mardi 6 décembre 2016

College Advice & Debt

Hello everyone! I wanted to ask here about a choice I need to make and was wondering if you guys had any advice. Basically, I applied for 3 schools and got accepted to all 3. Two in are in the state of Maine, the other is in New York. I'm enrolling for finance and minoring in computer science, they only problem is the school is New York is highly ranked but is a lot more expensive.

University of Maine - $24,000 a year (with tuition, room, fees, books, etc.)
Husson University - $25,000 a year (with tuition, room, fees, books, etc.)
Syracuse University - $59,000 (with tuition, room, fees, books, etc.)

I don't get a ton of financial aid since last year my parents made a lot more money, but either way I'm still going to be in a sheer amount of debt. If I go to Syracuse, I'll be $200,000 in debt but at UMO I'll be in half of that. For those that have gone to college and have had to pay substantial student debt, what would you recommend, especially for my choice in a degree?


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