samedi 23 juillet 2016

Master thesis: FinTechs' early stage determination of success probability

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

Currently, I am writing on my dissertation about success probabilities of FinTechs, from an investor’s perspective. Therefore, I would kindly ask you to be part of this research.

With this research, I aim on decreasing uncertainty before a potential cooperation between investors and entrepreneurs. Hence, more investors will have increased confidence into their engagement and entrepreneurs should be able to better realize their visions.

If you have collected experience about FinTechs (e.g. you have founded a FinTech, worked in a FinTech or followed news about FinTechs), you are perfect to go.

This survey only takes about 20 minutes. Moreover, I may offer you to receive the results in about October 2016. Within this questionnaire, I ask you to briefly answer some questions about the most successful FinTech (positive return for investors) and the least successful (capital loss or no capital gain for investors).

To enter the survey, please follow this link:

I am looking forward to your participation and kindly ask you to finish this survey until 3rd August, 2016. Entries are treated confidential and answers will be anonymized.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me:

Best regards,

Jan M. Kluge

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