dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Does your persoality type make you a better business person?

We all know that some people are better at business than others. Some people just seem to have no fear, and other seems to be a little more timid.

I took this test at 16 Personalities a few weeks ago and I was pretty surprised how accurate it was. Says I'm a Type (ENTJ- A ) Personality. Some good traits when it comes to getting things done and leadership, and some bad ones about lack of empathy and patience.

It's an easy test, that gives you some pretty detailed assessments of the kind of person you seem to be. I found it pretty enlightening, and in many ways motivational. It wasn't all good news, but I wasn't exactly upset about the things that it said I needed to work on, because I do.

Here's the link to take it for yourself. I think it's a good exercise and very informative.

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