samedi 3 décembre 2016

Simple inventory systems?

I have a very small business that has about 60 different items that I sell on eBay. I'm looking for a inventory system to maintain them. The problem I'm having is I want very simplistic system. All I want is a bar code on a shelf that I can scan when I remove or add a item. Then when I want to, run a report to show me inventory amounts to know if I should order stock or not.

I've tried a few free downloadable programs that worked ok but I had to adjust numbers by hand. And they wanted to be used with POS systems that I don't have or want.

The reason I don't want a POS system is that I sell items that are sold in different combinations. I sell one item that can be sold alone or with 6 other different combinations. That's why I can't use eBay's inventory numbers.

My sales or going up and inventory numbers are growing. I need to control inventory better than manual counts. I'm running out of items and that's not good for business. I've also ordered product and then found a case of what I ordered in a corner.

Does anyone have any ideas about this?

I'm sure a simple excel spreadsheet would do what I want. But how would I link that up to a Barcode scanner?

Any ideas or thoughts are appreciated and thanks in advance.

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