samedi 24 décembre 2016

Growth Hacking

Hey y'all
I was busy for a while and didn't stop here for a whole month (can you imagine), I usually answer questions when I can or try to get into some deep discussion (i like to talk), but now I wanted to see what you guys think about growth hacking. I hate how people get smart and think they've discovered something new by making up a new name, so that's why I tried to explain in my blog Growth Hacking . To me it's simply following numbers, stats, analytics and growing each day more. So say if you are doing cold calling, I know you can't get one customer more for each day, but you can optimize the calling on what has worked so far.
That's why I want to run it by you guys, what do you think growth hacking is to you, do you utilize it yourself, do you watch marketing metrics, analytics, how important is to re-optimize campaigns on weekly level, or is it monthly for you?
I've seen ford running one landing page, one ad for over 5 years, so it's not strange to leave something as is, if it works.
On the other hand most of the marketers keep on changing campaigns on weekly levels, running split tests and sometimes ruining the working campaigns.

Here are some tips for all of you:
Fax marketing - very easy to find online (or just buy atomic leads harvester and scrape both phones, emails faxes like crazy) and one of the best marketing tools - NO ONE CAN REFUSE A FAX :D - find send free fax via google and do your marketing

SMS (text) marketing - most of people use their cell phone numbers. How do you check if they can receive a text message? Send a message they'll reply to (I even tried cussing, and yes they always reply hahha) , but if you get few replies from the list, you'll get a lot of numbers. This is straight marketing and bothering, but everyone gets your message.

Flyers - make and print out cheap flyer, it can be from your laser printer, it doesn't matter. Have a high school kid hit all the small businesses around you

Guerrilla marketing - this is sooo effective that it's crazy how much new customers you can get this way. Say you do graphic design, you just get the kid to stand in front of any print shop and hand out fliyrs with your number on it and some samples. Or for real estate - have a kid stand in front of an open house (popular house that will sell), hit all those people with business cards and you are done (that's for real estate agents).

Cold emails - YES YOU CAN SPAM IN THE USA - it's not illegal to spam, and you send send emails without a problem to an INBOX - 100%inbox rate. Just use google account (not yours, it can be blocked if your emails are bad) and use google sheets with YET ANOTHER MAIL MERGE. Again the most important thing here is your mailing list, it has to be clean and not have many bounces. It doesn't matter if few people mark you as spam, it won't do anything, it's the bad emails that get you as a spammer, spam traps and known bad emails.

I think this is quality marketing for you to start really growing your leads and customers.

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