers.


Hey everyone,

My name is Dawn and I've been dreaming of being self-employed for a while now and I'm finally taking steps toward making it a reality. I'm loading up on books and am going to be coming here to ask lots of questions, so I hope you folks don't mind! :)
See you guys on the forums!

vendredi 22 juillet 2016

Any company which can source and find a business for you?

Hey guys, so we've tried almost everything which came our way for years now especially in the wholesale and retail industry. I would like to ask if there is any company out there which can advise on a profitable business model?

jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Hello Friends

I am new to the forum. Kindly request you all to help me

Starting my business at 60

My background: I have been a wood finisher for 25+ years and have worked on too many projects to say here. A lot of what I do and have done is around architectural facades such as hotel/restaurant and retail store fixtures.I do every type of finishing that there is from latex paint to full fill high gloss polyester finishes on exotic wood. I also do faux finishing on just about anything including gold and silver gilding, also metal patina.
I have a day job but have been told I should start my own thing by many people and there are not a lot of us out there doing this. I am 60 years old I'm terrified of blowing it and wonder if the old adage " no guts,no glory" come into play here.
It doesn't take a lot of super expensive equipment to do it just a place to do it. I already have most of the tools and the knowledge.
I don't have a ton of money but not broke either so I guess my question is should I dive in and if I do what do any of you think a start up would cost me.
Again I have a good day job but think I could do way better on my own. The company I work for subs out all our overflow as it is when were busy.

Your thoughts?

I did the metal patina on the columns at the entrance of the Belagio hotel in Las Vegas about 10 or so years ago.

Inventory - Good or bad?

Title says it all.

I stopped in at my parents shop today and was asked about trying to fix one of their saws. One look at it told me that he's better off replacing parts than working a temporary fix. He had ordered repair parts of a local company and was told 6-8 weeks for delivery. These are wear parts and should be a common replacement item. Local distributors refuse to carry parts and only order when minimum quantities are reached. I go direct to the manufacturer and have parts going on the truck tomorrow. Distributor just lost a large markup sale for not being reasonable.

Being as I'm in the service industry myself, I don't understand this line of thinking. Why are more and more companies refusing to stock replacement parts that are critical to the operation of equipment?

Working with local plant

Good day.
I have an idea and want to be partnership with local plant to create some house's decor. What do you think about this idea? Maybe will be better buy completed other production and first time try sell it?
Thanks for tips.

Increasing Traffic on Social Media Page

Hi all. My name is Joe W. And I am looking for advice on how to increase traffic on my Facebook business page. I have currently 70 likes and approx. 75% of the likes are my family or friends. The advice I am in need of is how to gain followers and likes in an organic manner(no paying). Thanks in advance.

mardi 19 juillet 2016

What's the deal with laptop sizes?

I'm getting a little sick of laptops getting smaller and smaller. They market them as desktop replacements, but to me 14,13 and 12 inch laptops are hell to actually work on.

What happened to 17" laptops?
Why is 13" the hot new thing now?

Is it just me?

Should I improve the quality of my writings?

Hello everybody,

I would like to run a new business and I am interested in helping people achieve financial independence.
I like to write, that's why I created a website on this subject.

However, English is not my mother tongue so I would like to get the opinion of native English speakers.

What do you think about the writing quality of my texts? (spelling, turn of phrase, ...)

Thank you to answer honestly.

Here is the website:



Best practice in trade (deal). Books

Hi, all!
I want to have good skills to trading and searching methods how to do it.
Can you give advice about good practice in trading? Interesting books.
Looking answers for questions:
* how to do people choose my products/service?
* how to do customers choose my products/service again?
* What about marketing?
More others questions.

Twitter opening 'Verified' applications to the public


For those not familiar with the blue badge, think of it as a way for Twitter users to know that the accounts they are seeing or considering following or retweeting are “key individuals or organizations” that are authentic and not some troll account. You’ll see the blue badge next to public figures, musicians, celebrities, fashion brands, politicians, athletes and sports organizations, and journalists or news outlets.
Source: Twitter Will Soon Let You Apply to be Verified | Droid Life

or just hop over to : https://verification.twitter.com/welcome

Hi All

Just joined.

My name is Tony and I am based in Johannesburg, South Africa and I look forward to learning and sharing with the community.

I have been a small business owner for 16 years and am also involved with coaching and mentoring new home and small business start-ups, especially with the previously disadvantaged communities.

I am the author of several eBooks including How to be Mentored and The Home Business owners start-up Guide, a 4 part series for new entrepreneurs.

lundi 18 juillet 2016

Paid Survey app

I have built a paid survey app like ongo. But I find it hard to get the surveys to post in the app. Any ideas how and where to get surveys. Thanks.

Enough Net income to be successful?

Residential assisted living facility. This is quick glance at finances.

Total annual income- $177k

Total expenses including $16.8k in mortgage- $118,080
*This is every possible expense I can think of at this point, including a small salary for myself.

Remaining cash- $58,920

I own (mortgaged) the home.

Just tossing around the idea, and curious for some input.

Feel free to ask questions if needed

20 simple, free gestures that will make your business more successful

I just came across this article and thought it is a great refresher reminder to keep in mind and very applicable to small businesses, too.

20 gestures that will make your business more successful - Business Insider

I'm Looking To Start a Business

I'm looking for ideas for a software design business.
What kind of equipment would I need.
I have $10,000.
Any ideas?

dimanche 17 juillet 2016

What Does Your Home Office / Work Office Look Like?

Personally I really don't have a work office but I do have a home office. Here's what it looks like:


I have an Apple keyboard, Apple mouse, Apple monitor, Stacktron mousepad, Logitech wireless headphones (currently charging), an old WD 1TB ext hd, and a Macbook Air (currently starting to sell so I can get a Macbook Pro).

Send over a picture of your home office / work office :D
Attached Images

How to endorse check?

Hey guys, I had a personal check made out to me but wish to use that to pay to someone else. I am seeing on the back of the check where it says "Endorse here", whose name do I put there, mine or the person's? Also do I print or sign whatever name please?

samedi 16 juillet 2016

Start up cleaning business

I live in a small rural community where there are no established cleaning companies. I have an empty building structure on my property so I could use that as a office and supply area. I need help with the operations though. Would I leave the supplies in the care of the client until the cleaner got there? Have them provide their own supplies? Because most of my workers would take public transport to get there, traveling with supplies would be cumbersome. I have my own personal car but I can't imagine that it would be economically feasible to chauffeur employees around to work with the supplies in tow. Help! Please!

Create blog to promote business

I've been developing my web-design related project since March 2016 and despite all the troubles I got on my way the project is still alive and will be launched soon. I am currently working on the blog, posting portfolio works, informative articles and DIY tips. I do this to get the better online presence and attract more prospective clients. Social media work fine (Insta, Twitter, FB).

My question is: is it appropriate to put up the majority of portfolio works on our blog or better post 4-5 sets and reveal the remaining when the website is officially up? What you think guys? What would you do? Post everything or just half?

All your comments are highly appreciated! Here's the blog and the site (rule n1: make your website quick to load; the issue will be fixed soon)

Thank you


vendredi 15 juillet 2016

jeudi 14 juillet 2016

How to Promote my business?

I have some products to promote online. I have chosen Classifieds sites to promote my business and my products. can i go with this or not?

Name for a hairdresser shop


My friend has decided to open up a hair-dresser studio. She thought long and hard for a name and she came up with two - Cindy's hair studio or Beautiful hair (her name is Cindy)

Which one of these names would you guys prefer? We can't make up our minds.


mercredi 13 juillet 2016

Audio White Papers for Marketing by Adobe Cloud

Here's another free resource by another industry leader to help you learn about Marketing your business.


You don’t have time to read a white paper. We get it. How many do you have piled up on that far side of your desk? Or filed in email? You want the insights and analysis, but they aren’t particularly friendly or consumable for the professional on-the-go.

“Marketers are busier than ever and much of the content they need in order to stay on top of the changes in their field are locked up in white papers. Most can’t find time to read these white papers,” says Alex Amado, Sr. Director, Creative & Media. “We’re opening up that content in a new format we hope will make it easier and more entertaining to stay informed about modern marketing.”

Today, we’re launching our first series of mobile-friendly audio white papers. Appropriately, the podcasts are on the topic of cross-channel marketing, how to keep mobile app users engaged and other mobile best practices. And, to make them a little more exciting Adobe teamed up with actor Malcolm McDowell and other talented voice actors to narrate the content.

Our first three podcasts are available right now on SoundCloud, iTunes Radio or as the first-ever non-music playlist on Spotify.


Audio White Papaers for Marketing by Adobe Cloud

Here's another free resource by another industry leader to help you learn about Marketing your business.


You don’t have time to read a white paper. We get it. How many do you have piled up on that far side of your desk? Or filed in email? You want the insights and analysis, but they aren’t particularly friendly or consumable for the professional on-the-go.

“Marketers are busier than ever and much of the content they need in order to stay on top of the changes in their field are locked up in white papers. Most can’t find time to read these white papers,” says Alex Amado, Sr. Director, Creative & Media. “We’re opening up that content in a new format we hope will make it easier and more entertaining to stay informed about modern marketing.”

Today, we’re launching our first series of mobile-friendly audio white papers. Appropriately, the podcasts are on the topic of cross-channel marketing, how to keep mobile app users engaged and other mobile best practices. And, to make them a little more exciting Adobe teamed up with actor Malcolm McDowell and other talented voice actors to narrate the content.

Our first three podcasts are available right now on SoundCloud, iTunes Radio or as the first-ever non-music playlist on Spotify.


Hello everyone

Hello everyone

My name is furqan and I am here to learn new ideas about starting some small business in my town. I am an engineer by profession and working on some business plans these days.

Percentage split

Dear All,

I would like to ask regarding the percentage split again. Our company is into Electronics & Advanced Technology (IOT) development. We are 2 Partners wth the capability of one is in to fully electronic background with an IIT and other is with Mechanical Engineering degree background. What should be the optimum percentage spilt? Is it good to go with 70:30 ? If yes, is there any complications may face in future?

Thank you for your suggestions and insights.
Leo Paul

Startup from overseas

Hi All,

I am looking to create a startup from overseas based in Tampa as an extension of my current Australian company. I have seen may companies advertising on the internet that provide services to setup and host a registered office for an LLC but would rather have one recommended. Can anyone recommend someone for me please?


mardi 12 juillet 2016


Hello everyone ,
I am a newbie here.

Can LLC work on Corp-Corp basis

I have registered an LLC through legalzoom.I just selected the default option while filling the application on their website.My LLC was registered and I recieved a letter to that effect.
I would like to know if my LLC can takeup Corp-Corp positions.I will provide you with an example
There is this position with Company A and they accept corp-corp candidates.I have a candidate well qualified for the position.Can I submit the candidate through my LLC ? (I have heard that they might ask some insurance during the agreement..) Please let me know what are the additional actions I need to take...


lundi 11 juillet 2016

Qualified vs. unqualified Dividends ?

Hi there,

I don't understand the difference between Qualified & Unqualified Dividends.

For example:
If I am starting my own C-Corp.
- I am the one and only person with 100% shares
- I am the CEO and CFO at the same time

Under these circumstances, I payout myself Dividends:
Are these dividends qualified or unqualified dividends ?

Thank you so much for any little help and clarification.
I really appreciate that !

And so it Begins

Time to build a website.

Registered some domains (even figured out how to park one and have it redirect to the other) and setup hosting (went with Bluehost as shared hosting is good 'nough for now)late last week. I am glad that I setup a separate email account for this as the spam is off the charts.

Now it's time to figure out Wordpress and start building.

New Company


I was hoping I could invite some of the experts on the forum to take a look at my website.


I have a decade of sales experience, and a few years atop of the marketing department at smalled mid-sized companies. I have made the leap to go out on my own and would love to hear some critical advice!

Thank you!!

Hello Friends, This is Riya

Hello Friends, This is Riya from New Delhi.

Hi Everyone

Hi friends. I am very here as a new member.

dimanche 10 juillet 2016

Looking for aspiring entrepreneurs to test my new project. (Giveaway e-books)

Hi everyone,

I am working on an exciting idea about gamifing the way entrepreneurship is taught to millenials and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Is anyone here trying to start a business for the first time? That would make you our target customer.
I'd love to talk if you have 15 minutes to spare. We've just finished our initial drawing (wireframing) of our prototype and looking for feedback. We'd love your opinion.

In exchange I will give you my 10 favourite e-books on entrepreneurship :) (e-pub form)


samedi 9 juillet 2016

Partnership of 3

This is a strange situation, but I would try to describe it in brief.

1. X started the business and worked for one year.
2. Y joined the business after one year and he was involved in the most basic/lowest level function of the business. His work didn't require any special skill, but he has to be there to pick the phone or to talk to the client on behalf of X. It required a lot of time though.

X+Y worked for 5 years and brought the business to a stage where it could be expended further.

3. X requested Z to join the company with one condition: a.) X wouldn't be involved in any activity of the business, and will be a silent partner.

4. Meanwhile Y had separated himself from the business, and was busy in his job.

5. Z took over the work completely and did more than expectations. Work-load increased, and he requested X to give him someone to manage at least the basic/lowest level functions.

6. X called up Y and asked him to rejoin. Y did, and in addition to what he did previously, he was given some extra responsibilities as well.

Now Z worked for 6 months and is now demanding 49% stakes in the company, and wants to keep Y on a salary.
Y is demanding a share, as he was involved in the company since its foundation.
X wants to keep his ownership (at least 51%) on the company, as well as, keep both parties happy.

Now my question is:

1. Is the demand of Z unfair?
2. What should be the ideal breakdown of partnership in this scenario?
3. Any other suggestions?

vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Inspirational quotes

Do you have any sites or social media profiles? Now you have great chance to advertise...only $5 and you will get 100 high quality photos with popular quotes and your logo or site http://ift.tt/29HfCGF

Website is a flop - bad idea? - bad site? - Not wanting to waste more time/money.

I had an idea for a small web business that seemed to have promise at first but now I'm questioning things - I could really use some advice/feedback.

I'm a Speech Therapist. I developed some programs/e-books that parents could use at home to work on speech sounds with their kids. I started selling them on a web site where teachers buy and sell each others products and had some limited success - enough sales to think maybe I could have my own site and target to parents directly - so I started: Speech-TherapyAtHome.com. I used "Pay for Click" to get some traffic to see how things would go. I've had a few hundred visitors but no interest in my products at all. Where I first started selling I have a conversion rate of about 5% so I thought with a few hundred visitors I would have a sale or two - or at least an inquiry.

What I'm hoping for feedback on is:

- Is there any hope in my business concept? - A few other speech therapy sites do to parents but I don't know their success.

- If my product has potential is my website just so bad that it fails to get sales? - I'm a therapists and clearly not a web designer but is it that bad...?

I'm wanting to ultimately decide if I should cut my losses or keep plugging away at this. I've put in some time but have kept cost down to a very small amount - time I have but unless I have a good feeling on the potential of this idea I'm not willing to put in any significant cash to have a professional make a site or do marketing etc.

Thanks much for all your help.

jeudi 7 juillet 2016

Hello Everyone!

My Name is Brandon Berner, and I have been an entrepreneur since the age of 12. I have self taught myself with the power of Google, and have multiple successful businesses under my belt.

What I Used To Do:
– Age 12, I started my own lawn mowing company, went door to door collecting clients, and was working all day after school. I became so busy I had to hire a crew of 3 16 year old kids, and I paid them $10/hour (Minimum wadge was around $6). I charged $30/lawn (big houses), and my crew could complete 3 houses/hour. I ended up paying them $30, and profiting $60/hour
– Age 16, I worked at McDonalds for the sole reason to expand my resume
– Age 18, I worked at Costco. I worked here for multiple reasons. First I wanted to learn how a business like Costco run, and apply their success to my businesses. Second, I worked in the Majors Department (Electronics) where I collected a large database of customers in need of computer repair. Lastly another job to add to my resume.

What Do I Do?
– I am a certified Computer Technician, and have 4 certifications: CompTIA A+, Network+. Security+, and Cisco CCMA. We have over 2,000 clients around the world
– I was the first company established in Canada selling Electronic Cigarettes
– I invented, and manufacture one of the worlds best vaporizers for marijuana concentrates called the Blazer PRO
– I have a Social Media Advertising company which allows people to buy Followers, Likes, and Video Views on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter. I am blown away by the success of this business, and the amount of famous people that I get to work with.

Hey, I would like to get feedback

Hey, I would like to get feedback on our website and our solution for price comparison mobile apps!

We are a small team of 5 and have been working in the price comparison & mobile app development field over the years.
Seeing, that consumers often can't afford an app or other software to improve their shopping operations we have decided to enable consumers with limited budgets to shop to benefit from having a price comparison mobile app.

Our solution can be used for:
• product catalogs
• compare prices
• Watch out for hot products and spot trends
• Check out product details
• Find out who’s selling what
• Keep up to date on price
• Pay attention to user ratings and reviews
• Compare levels of service
• and much more...

Try it and let us know what you think about it! Thank you

mercredi 6 juillet 2016

Free Udacity/ Google Marketing course is a great place to learn

The number one question asked on this forum is some variation of "How do I market my business?". How to get more customers, users, traffic, app installs, SEO rankings, conversions, newsletter sign ups, promote my thing, who to promote to...and on and on.

Many of us do our best to steer people in a direction, but honestly most asking this have skipped over understanding the basic fundamentals of marketing and are now looking for a quick fix and the questions are basically swinging wildly at one aspect or another. They don't want to learn "marketing", they just want to know how to get more customers. :rolleyes:

For those who do want to understand what to do and how, I thought I'd share this Udacity course with the forum. It's a subsection of a larger course on Tech Entrepreneur Nano Degree Program called "App Marketing".

Even though it says "App Marketing" it's a basic over view of the basics of marketing over all that every new or struggling Small Business will benefit from whether it's an app, a product or service, it's a great place to start to get some fundamentals under your belt.

It isn't a vague infomercial that promises that you will bask in riches if you just follow their program or “system”. And it doesn't go into great detail on every aspect of marketing. But it does cover solid marketing principles that every new business owner needs to know in order to understand what comes next.

If it were math, it's like needing to know addition, subtraction and multiplication before jumping into Algebra, the stage every new business needs to be at.

The course is free, it's mostly videos, links to a ton or resources, and it's created in partnership with Google. What else can you ask for?

My post about the course and what it covers: Free Udacity Course teaches basics of Small Business Marketing
Or just get straight to the nitty gritty and get started. http://ift.tt/1NQFL2R

I was actually able to complete it over a weekend but to be fair I'm not new to marketing. I did learn some things though, so it's well worth it even if you've been doing marketing for a while.

If you're struggling and don't know what to do you MUST take the time to learn some basic marketing. There is no way around it.

Free Udacity/ Google Marketing course is a great place to start

The number one question asked on this forum is some variation of "How do I market my business?". How to get more customers, users, traffic, app installs, SEO rankings, conversions, newsletter sign ups, promote my thing, who to promote to...and on and on.

Many of us do our best to steer people in a direction, but honestly most asking this have skipped over understanding the basic fundamentals of marketing and are now looking for a quick fix and the questions are basically swinging wildly at one aspect or another.

I've been taking online courses at Udacity for a while now, and never thought to share this one with the forum. It's a subsection of a larger course on Tech Entrepreneur Nano Degree Program called "App Marketing".

Even though it says "App Marketing" it's a basic over view of the basics of marketing over all that every new or struggling Small Business will benefit from whether it's an app, a product or service, it's a great place to start to get some fundamentals under your belt.

It isn't a vague infomercial that promises that you will bask in riches if you just follow their program or “system”. It covers solid marketing principles that every new business owner needs to understand whether.

The course is free, it's mostly videos, links to a ton or resources, and it's created in partnership with Google. What else can you ask for?

My post about the course and what it covers: Free Udacity Course teaches basics of Small Business Marketing
Or just get straight to the nitty gritty and get started. http://ift.tt/1NQFL2R

I was actually able to complete it over a weekend but to be fair I'm not new to marketing. I did learn some things though, so it's well worth it even if you've been doing marketing for a while.

If you're struggling and don't know what to do you MUST take the time to learn some basic marketing. There is no way around it.

Hello, Migs

What's up guys let me tell you about myself. I am 16 from New York and I am in the process of starting my own clothing line. Being as young as I am I don't have too many friends who are entrepreneurs so this forum is really great because it can connect me with other business owners. Not only that, starting a business can be difficult and I do need some pointers here and there and there's no better place than a business forum. I wish everybody luck with their business and it's great to be apart of the community!


I Am Just a Average Blogger Who Sells His Quality Pre-made Blogs For Cheap!
If You Wan't To Check Them Out I Have A Couple On Sellfy!

Good Pre-Made Blogs For Starting Businesses!

Link To Buy!:
Will Add Many More Soon!
These Will Bring Lots Of Traffic To Your Site!

Selling Pre Made Blogs!

Link To Buy!:
Will Add Many More Soon!
These Will Bring Lots Of Traffic To Your Site!

mardi 5 juillet 2016

What % of your gross revenue goes to wages?

Hi Everyone,
this is my first post on this forum so I'm hoping you guys can help me with some data gathering. As our business grows, I'm constantly refining my staffing levels. Lately I'm trying to find data on what different industries pay there employees as a percentage of their overall businesses gross revenue. I'm wondering if you guys would be willing to share this value from your business? I don't need to know any specifics such as number of employees, their specific wages or your actual gross revenue, just a percentage to see where I'm stacking up. This percentage would also include the owners salary as well. This will really help be decide upon our next hire. If it helps I am in the screen printing/embroidery business.
Thanks in advance!

Women owned Company

I have a LLC with S Corp tax treatment. Last year my wife was 55% owner and I was 45%.
However during tax filing CPA mentioned me as President. CPA said it does not matter. On paper both of us are just "members"
We need to apply our company for Minority and women owned Company and minority owned.
My wife does has more share. So my question is - me designated as President - is it a hurdle for Women Owned certification?
If yes, what is the best way to correct it.

Appreciate your input!!

Home Office deductions advice from CPA

I changed my CPA this year and I got a different advice so thought of double checking here.
I have LLC with S Corp tax treatment. I use 25% of utilities only (Water, Electricity, Secuirty etc) and .xx cents(about 55 I recall) mileage for car for business purpose.
Earlier CPAs just put these expenses in calculations but never asked me to take the payment from my company to me.
But new CPA suggested I should write a check from my company to me every month for these expenses.
So which CPA was/ is wrong or I am not understanding anything?

Appreciate your input.

lundi 4 juillet 2016

Saw your light on - thought I'd drop in.

Having only recently started my online business after many years in the corporate world (in Australia) it's great to find a helpful community like yours.

I hope to be able to contribute as well as get heaps of value for myself.

My business delivers online integrations of Bookings (appointment scheduling) and e-Commerce stores for small business operators who perhaps don't have the time to do it themselves.

Conflict related to Partnership Percentage


I would like to know what would be ideal partnership percentage division between 2 members. I had started the business alone 5 years ago, and in these 5 years I got a good list of clients and good reputation in the market. After 5 years, I decided to step back and work on my other goals. Meanwhile, a friend of mine showed interest in my business. He was trustworthy and ready to take the business forward with my minimum or almost nil involvement. In such a scenario what would be the ideal partnership percentage division? I recommended I would keep 67% as the whole business is set-up by me. His involvement has certainly been fruitful and business is now 3-fold than it was earlier. However, the friend is now demanding 50-50 or 51-49 division.

Please give your suggestions.


Small time Merger/Takeover/buy out

Hi all, I need some advice, hope you can help

I have had preliminary discussions with a client of mine (who are a larger firm) to go into some kind of partnership/or have a buyout etc. I have one employee but the business is all based around me. Without me and my input there is no business, so realistically they are buying me

Currently we undertake work for them as sub-contractors carrying out most of their installations, support and servicing. They want my company to merge into theirs and take over the operations/service delivery side of their business. This would mean wrapping up my company and becoming a shareholding director of their company.

I see this as a very good opportunity but need to get the right deal and I don't know if this is a takeover or a merger. So I am unsure what I should ask for financially.

So the main question is, how do I pitch myself and my business value-wise?

At the back of my head I think what I want is a full buyout/merger and in return I would get a stake in their business plus a high salary plus commissions/percentage of profits.

Any thoughts, ideas, pointers etc would be very much welcomed!



samedi 2 juillet 2016

Conversion Rates

I'm curious what conversion rates others have with their stores. Mine seems pretty low from what I have read and hovers around .8-.9. I sell a variety of items with prices ranging from $1 to $1500. I sell medieval type replicas like clothing, jewelry, armor... So I sell collectible stuff and I guess some of my visitors could be searching historical reference types sites rather than shopping so maybe that could be why it seems low. I'm pretty sure my success lies in increasing my conversion rate.

Also curious if anyone has some success stories of increasing conversion rates. I'm pretty sure I have done most the often suggested things like good pictures and copy. My pricing should be pretty competitive with other online stores. Originally I thought maybe my shipping charge was too high, but I don't get that many abandoned carts each week that would have a high shipping charge vs total price for order. I also have been getting quite a few positive review on my products.

What is the best facebook group for saleing my product?


I am doing Affiliate marking by RC helicopters, i need good traffic for my website but i can't find out best group where i may get good and interested customers.

How to increase traffic for my affilate marketing website?


4 Months ago i started Affiliate Marketing business with Rc Helicopter. i update articles continue also share some social media marketing sites everyday but i am not getting any sales. can any one help me what should i done?