vendredi 9 décembre 2016

Questions regarding first establishing your EIN?

I live in the state of Florida and through my research it seems that in at least some states, it is required that you file taxes for your SSN and EIN each year, even if your business makes $0. Does anyone know if this is true in my state?

I am in the process of getting this business up and running, though it will probably take a few years before everything is set in place and the first product is ready to be sold. I filed for an LLC in January of this year, however I have not yet established an EIN.

I am looking to undergo a funding program in the next couple of months that combines business and personal funding. (I do have the option to go strictly personal, but it would result in a lot less capital). In order to do this, I need a business bank account set up, which of course is where the SS4-form would come into play.

If I am not at the point yet where I would be able to "prove" that I did not make any money from the business, could creating an EIN too early come back to haunt me in the future? It seems that most people say that creating one really does not affect you in any way, but I also know that it means you are another statistic in the world of businesses in the eyes of the IRS and I want to fully understand what I'm getting myself into first.

ALSO. If anyone has any strong preferences toward going the sole prop or s-corp etc. route, please advise. The more insight the better. :)

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