mardi 27 décembre 2016

Do you practice poor LinkedIn etiquette ?

If you've ever heard me speak of it, I hate LinkedIn. Not the tech or function of platform itself, it's the people on it. IMO LinkedIn is full of desperate spammers who think amassing numbers of strangers will miraculously turn into sales. I hate the groups. I hate the way people you don't know, and have made no attempt to get to know you send you connection requests with the default "Join my network" message. I hate even going to the site because I know I'll have to clean up a bunch of spam messages.

But, it's the only one like it and if you're in business you should have a LinkedIn account, whether you actually use it or not, just in case. To me LinkedIn is like the clock on a VCR. Very few people ever stopped to understand how it works, and even fewer take the time to set it properly.

This Hootsuite article maps out some of the most common LinkedIn fails that drive me nuts.

But I think it could go much further. Do any of you use LinkedIn regularly, or are you like me? Have a profile but rarely use it for anything.

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