mercredi 14 décembre 2016

New member looking for small business research participants!


My name is Louisa and I just joined the Small Business Forum group. Although I have dabbled in entrepreneurship at various times in the past, but currently I'm working for ADP as a User Experience Researcher.

I'm not sure in which section to post this message, so I'll start here. I'm looking for small business owners who might be interested in participating in usability testing for a payroll software product for small businesses.

The usability sessions will take place this coming Friday (Dec. 16th), are conducted online (which means you'll need access to a phone and internet connection), and are 1-hour in duration. Participants will receive a $75 e-gift card as a token of our appreciation for their time and feedback.

Here is the participant criteria:
- Small business owner, located in the US
- There are between 2-10 employees in the company, including the business owner
- Salaried employees (a mix of part-timers is OK too)
- The small business owner is personally responsible for doing the company payroll (i.e. payroll not outsourced)
- The small business owner is considering outsourcing payroll in the future

Please email me at: louisa.holub <AT> adp <DOT> com if you are interested and eligible.


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