lundi 4 juillet 2016

Small time Merger/Takeover/buy out

Hi all, I need some advice, hope you can help

I have had preliminary discussions with a client of mine (who are a larger firm) to go into some kind of partnership/or have a buyout etc. I have one employee but the business is all based around me. Without me and my input there is no business, so realistically they are buying me

Currently we undertake work for them as sub-contractors carrying out most of their installations, support and servicing. They want my company to merge into theirs and take over the operations/service delivery side of their business. This would mean wrapping up my company and becoming a shareholding director of their company.

I see this as a very good opportunity but need to get the right deal and I don't know if this is a takeover or a merger. So I am unsure what I should ask for financially.

So the main question is, how do I pitch myself and my business value-wise?

At the back of my head I think what I want is a full buyout/merger and in return I would get a stake in their business plus a high salary plus commissions/percentage of profits.

Any thoughts, ideas, pointers etc would be very much welcomed!



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