lundi 5 décembre 2016

Point of Sale System - Recommendations, Rumours, Rants. I'll even accept Scuttlebutt.

Good day,

I apologize if this subject has been discussed. I couldn't find it by searching, but sometimes the nomenclature varies.

We currently use Microsoft RMS in our store. We are at a crossroads, in that we are considering whether we should look at an alternative, or double down with some reinvestment in RMS.

There are rumours that RMS is destined to be discontinued, fuelled not the least by an email we got from the third-party support provider declaring "RMS is Not Dead." To me, that's a sure sign that it is on its way out.

Does anybody know anything about RMS' future? Are there better alternatives out there? It's hard to get decent information, when anybody with an opinion is a stakeholder.

Any help is appreciated.

The Accidental Entrepreneur

Edit: If it matters, we are a small brick & mortar with six employees.

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