vendredi 8 juillet 2016

Website is a flop - bad idea? - bad site? - Not wanting to waste more time/money.

I had an idea for a small web business that seemed to have promise at first but now I'm questioning things - I could really use some advice/feedback.

I'm a Speech Therapist. I developed some programs/e-books that parents could use at home to work on speech sounds with their kids. I started selling them on a web site where teachers buy and sell each others products and had some limited success - enough sales to think maybe I could have my own site and target to parents directly - so I started: I used "Pay for Click" to get some traffic to see how things would go. I've had a few hundred visitors but no interest in my products at all. Where I first started selling I have a conversion rate of about 5% so I thought with a few hundred visitors I would have a sale or two - or at least an inquiry.

What I'm hoping for feedback on is:

- Is there any hope in my business concept? - A few other speech therapy sites do to parents but I don't know their success.

- If my product has potential is my website just so bad that it fails to get sales? - I'm a therapists and clearly not a web designer but is it that bad...?

I'm wanting to ultimately decide if I should cut my losses or keep plugging away at this. I've put in some time but have kept cost down to a very small amount - time I have but unless I have a good feeling on the potential of this idea I'm not willing to put in any significant cash to have a professional make a site or do marketing etc.

Thanks much for all your help.

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