jeudi 22 décembre 2016

Sanity check my Facebook ad campaign figures please?

Hi Everyone,
I found this nice step-by-step instruction article for how to come up with a budget for a Facebook ad campaign. I tried to follow it for my own campaign and I'm not sure if I did it right because my final budget is so low. My goals for the campaign are extremely conservative, possibly ridiculously humble, so if my math is right that could be the reason right there. But I'd love another pair of eyeballs or three to check it out and make sure that I didn't make a dumb mistake in the math somewhere. If the reason for the teeny final budget figure is because the goals are so little, then I can increase the budget and do even better!

Please see the link just above and compare to this worksheet where I tried to follow along with him:
Screen Shot 2016-12-22 at 2.33.39 PM.jpg
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