samedi 2 juillet 2016

Conversion Rates

I'm curious what conversion rates others have with their stores. Mine seems pretty low from what I have read and hovers around .8-.9. I sell a variety of items with prices ranging from $1 to $1500. I sell medieval type replicas like clothing, jewelry, armor... So I sell collectible stuff and I guess some of my visitors could be searching historical reference types sites rather than shopping so maybe that could be why it seems low. I'm pretty sure my success lies in increasing my conversion rate.

Also curious if anyone has some success stories of increasing conversion rates. I'm pretty sure I have done most the often suggested things like good pictures and copy. My pricing should be pretty competitive with other online stores. Originally I thought maybe my shipping charge was too high, but I don't get that many abandoned carts each week that would have a high shipping charge vs total price for order. I also have been getting quite a few positive review on my products.

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