dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Business Name


I just wanted to get everyone's opinion on a business name for a body product.

I love Hawaii and have been there a few times so of course the first thing that came to find was a Hawaiian sounding name however it seems like a few of them are hard to pronounce.

I want something pretty sounding and that has a nice meaning behind it relating to beauty, the body, youthfulness etc, doesn't necessarily need to be Hawaiian

In relation to Hawaiian names so far I have only found the ones below although im not really sold on them

KANANI f Hawaiian
Means "the beauty" in Hawaiian.

UILANI f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly beauty" or "royal beauty" from Hawaiian u'i "youth, beauty" and lani "heaven, sky, royal, majesty".

Does anyone have any suggestions? As I mentioned doesn't need to be Hawaiian

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