mercredi 6 juillet 2016

Free Udacity/ Google Marketing course is a great place to start

The number one question asked on this forum is some variation of "How do I market my business?". How to get more customers, users, traffic, app installs, SEO rankings, conversions, newsletter sign ups, promote my thing, who to promote to...and on and on.

Many of us do our best to steer people in a direction, but honestly most asking this have skipped over understanding the basic fundamentals of marketing and are now looking for a quick fix and the questions are basically swinging wildly at one aspect or another.

I've been taking online courses at Udacity for a while now, and never thought to share this one with the forum. It's a subsection of a larger course on Tech Entrepreneur Nano Degree Program called "App Marketing".

Even though it says "App Marketing" it's a basic over view of the basics of marketing over all that every new or struggling Small Business will benefit from whether it's an app, a product or service, it's a great place to start to get some fundamentals under your belt.

It isn't a vague infomercial that promises that you will bask in riches if you just follow their program or “system”. It covers solid marketing principles that every new business owner needs to understand whether.

The course is free, it's mostly videos, links to a ton or resources, and it's created in partnership with Google. What else can you ask for?

My post about the course and what it covers: Free Udacity Course teaches basics of Small Business Marketing
Or just get straight to the nitty gritty and get started.

I was actually able to complete it over a weekend but to be fair I'm not new to marketing. I did learn some things though, so it's well worth it even if you've been doing marketing for a while.

If you're struggling and don't know what to do you MUST take the time to learn some basic marketing. There is no way around it.

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