vendredi 2 décembre 2016

Insurance for webmasters/SEM?

My question: What type and where do I find insurance for my particular business? I have been looking for a policy and have talked to several agents but have not had much luck finding a policy. A lot of people don't seem to understand exactly what I do or that I really don't have any "clients."

My business: I develop/create websites for ONLY myself. I derive all of my income from advertising fees, I utilize Google Adsense and Amazon affiliate links mostly. I do not sell any physical products at all. Currently I have 7 sites, all about different niches. This coming year I am making some changes within my business including the formation of an LLC, hiring an accountant and hopefully finding some insurance. I will also be looking the possibility of buying existing websites from other people this coming year also.

My fear: Someone will sue me because they followed my "How to guide on making widgets" and burned their house down. Other issues that have come to mind are plagiarism, hacking, etc.

Any thoughts or previous experience would be helpful. Thanks!

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