mercredi 7 décembre 2016

Buy a Business or Start One

I have a question about buying a business vs. starting one and I would love some insight, feedback and thoughts.

It is an internet business. An ecommerce store that sells gift items via dropship. The items have a pretty good markup at about 40% on average and they wholesale from 30-100 dollars. But, this is not a unique business by any means. Still, it makes money. And has been around for 10+ years online (I dont know how much it made in previous years but from 2013 on it has been in the 40k-70k range. the from 70k to 40k is from a brick and mortar aspct of the store closing down as they focuses only in online sales. So now it is steady in the 40-50k range.)

The business does about $4500 profit a month and the owner is looking for 170k. I think that is a bit high as that is above a 3x multiple. So, to me, I think a 125k is a more fair price.

The current owner spends about 3-4 hours a day. I plan to continue my 9-5 job and only do work at night... seo, marketing, linkbuilding, new features, etc.

The business does not have much overhead. The current owner only places orders with the dropshipper (which I will automate) and handles phonecalls (not sure how I will handle this, yet, but I need to figure that out) other than that there is occasional web development which I would handle and updating items which I will also handle, both of these can be after hours.

So, the only iffy things are placing orders and being available for the occasional phone call. But again, I can automate the order placing and if I can figure out how best to handle the phones... Im in good shape I think.

But, this all only matters if I can get the price down.

Now, all that is just to give you some background.

Here is what I am questioning. Since it is a dropship business it is easy to create--a very low barrier to entry. Between shopify and dropshippers I could create this store in no time. So I think, why not create the store and spend a fraction of 170k on marketing, link building, seo, etc. Lets say I allocated 100k for that just for argument sake. Could you generate the same kind of business... 4k a month?

When I look at this business, I see it makes money, which is great. But it doesnt rank well for the big keywords (naturally, the big players have that cornered) and I dont see a whole lot of backlinks. There is no social media push. So I am thinking, where the heck are all these sales coming from? No social media outreach, fee backlinks, so-so ranking as far as I can tell. Cant a big budget catch up to that pretty quickly?

I am sure there are things I am missing because, otherwise, anyone with 100k to spend would create a dropship business and rake in 40k a year no problem. But what am I missing? I am expecting someone here to give me an epiphany and say "but you're not understanding this.." or "but dont forget this..."

It doesnt LOOK like it should be making 4k profit per month (about 10k total sales or more) but it is. If I could build this and generate the same results within a year or two I would... but I dont want to pass up a proven money maker only to struggle to make a fraction of it for the first few, maybe several, years.

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