samedi 10 août 2013

Phone service option for my business needs

I am starting a small business with 2 other people.

We are opposed to having a phone service that answers with a recorded greeting.

We will not always be in the office.

Here is our ideal thoughts on a phone service:

1) Customer calls the ONLY number for the business, lets say it is 111-222-3333

2) All three of us have ringing cell phones

3) When one of us (Jane) picks up, the other two cell phones(Adam and Joe) stop ringing.

4) Customer says "I was looking for Adam, could you put me through to him?"

5) Jane says "Sure, one second" and transfers the call specifically to Adams phone

6) If adam doesnt pick up, it goes to his voicemail

Google voice is SOOOO close to fulfilling these needs. The problem is that google voice cannot transfer the call directly to another phone, it can only transfer the call to ALL other registered phones to the account. So, in the scenario above, Jane would hit * to transfer, and both Adam and Joe would start ringing again, but the customer SPECIFICALLY asked for Adam. The customer will be annoyed if Joe answers.

Long story short, does anything exist out there that fulfills this need?


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