samedi 23 juillet 2016

fresh from the sticks...

high my name is kenny and i recently got involved with and need to learn some basic bookkeeping as applied to a simple brick and mortar retail store. this store has off loaded the payroll by hiring all employees through a temp agency so they just get a bill from the temp agent. no payroll to deal with. also year end taxes will be hired out to a pro. i do need to do a good job of tracking the $ so that pro can do a good job on the taxes at the end of the year and so that the company knows the what where when and how the money is moving through out the year.

never done anymore accounting than preventing my bank account from going live a very simple life with few bills and simple income source. i now need to learn how to track and or record sales, purchases, bills, product loss, self use of product, product used for sampling, expenses like transportation and such. it does not seam like i need a full blown software suite but not sure what i need since i dont really know what i need to do. maybe i can actually just keep the books on paper?

any recommendations on threads or topics i should read before asking too many questions?

thanks in advance, i look forward to learn many knew things in this adventure

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