vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Good day/night to everybody!

be aware guys ... Christmas season is here...rippers on the rise...if you don't know someone real good, do not buy anything from that safe and happy new year in advance to everyone...80% online.I got stuffs with balance..Remember rippers waiting for you to stick them in the ass...hallo @ my service, best honest seller online ICQ : 691080540

Tax planning for S Corp questions

Hello all -

We (my spouse and I) are about to register an S Corp. It will be 51% owned by my spouse and 49% by me (so it can be a woman-owned business). I'll be paid through this S corp. Billed revenue for the Scorp this year will be about 28K. realized revenue will probably be zero (due to billing and payment timelag).

The plan is to pay myself just enough to max out my 401K and company match of 25% based on next year's rate ($140K/year). Residual amounts will be paid to my spouse as the 'officer' so the company can give her a 25% match as well (She has a full time job with a 401K).

Questions from a tax planning/cash flow perspective:

- If the company does not have any cash income. Will it have any taxes due? Payroll as well as income?

- The co. does not have cash flow. Does it need seed capital/loan to be able to meet payroll obligations to me?

- My salary will not meet the 17.5 threshold to max 401K contributions (because my income after fica will be less than that for the duration of this year). Can I still make catchup contributions (5,500, I'm over fifty and have outside funds).

- Can I pay myself more this year (2014) and reduce my salary for 2015 (to max 401K and catchup contribution) or would that be frowned upon by the IRS? Alternatively, can the company pay me a "sign on" bonus to allow me to max my 401K and catch-up contributions? Salary will be the same rate going into 2015.

- Is there a required minimum for payment to an officer?


jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Shipping always chewing in to your margin? Here's a cool way to get it back!

Hello All...As the regulars here know, I sell and I set up video game stores. My client list has grown to the point to where support calls are high volume, but I keep on them proudly and still am able to get to sales and set ups... I haven’t missed a deal yet. I have started a new proactive approach though to giving my clients support as I email them all every time I come up with a new innovation or realize some are doing some cool stuff that others are not. Anyway, the following advise is paraphrased right out of one of my client support emails and I realized something... this particular advise will help folks here too without really giving away to much of my secret sauce. Don’t worry... vendor names will be removed... this isnt an AD for any one company. If however you are interested in some specific folks that can help in the regard i'm about to go over, contact me one on one and I will happily share.

OK... How about this common situation. You go to your favorite wholesaler’s site and order your product. You reach nice and deep into your pockets as you match your cost of goods sold amount for this time around making sure to replace your inventory in a way that will serve your customers well and keep your store on track for growth... It’s a solid order.. Your stoked.. You ordered enough units of each category to get extra discounts and wow... you are gonna see a bump in your per unit margins this time because you've got that cost down. Cool... let’s check out... what? Shipping is a third of the cost of your order? HOW...WHY!! Because you are thorough (because you've been taught by the man) you divide it out. thud... that’s your heart hitting your stomach... there go those per unit margins... they have plummeted. It almost feels like you could go to a retailer and do just as good. Hey... pick your head up off your desk... take a sip of coffee and listen to your guy for a second. It’s gonna be alright. Use a logistic company or shipping broker and save as much as 75 percent on shipping! Admittedly I don’t know ALL the details of HOW they ship for so cheap... but I know they DO. I'm going to give you two real world examples.

1.Preowned product to new clients store setup. 720 pounds of JUST GAMES! two pallets..from Columbus OHIO to Columbia SC. fed ex (1300.00).. logistics company... (320.00) with 500,000.00 insurance!

2.Vendor order... from huge/reputable distributorto remain nameless 3 pallets of video gme branded snacks (R2D2 mint tins) Pack man arcade cabinets filled with chocolates, Mario energy drinks.. tons of different items.. you get the idea... great margins... untill shipping comes back... 480.00 from the vendor! you call... you complain... you get "drinks are heavy" as the reason... your dollar energy drink cost just went to 2.60... your selling at 2.99 BLAH!! Either raise your price or lose your margin? NO! Call a logistics broker... All you got to do is contact them... they will tell you what you need to ask the shipping manager of your vendor in terms of dimension...remember.. your vendor will do this work for you, you just ask the questions. you give the broker the info... they quote you... you get the vendor quote and compare. in this example the quote dropped to 260.00!

If you take the extra step its money saved and I recommend! Its tempting to go easy and just “pay the freight” of your vendors… but with just an

extra phone call and an email or two, you can usually save on each order. You can track the shipment if you are vigilant and keep on the broker he can normaly get you the drivers number and you can call him directly which is what my clients and I

typically do. This is the area where I see the trade off is.. well actually there are two... the first is obvious.. your vendor could ship directly today... the broker has to send a truck to your vendor, then to your destination. I see this typically add no more than two days. Also tracking isn’t the best because they use many carriers and they get your load handles at odd times, think of it as travelocity for trucking.

Those issues aside I use shipping brokers religiously. I have one that I use over all and because they are so familiar with my business model and my vendors are all aware I will be using them, It has just become part of how I order and really has become routine... the savings are well worth it and help me and my clients to get our margins back!!

I hope this tip finds you all well... Mikey OUT!!

Hello from forecaster in Chicago

Hello, Small Business Forum Members,

My name is Kamil and I just joined you from Chicago. I'm an entrepreneur and am in process of incorporating my business. I offer forecasting and staffing recommendations for call centers but also other forms of data analysis. I have experience with small business management (I've been helping my wife with her wedding photography business) and will focus on supporting small businesses with my expertise. Most of my professional experience comes from large corporations where I worked on forecasting and developing tools to support decision making and my goal is to share that knowledge with smaller businesses.

I'm here to share my knowledge and build relationships.

I need help starting a business in SB industry

I have a plan on how to manufacture the boards, but there are things I need to know

located is six mile, sc out of town limits

cost of everything that will make my business legal and safe

Easiest way to pay for everything

how much a deck printer cost

Any other advice will really help

Hi to All

Hi to All,

I am new here and want to join with more forum members, this forum is for small business and i want to start my own business so, give me better ideas for starting my own business .

thank you

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Which business structure should I choose?

Hi guys,

First time here, nice to meet you all. :D

I'd like to start a small business for data processing, analysis in our local area in cal.

Which business structure is suitable for me?

And about the register state. How can I register in other states? Is a registered agent necessary? Thanks

How do you pick stocks or other investments?

I will admit that I do not know how to pick stocks with accuracy. I know a fair deal about how the economy works, but I still couldn't tell you what stock to pick right now. My best strategy would be to first pick a sector that I thought would do well, and then look at p/e ratios of particular companies.

What do the "major players" have access to that I don't? What information can they look at that I can't? Are the "major players" referring to mutual fund managers?

How much of the stock market is controlled by these major players?

For example, let's say that there is $100 billion in the stock market right now (a total guess). How much of this is controlled by "major players" and how much is your "average" investor?

What strategies do you use to pick stocks or stock sectors, or to decide whether you want to be in the stock market at all? Unfortunately, even the data from the economic indicators is already prices into the stock markets. When the stock market looks bad, do you go with precious metals and bonds? That is what I understand to do.

Credit card fraud codes

Are there anyone out there in the credit card merchant services business that can assist?

I just got a 'DRAFT RETRIEVAL PRENOTIFICATION" letter. I got a reason code: 33.

I personally remember this transaction in question. They bought the item, provided a driver's license. I wrote them an invoice with all the information from the ID. Their sales draft is swiped and signed.

I just faxed over a copy of the sales draft and invoice. What do I do now? And will this work in my favor? These merchant services/card issuer's are not very merchant friendly. I don't know what else to do to make sure the buyer is legit. They have ID, I swipe the card and have them sign it.

mardi 28 octobre 2014

First Post About Introduction

Hey Folks,

Here goes my first post, my name is Jesse Amick 25 years old. I love Internet marketing.

Hope I will get lots of new info from there as I can see here some experts.

The Time Has Come

To start planning a website.

Before I go wasting a lot of time and running in circles, I would like to know what our resident web designers like to see before starting a project. To give you some ideas as to the nature of my business, if some of you haven't figured it out yet, I primarily sharpen and service (80-90% of work) and manufacture of new blades (remaining 10-20%). I have no current branding practices nor any logos.

Going into the planning stage, I'm thinking that the website would be used primarily for general information and basic new product sales. I don't think it needs to be fully e-commerce capable right out of the gate, but I'll let the pros correct me if my thinking is wrong. I'm a firm believer in keeping things simple. Targeted customers range from small Mennonite sawmills (odds are this group won't be using the internet) to large sawmills and pallet mills.

I would also like to include a 3rd party saw design software (if original author approves) if possible. This is not critical when getting started but I figure that it's a good to know.

I should also mention that my graphic design and general site management/marketing abilities are currently non-existent.

Experience with time tracking and billing software?

What affordable invoicing software would you recommend for a small business with a small budget?

How do I get ahead in the stock market?

The price of stocks already reflects people's future expectations. Therefore, how can I use data about the future of the economy to my advantage? I only have access to the same data that everyone else does.

Partnership in Fashion Design Business

How to evaluate a contribution of each partner (there are two of us) in the final product and in the profit distribution? What could be a system for counting the "points" for every idea that was implemented in the final product?

Hello from Orange County, CA!!!

Hello Everyone!

Hope all is well. Before I go on...... I have a confession to make. I didn't follow protocol and got banned!!! (Nice way to start off right?). After sending them a sincere email apologizing for my limited knowledge. They allowed me back and I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you who ever you are!. Anyhow, I figured I should re introduce myself the proper way. My name is Ed, I'm an credit underwriter for a finance company and decided to join this forum to contribute my two cents about small business funding. I've read post where people can't find a loan, because of their poor credit and I want to tell people, that it's not the end of the world, there are other funding options out there.

Anyways, In terms of my interests, I enjoy hiking, camping, running, working out, traveling. Pretty much a lot of out doors activities.

I am excited to be on board... =)

Small Business Supporter named Gavin

Aloha all,

My name is Gavin and I'm 34yo. I live in beautiful Hawaii and have been a small business owner/operator for over 13 years. From wholesale, a modeling agency, real estate and now a digital magazine, I love experiencing all that life has to offer and always place 110% of effort into earning success. Living in a small state...(aka. the islands in the middle of the Pacific Ocean), our ability to travel is limited. Although our hospitality industry is supreme, many supplies for daily live is dependent on shipments from the continental US. With a population of 1,000,000+, many residents have started their own small businesses to sustain a living and provide unique products to other residents (ie. retail stores, restaurants, contract services).

I took the liberty to create a digital magazine that would support small local business within the state to assist small business owners with getting their name out in the community. Elev8 Magazine Hawaii was just launched in February 2014 and has gained tremendous growth within the community and notoriety among local business owners. My blog The Biz Blog is also expanding and reaching out to many people from communities far beyond Hawaii's borders.

I'm very passionate about helping others to grow and supporting local small businesses that I can't stop doing what I do. It's been said...."Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life"... so true, so true!

Thanks for stopping in to read about me!

Aloha and Mahalo,


lundi 27 octobre 2014

new young business owner! tax questions

Hi guys am new to this, but just wanted to say hello and my name is Horacio, am 23 yrs young and ive always been fascinated by that run your own business thing and just recently purchased my own ice cream shop, I know it's a bad time but we sell.other stuff as well right now the sales are garbage, but I am confident I can turn it around, just had some questions the money I use to start up a business do I get that back this tax season??

Point of sale system?

I own a gas station and currently have a Ruby supersystem. We have had this register for some time now but doing some task on it are a pain in the behind. Im unsure to where to begin looking for a new pos system. Preferably touch screen and a easy user interface.

Funding with credit problem ideas?

Just found this forum during my quest to answer this question myself. Let me give you the briefest intro I can.

I own a used car business, second generation, open since 1952. For 25 years I did it as a sideline while working full time for the USPS. I got downsized and left with no job, income, or retirement. So, my plan became working the business full time. I have:

Very good location with garage and office; proven spot on a main road where in the past we did very well.

Well-established clientele

Unlimited product supply line

40 years' experience of successfully evaluating, buying, and selling vehicles

Excellent business reputation

Business property is owned by me, debt free- LOTS of equity

PROBLEM: Poor credit

Five years ago the business was doing great. My brother was running it for me while I worked my job. At night I would do the buying, and handle odds and ends. Brother hired an employee and didn't keep good tabs on him; employee embezzled large amount of money, enough to crash the business. I spent four years cleaning up the mess and paying off the debt. In the process, my credit was ruined. My plan was to reopen the business, start rebuilding slowly, then go into it full time in three years when I would have retired. With the unexpected loss of my job, my time frame has been accelerated. Thus, I do not have the funds to purchase the needed inventory. Currently I have managed to assemble a very small inventory of cheap cars. I have been making some money. The problem is, I don't have enough inventory to create enough steady profit to pay the bils and reinvest in more inventory.

So, I have set about trying to find alternate ways to raise capital. I have a professionally drawn and detailed business plan with spreadsheet projections that are excellent, drawn by our local Small Business Development Center. The amount that would get me off the ground is very small by average business standards. Every financial institution that has looked at my situation loves the plan, but cannot give a loan because of my damaged credit. For 6 months I have tried every source I could think of or find; it's always the same, we'd love to help, if only you had good credit.

So, my ongoing quest and Google search has brought me here. I am posting this knowing the reality of my situation, and that chances are unlikely any of you will have my answer. But I write anyway. I will never give up; I have no room for failure.

Do any of you have any advice or ideas for my situation? I have a written plan, proven business and location, experience and expertise, and strong equity since I am putting everything on the line as collateral. I just need a legal way to borrow enough to get off the ground- without good credit.

I see people all the time that start low-likelihood-of-survival businesses, go broke, then resurface with another poorly thought out business, crash, and repeat... over and over. All I want is one chance for a proven, operating business to ramp up to a sustainable level. There just HAS to be something I'm overlooking.

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

hello from California!

we are a small catering business from southern California. We have very little knowledge of business, financial, taxes but love catering. We are seeking information and guidance.

seeking help!

I will try to make a long story short. 5 years ago we (me and my wife) started a small catering business, due to the trade (commercial printing) I was in has takin a big hit in California. We were able to add some much needed extra money to our household. We let the businesses die off when I went back into printing. Now things have calmed down in our life and would like to start pursuing the catering again. We have changed the name, and are seeking information on changing the structure from sole proprietor to s corp with cash option.

So my question is:

1. What are the legalities of the same type of business being closed and opened in such a short time frame?

2. The business is just me and my wife, or goal is to open a brick and mortar, we are looking for what it's best for growth.

3. What is the deadline for claiming it on 2014 taxes?

Language school chain (in Netherlands?)


My name is Robert, I'm 27 (just as I wrote in my introduction :) ) and I'm going to start small language school chain somewhere in Western Europe - probably the Netherlands. I would like to start with one or two schools at the beginning (just 4-5 teachers in each) and then grow. I know my idea my sound silly, and you will tell me that it won't work, but listen to this:

I come from Poland, where there are a lot of language schools (especially English). A few years ago two of my friends set up their own language school and taught English language tgere. Everything seemed to be that the market is already full and will not accept more schools of this type. Then came the big competitor - one of the schools has grown to such an extent that evolved into the entire network. Now they offer franchising in 3 or 4 East European countries (check it by yourself: Franchising with Speak Up - Franchise terms and requirements ), and as far as I know, they're still growing. It's great success, isn't it?

So my idea: I studied in Rotterdam which population is about 600k. There are many foreign students from around the world who get there to study at Erasmus University. They would be my main target - as far as I know Dutch people does not have any problem with fluent English, so I would like to focus on Spanish, Greek, Polish and other students. If I set up my first school near University it should be no problem for them to sign up and take part in my courses (not my... my teachers :) )

What do you think? Do you know anything about teaching language market in Netherlands? Maybe I should change my target and try in other part of the Europe?

Best regards


hi everybody!


My name is Robert, I'm from Poland, but I'm thinking about migrating to another country (Netherlands probably). I've come here to look for great ideas and share some of my experience. My dream is to open new chain of language schools - I will post detailes in my new post, so you can check it later :)

I'm 27, finished management on university and now I'm taking my life-savings and going to open my own bussiness!

hope we will find gold here :)

best regards


Leading Economic Index.

Also not sure if this is the right section for this...

How do I read the Leading Economic Index published by The Conference Board?

The LEI increased 0.8% is September to 104.4. What does this mean exactly?

I understand that 104.4 is relative to the value of 100 set in 2004.

But what does this mean for the future 3-9 months of the economy?

And, yes, I tried Google, and I tried The Conference Board's website.

Photo Book Service idea - Pros/Cons

I'm not sure if we have any professional photographers on this forum but I know we have several graphic designers.

As a hobby I like to scrapbook.

In reality I never have time to do it properly. So I turned to photobooks when my daughter was a year old as a way to chronicle her first year of life. Of course, I'm a designer and was completely frustrated by all photo book templates I came across back then (6/7 years ago). So I found an online company who prints custom photo books and you can simply upload a completed PDF file that matches their printing template and I've done that for the past 6/7 years. I print enough books for all of the grandparents and us. They run me $15-$25 each depending on how big they are - which makes the photo book a completely reasonable Christmas gift that is very appreciated.

Ours are displayed at the house and whenever we have company they usually get looked at. As a result I've had several people - Aunts & Uncles, my sisters, friends... tell me that I should create these for other people too - basically set-up a division of Crazy Dog that did photo books. My books chronicle 12 months of the kids life - I put 2-3 pictures (snapshots) from each month along with several pictures of the birthday celebrations, Christmas, any vacations, etc... with a little bit of journal-type commentary but not much. My daughter was born in September so our books run October-September that way I can get them put together and printed before Christmas each year.

I keep thinking about developing this type of service - but I'm not sure I could do it as effectively for other families as I can do it for our family. And there are so many DIY photo book options out there that I'm not sure there is a market to support the idea. I think it could fit in really well as an added service for a professional photographer who was also a designer... Anyway - what do you think? What pros/cons do you see with providing this type of service?

I'm envisioning a few types of books:

  • An Annual Overview

  • Special Occasion/Vacation Books

  • Lifetime books - that would be babyhood to senior in high school review, or a summary book for a grandparent, or a 50th anniversary type book, etc...

As a point of reference - I usually start with 1000ish pictures from an entire year - cull those down to 250 or so and then cull it even further for the book. I think I would ask potential customers to provide 250-300 pictures for an annual book and tell them that I would use a minimum of 50% of the pictures they sent. Of course there would be proofing and revisions...

Tax refund for online purchases


I have a LLC registered in Florida. I buy my inventory both online and directly in physical stores. I sell exclusively online to foreign customers, so I do not charge sales tax on any sales.

When I buy in stores, I use my tax certificate to get tax exempt.

BUT, when I purchase online, I do not see the option of entering a certificate number, so I need to pay taxes on purchases for my inventory.

1) Am I eligible for tax refund for these purchases even though I never pay any sales tax myself (since my customers are international)?

2) Some physical stores look puzzled when I provide my tax certificate and deny making the purchase tax exempt. Sometimes they say that their store does not allow resale, and make me pay the whole price including taxes. I assume this is legal?

Thanks a lot in advance for your answer. I just started out and have not found any clear answers to these questions on Google.

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Why Does My Wordpress Website's CSS Take Forever To Change?

I'm in my Wordpress's CSS and i'm trying to change things. The problem is, it takes forever to show the results. I'm on shared hosting and going to VPS, so is it because i'm on shared?


Internal Business Tracking Software

Hello All! Nice to meet you – I am new to Small Business Forum.

Does anyone know of a software for purchase or a company to write a unique program for internal tracking? I am a Director of a company selling real estate/bankruptcy estates/notes/bonds/etc. The purpose of the software I am looking to purchase or have written is to enable sales employees nationwide to input their personal prospects and view other district prospects. I must be able to give levels of rights (edit/input, just view info.). From this information I plan on generating reports for our annual and strategic plans. More specifically, the software would host locational, financial, probability and other information for three major types of products.

Thank you in advance for any recommendations and advice in this matter. If you need more information please let me know.

Why Does My Wordpress Website's CSS Take Forever To Change?

I'm in my Wordpress's CSS and i'm trying to change things. The problem is, it takes forever to show the results. I'm on shared hosting and going to VPS, so is it because i'm on shared?


How much does it cost to set up a retail business?

Im only trying to gain some knowledge, not trying at this moment to start a retail business.

What would the costs be to open up the retail store in a mall and what would you be expected to pay?

Rent, people that you need to hire (lawyer, accountant, store manager, store designer, and the person to set up the barcode system) deposits ect.

Side question:

If you own a business and want to become a franchiser, what percentage are you expected to get paid monthly as the franchiser. Do you get a monthly payment for the rent?

What support do you provide?

Single member LLC to Sole proprietorship

Hi all,

This is my first post. I'm hoping you can help me.

I've had a single member LLC for about three years now. I've had no sales, but I've paid all fees and annual reports. I don't see things getting better, so I don't want to continue paying annual report fees. I'd still like to have the possibility to sell the artwork I have left if the opportunity arises, so I want to close the SMLLC and open a Sole Proprietorship. What would be the easiest way to do this? Is there any way to do this without having to pay a cancellation fee?

Thank you for your help!


World GDP by sector.

I don't know if this is the appropriate section for this section, or if there is a section of this forum where this question fall in to.

I am trying to find a detail of World GDP (GWP) by sector.

The World GDP is somewhere around 76.7 trillion.

How much of this is energy industry? How much is home construction? Mining? Agriculture?

This seems like an easy bit of information to find, but I have looked and not found it. Where can I find this?

Mobile home parks.

If I choose to invest in a mobile home park, whether this be soon or at some point way in the future, do you think I should go with a park where I own the homes, or one where the tenants own the homes and rent the lot?

The latter has been suggested to me. What is the advantage to this, other than the cheaper upfront cost?

Newb looking for a little advice.

Hello everyone. I used to run a service based small business of my own that was in crowded market full of lowballers so I went to work for some one else as a salesman. In this sales position I have done quite well really, better than myself or anyone else really expected. Its at an established business so we get regular traffic but I seem to be far exceeding the people that were there before me. There are a few problems however and I'm not sure it will be a forever thing. I have learned a lot in the several years I've been there since I basically perform all aspects of this business from product research, purchasing, selling, product assembly, use of knowledge, paying bills, and so on. Many of my new, non traditional ideas have improved the profits. I now have a much better understanding for running a business well since being there. Since I feel like I may or may not end up being there in the long term(some things would have to change), I've considered buying a commercial property and just leasing it out for the time being. That way I would own it incase I ever exited my position and could start my own show. although not quite the same line as the what I sell now I think I would get a notary republic from the state to buy, sell, trade, consign used items a little larger than most pawn shops would have. I talking ATV's, little tractor, boats, snowmobiles, etc. The plan is simple buy on the cheap from those who need to sell urgently and sit on it till it pulls a decent profit. Anyone think it would work?

Check email for you !

Check email for you !

samedi 25 octobre 2014

Hello! :d

Hello, Everyone! :D

My name is Owen. I am a young entrepreneur with a passion. I hope to be active here for as long as I can. Anyways, have a nice day ^_^



Hard money lenders for businesses

Any suggestions or experience with hard money lenders? Especially businesses just starting up without a lot of documented income yet. I'm looking for a hard money lender, I know there's a lot out there but they seem tough to find... Help!

What Entity Do You Recommend (USA)

Hello people! :D

I need your help. We think it's time to incorporate, so what entity do you recommend? We've done multiple quizzes, and they all recommend LLC or C-Corp. I understand C-Corps have various tax loopholes (which we want), but I heard they have a lot of legal issues. I did see that Apple started out as a C-Corp, so what do you recommend? Here's some info about us:

What we do: We distribute and manufacture protective computer cases

How much staff?: 5

How much money is made?: estimated $100,000+ by 2017

Any patents?: patents are currently pending.


In-Home music lessons

Hi everyone!

As you obviously know I'm new here, and am looking for your expert advice and comments/critiques.

I am looking to start an in-home music lesson business. What this would entail is hiring music teachers on all of the instruments, and they would travel to students' homes each week to give them private music lessons.

I currently teach private music lessons on my own, and have a completely full schedule (with a bunch on a waiting list). I teach music in a public school during the day, and have many contacts in the area (Central New Jersey). I have talked to other teachers and they would be on board with this idea- me running the business, setting up lessons, dealing with parent contact, money, etc.

What I'm wondering is how to I actually start this business? I have no prior business experience, only lots of teaching experience. Any and all help/guidance would be greatly appreciated!!



hi everyone,

I am new webmaster here and my name is Amit Gupta from Delhi, i am really glad to join this forum but i don't have any idea how i contribute to this forum so please help my member and i hope i will get better support from your side.

vendredi 24 octobre 2014

hellew from a restaurateur

What’s up people? I am Bruce, 26 years old. I own a couple of small businesses and have had them since I was 21. I figured I would see If there are any other restaurant owners/rental property landlords on here? And if anyone has a question pertaining to the restaurant business do not hesitate to ask. :cool:

Where should I go for mentorship or subsidized business courses?

Im thinking to start a business, yet lack a lot of technical knowledge to start a business. Are there any places to go to for government subsidized business courses?

What should I look for to get the basics of entrepreneurship in terms of running the business and what I need to get me ready to start a small business (accounting, book keeping, taxes, and general setting up the foundation). My typical trial and error that works well in learning a trade, wont work so well in starting a small business where a lot of capital and time will be at stake.

Is it normal for people with no actual experience to write up a course of action to what they need to do. Ex. Hire accountant, hire graphic designers, ect in more detail than the typical business proposal.

Question: Your opinion on our services

Got a question for you guys, bear with me, hoping to get real opinions on how you see what we offer and how to convince ppl to buy from us.

We are a local service and supply company for office machines

We service and sell toners/inks for copiers, lasers, fax machines ect.

I have a decent amount of customers on the service end.

Trying to get those people to also buy their toners from us.

Many are buying generic toners from places like office depot, then when they have a printer problem, they call me to fix it.

Here is what baffles me. (I'll use an HP 42X type toner as an example)

What they are doing now.

They will pay 149.00 for a generic 42x toner from an office store

If it they later notice print defects, they call me out, I find out it's the toner, they pay me 80.00 for the service call and they have to go back to office depot and exchange the toner

Or, it might really be an issue with the printer rather than the toner, so they pay me 80.00 for the call + parts to fix it.

What we offer

Same generic toner for 99.00

If they have print defects and it turns out to be the toner, our service call is free since they bought it from us and we take care of the exchange

If it's really a printer (not toner issue), we do the call for 39.99 since they buy their toner from us.

In this semi-common scenario, they would save $50 on the toner, and anywhere from 40-80 on the service call, totaling $90-$130.00 savings.

Their trusting and using us for the service anyway, .... I just can't figure out why these customers would rather spend more.

Any thoughts on what the road block might be and how to tackle it?

Thanks for any thoughts!


Does anyone create cheap websites?

I have a website. It looks decent. I used template .html and .css files.

Is there anyone who will improve it for CHEAP (meaning about $50 or so).

I do not need a $1000 service.

It shouldn't take more than an hour or two.

I need some perspective on data usage with phone plans

It's that time again. Need a new phone and a new plan. Now that everyone is measuring data I'm a little lost. I have no idea how much data is needed for normal use since I've had unlimited everything for so long. But it's obvious that I don't need unlimited data, therefore should be able to pay less. But I can't get real usage data from my phone or account.

Basically I work from home and when I'm home my devices are running on wifi.

I don't do any music, or movie streaming on my phone.

I rarely do any Social Media from my phone and most of my usage away from home is the occasional web search, sports updates, or GPS directions.

So how much data does one need? How much is 3G? 4G? 20G?

Is anyone on one of these new plans, and can you give me some perspective of how much data you have compared to how much you use and how you use it?

It would be really helpful.


Food franchise business?

Hello guys, I just registered here :) I'm a 20 year old college student from Indonesia majoring in Information Engineering. I earned a few hundred bucks doing freelance web designing jobs, which is not much at all.

I'm thinking about starting a low-risk food business as a franchisee. The initial cost isn't that much, I only need around $200 for the food stand, around $50 to pay for the raw materials for the food, $50 to rent a place for a month in front of a prominent mini market here, and around $80-100 to pay an employee's monthly salary.

So I probably need $380-$500 (the mini market required the tenants to rent the place for at least 3 months when they just started renting). I need a minimum net profit of ~$150 a month to maintain my business.

My question is, is it a good idea? Worth it to try? The franchisor promised at least $300 monthly net profit, but I'm not quite sure. They do provide Standard Operating Procedure and many other things that they think I should know to run the business, and the mini markets I mentioned do have LOTS of traffic everyday.

Need opinions: equity, salaries and risk in a startup

Hi all,

let me give you a brief run down of my case: a couple of other people and I are thinking about creating a technology startup for a niche marketing product. It would involve an initial ~8 month period of research and development which would cost ~$70k, after which we could begin to actually start selling and (hopefully) see income. These other 2 potential partners have the tech know-how required for this project, and I know them to be skilled and capable people in their fields, while I have the running-a-business know-how (I'm a business major).

However I don't like the initial investment proposition they made to me: They want to split shares ~52% for me and 24% for each of them, but since they have no cash to invest they propose I put up the entirety of the R&D investment required in the form of an investor's loan to the company, which would be accruing an yet-to-be-determined-but-fair interest rate until there was income that the company could use to pay me back the loan. Additionally they would both dedicate themselves as technical directors during the R&D phase as a part time job (~4 hours per day each), and would pay themselves wages for this during the ~8 month period. After the R&D period is over, the wages would end, although they'd continue working in the company.

So obviously I don't feel comfortable assuming all the risk (because if the company goes ****-up, there would be little assets left to liquidate) yet getting only half the shares , although I am not opposed to having them paid fair market wages for their work during the duration of the R&D period, given that admittedly I will be doing little during that phase. I'm having my own ideas about a counter offer, and I do want them to have participation in shares in some form because they're needed for the long haul and shares provide a great incentive to give 110%, but I want to hear opinions on what others here would think is fair or workable. Suggestions please?

jeudi 23 octobre 2014

Do you have any spare Inbox by Gmail invite?

Okay, it has pop up several times in my timelines that the new Inbox by Gmail is a wonderful service. Unfortunately, no of my friends has shared any inbox yet.

I've tried requesting from to no avail. Is there anyone here with a golden heart that will share his spare invite to me? :D

Tax advantages of an LLC over a corporation?

I want to invest in rental real estate. Someone told me that an LLC would prevent "double taxation."

Can someone explain this to me in a little more detail? I am very familiar with tax forms and business structure so don't dumb it down.

Greetings to All!

Howdy y'all and Greeting from Cyprus,

My name is Omar Belkadi, the owner and founder of PPC Success Center. I am a certified search engine marketing expert who works with small to medium size businesses, helping them maximizing their online marketing presence. I have been in the marketing industry over 5 years.

At PPC Success Center, I provide cutting-edge pay-per-click advertising, managements, SEO and analytics services. Advertising Support is offered for several Markets and Languages, i.e Arabic and some EU languages like German, English, Hungarian.

Also, I am an editor and writer. I manage an official marketing blog where I offer marketing insights, tips, updates and news.

Nice to meet you !

Best of regards,

Omar Belkadi

Hi there


My name is Aaron Newton and I do freelance web development and web design. You can visit my portfolio at aaron-newton (dot) co (dot) uk to see more about the services I offer and my portfolio.



Hey from WI

Just wanted to introduce myself to the community. I recently started a landscaping company and have already found many of the threads here helpful with managing the business. I look forward to continuing to learn and hopefully help others as well as network with some of the great people here.

mercredi 22 octobre 2014

Do you let other people use your computer or devices?

Another thread made me think about this and whether I'm different from anyone else.

Do you let other people use your computer?

I don't. For some reason letting someone else use any computer I've ever had has never crossed my mind. I've always considered any computer or device a personal device. Not something you share with people.

I also don't let people play with my phone. I've broken up with women for answering my phone, or going through my call history. It even makes me uneasy when people I don't know well ask to use my phone.

Is it just me?

Where to buy investment real estate?

I have plans in my future of buying rental residential real estate, or maybe a starting a mobile home park. Is there a way to determine what cities would be a good place to do this? Should I look at future expected population increase?

Also, where do mobile home parks get their mobile homes? Assuming they don't buy new ones. Do they get them from private individuals?

New member from Hong Kong

Hi all,

I am coming from Hong Kong, my planning is doing the business type like components sourcing, and product development. Is there any opportunities in here?

New member from Hong Kong

Hi all,

I am coming from Hong Kong, my planning is doing the business type like components sourcing, and product development. Is there any opportunities in here?

Best SEO services and Google ranking in Bangalore

Global Linking provide the best SEO services in Bangalore which includes search engine optimization, Compatible website, value added services, Google ranking and local marketing.

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mardi 21 octobre 2014

##How Can Find You buy email database?##

Email is the least expensive and the most effortless method for correspondence between individuals everywhere throughout the world. Messages know no limits as they inherit this property from the Web. Regular individuals like me and you as well as individuals who are occupied with internet showcasing of the items or administrations utilize the email office to effortlessly showcase their offerings to individuals who have email ids. It is otherwise called email showcasing. In the beginning of email advertising individuals used to gripe about the obscure sends being conveyed in their inbox. Few organizations were even dragged to courts and were punished as well as they were either utilizing wrong strategies to make database of messages or were chafing clients by sending spontaneous messages. This constrained online advertiser to start consent advertising whereby the client will give his/her consent to get messages and that excessively just for those ranges which engages him/her and at exactly that point will get messages. This can be seen when we enroll for some email administration online like Yahoo!, Gmail, and Rediff. An alternate way which is very prominent is to utilize some email siphoning programming to concentrate the email ids from any site. Few individuals or organizations purchase email database from outsiders to satisfy their web advertising needs. At the same time these two systems excessively add up to illegitimate procedures. I will enroll a few strategies which you can use to manufacture an email database without going on the wrong track.

Hello! Im a new business owner and trying to gain traction!

My name is Sam! I was born and raised in pleasanton CA and my business is located in the town next to us! My company is called Your Year and the website is

The reason Your Year exists is to give you the tools to make the year to come YOUR YEAR.

Website Review

Please tell me what you thing! Two years ago I started this .com and Am trying to make it take off. I would like unfiltered feed back! thank you very much! Make sure you scrolls all the way down and read everything! thanks!

If anybody wondered...

The picture left is not me. It's my son Jeff Satterlee on Glee. He has been on:

* Grey's Anatomy

* Touch

* New Girl

* Up All Night

and Glee

And in the movies:

* Moneyball

* The Master

* Oz The Great and Powerful

He's not doing shows much anymore. He had to leave LA because he couldn't get a regular job. He was only barely able to pay the bills from his acting. Mostly background work.

This is interesting to me. Don't know if it's interesting to anybody else.

Paperless Billing For My Business

I was wanting to know more about going to paperless billing with my business. I realize that somehow I am going to have to link my bank account with either a customer bank account or credit card. How do most businesses do it? Obviously with Spotify or something you just enter your credit card information one time and then they automatically charge you. I was wondering if this would cost me per transaction or really how I could go about this. Thanks in advance for the help.

Looking for an outside opinion on my business game plan.

Hi All, I am looking for an objective opinion or constructive criticism on a business idea and game plan that I have. Right now I am in my late 20's, work in a niche/specialized industry in sales and am looking to start something on my own. In my current position I work a designated area with targets that anticipate me calling on them and I need to call on 10-12 targets per day. On a normal day I can get through my 10 calls in 5-6hours- sometimes more sometime less.

My idea would be to buy an unrelated established business in my sales territory, or nearby, and manage it throughout the day, while also working my normal sales job. I would have the distinct advantage of being able to rely on my normal salary to live on while also paying off any debt on the business with its own profits. Most people are unable to do this. This would set me up nicely to expand to another business or buy another of the same business and then quit my sales job.

Now, I am open to the type of business this should be, but I have been researching Gas Stations a lot in my free time. My initial thought is that a lot of gas stations are run absentee and would allow for me to work 5-6 hrs per day at my sales job and put in another 3-4 hours at running the gas station. I would have to hire someone which would eat into my profits, but so do the absentee owners.

I know all of the pros and cons. The most notable cons are the environmental issues, credit card fees, financing and the fact that you don't make any money on gas- you make it on the C-Store. However, a few of the branded stations I have looked into the franchiser is responsible for the tank maintenance, sales tax on the gas, and credit card fees. Obviously, the fee for being a franchisee will cut into the profits, but at least this takes away some of the risk/headache. The gas stations I am looking at have reported net cash flow after all expenses of $7,000-$10,000 per month. I would have to confirm this by checking their books/IRS returns, but even if that isn't completely accurate, to me that is a really good supplementary income once I have paid off the loan and additional investor. At those profits this can be done within a few years.

Lastly, what amount of liquid assets would I need to raise? I have been looking at Gas Stations asking for 300K-350K + 80K-100K for inventory for a total of 500K after everything is done.

The only thing I would be concerned about is financing the remaining funds. Banks do not like financing Gas Stations due to the environmental issues and it would probably have to be financed by the previous owner.

I am looking for any flaws in my plan before I present this to the main investor (my father- a successful businessman) who would just be looking to get his initial investment back while helping his son. Obviously, I will do my due diligence, ask the appropriate questions and consult my accountant/lawyer before purchasing. Please poke holes in this because as of right now I can't stop thinking about doing this and my judgement might be clouded.

Driving School

I am new to this forum and came here for some input. A friend and I are thinking about starting a drivers ed school. The metro area we live in is apx 840,000 people. There are currently at least 16 driving schools in this area, with a couple being well known and having multiple locations. We have enough money between the two of us to purchase a vehicle and a bond ($10,000 required in our state). Does anyone know how fierce the competition is for driving schools? What other costs should we expect (insurance, etc.) Any advice would be appreciated.

New Here!

Hello everyone. I live in upstate NY. I am here because I want to be an entrepreneur. I was not meant to work a 9-5 job. I desperately want to work for myself and create the lifestyle I want. I know it takes hard work, but that's not my issue. I was recently fired from my job and I don't have very much money. I'm in school right now currently pursuing a nursing degree so I can get a job with good pay. This way I can save up and start the business I really want. The ideas I currently have will take a lot of capital which I just don't have at the very moment. I just feel like I'm in a standstill in my life. I don't feel like there's anything I can sell as a service. At this point its look for another job, which I have been doing but don't want to do; or start a business, which I don't have the money to do. Has anyone ever been in this situation? Sorry for the rant, I'm just frustrated. Hopefully this site will provide some inspiration!

Longer term personal loans.

Does anyone know where I can get a personal loan with a term of longer than 5 years?

Cyber Dust?

I recently became aware of Mark Cuban's social media venture called Cyber Dust. It is used for messaging friends as well as mass amounts of people but the catch is, once you've viewed a specific message, you are never able to see it again. I can see pros and cons to advertising on such a platform. Does anybody have experience with Cyber Dust marketing?

Online Business System (Affiliate Marketing)

Hi everyone,

I'd like to just share this particular system that so many people have used and found to be successful in earning money from doing business online. There has been so many success stories out there and documented as well that it makes it all so exciting just getting started with it.

Do watch this video to find out more and give it a shot - you could just be the next person making thousands of dollars in just a week.

Watch the video here.

How to improve my Business Stratgy?

Hello Everyone !

We Newman Properties are the essential source for anyone looking for houses, new homes and flats in Central Scotland. Our website has been designed to allow easy access to our wide range of properties. If you have any suggestions for my business please share with us to improve my business strategy.

Visit: - www{dot}newman-properties{dot} for more information about my business....


lundi 20 octobre 2014

Im young, yet interested in business...HELP!!!

Ok so Im going to start this out by saying I am 15 years old. I am interested in starting a business soon, very soon with the soul purpose in buying a lamborghini murcielago, or a nissan GTR. Both being very expensive cars, trust me, i am not getting ahead of myself. I dont want them to be a steriotypical attention whore, or wreckless driver with it either in any way, just for pure fun, and accomplishing my dream of having a sportscar, since I was 7 years old.

With that being said, Ive tried many different ways of making money in the past. Here are a few

App making: has made me about 155 dollars over the course of half a year.

Iphone case selling: made me 0 dollars

Lawn mowing: Most work, yet most profitable. made me 1200 for one summer.

that is just some. My question being, does anyone have any ideas for a business that I can keep working at, and I know that someday, it might be my primary source of money? I am up to try anything, as I dream EVERY SINGLE NIGHT on sports cars. That being said a job or business that has something to do with cars might be a plus. I have heard of some of the success stories coming from starting their own business. Someday I want that to be me. Now I know what your thinking exactly, This little kid knows nothing about what comes with life and the costs of life. Believe it or not I do. There is a guy on youtube named Rob Dahm, he does a great job of telling his story on how he purchased and came to afford his 150,000 dollar Lamborghini Diablo. Any suggestions on business ideas will be taken into consideration. I have a close friend, who is in the same boat as me, cars and everything. We want to start business alone (he doesnt like sharing money) but thats beside the point. I want you to while reading this, dont think of me as a high school student, but as an adult.

The whole though of business is great, making money, accomplishing your dreams, the whole bit. But for me, sometimes, its not the greatest thing in the world. The more and more i think about it, the more and more I think I am going to fail. This has lead to slight depression throughout my high school years. My uncle, has my dream car, the nissan GTR. He works as a honda mechanic, yet has a 90,000 dollar car, and a 750,000 house. Im not sure how he does it, but im sure theres some sort of trick.

Like I said, any reply is greatly appreciated and will be taken into consideration. I would like this sort of madness to stop, and be able to get a grip on starting a business, and making some money to put towards my dream car.



Chesapeake Pawn And Gun

Chesapeake Pawn and Gun is a professionally operated pawn shop focused on offering friendly and excellent pawning services to the residents of its host city, Chesapeake, Virginia. The shop’s ideals include fairness, transparency, and quality. As such, Chesapeake Pawn and Gun provides loans, buys and sells gold and diamond jewelry, archery and fishing equipment, electronics and guns, at fair prices with every transaction handled competently.


Hi, I am new to this forum.

Business Services

Oceana Pawn And Gun

Oceana Pawn and Gun in Virginia Beach caters to those who want to buy and sell gold, jewelry, and firearms, or purchase archery, bait and tackle supplies. Oceana Pawn and Gun is the second gun shop in Virginia Beach opened by Jeff Craddock, and it is more than the average pawn shop. (757)-448-3706

Needs help for marketing strategies

Hi guys I want some recommendation on how to do a campaign in a newly website. Crowd to go is a start-up company I want someone to subscribe to become a crowdie since its a crowd based delivery service.


dimanche 19 octobre 2014

Taking out a loan to invest in bonds?

Someone on this forum suggested that I invest in bonds instead of real estate. I did the math and it makes sense. However, that would require cash that I don't have.

Is there any way to take out a loan to invest in bonds?

I think a personal loan would have an interest rate that would make it not worth it.

What causes home prices to fluctuate?

Why would the same house be valued differently in different years? Obviously, supply and demand, but what causes supply and demand changes for homes?

Supply change would be new construction and renovation of previously uninhabitable homes. I read that this accounts for 2% of the market.

I think demand change is the more important factor. The population increases slightly all the time. That could account for some.

What is the rest? Does it correlate with the business cycle and the economy as a whole?

do small businesses in Canada charge in USD or CAD?

The companies that are based in Canada but selling to USA too, they typically sell there goods online to Canadians in USD and convert it over to CAD. Is it possible to charge items in USD in Canada?

For example a Canadian brand sells hoodies online. The Canadian site shows 59 USD and the american shows 59 USD. Would it be the other way around Canadian site sells

the equivalent to 59 USD in CAD or does it not matter too much?

looking to purchase eBay for good money

Should have be atleast 3 month old and have some feedback.

Please pm me and let me know if you are interested. thanks

looking to purchase eBay for good money

Hello i am interested in purchasing a eBay account. It should be atleast 3 months old and have some feedback. Please pm me.


Business Location Ideas

Hello everyone,

I am starting a 100% online based business selling vinyl decals for a specific industry. I live in an apartment and the leasing company here will not sign off on allowing me to use this address as the business address on my license application but said they don't care if I do run it from here.

There will be no foot traffic, no truck pickups, no business mail, etc.

Do I have any other options? I have considered speaking with my parents and using their house but I don't want to "run it from their house" and I am not sure if that's legal or not.

Ideas are greatly appreciated...

Would your business benefit from a phone charging station?

I recently got approached by a company selling cell phone charging stations with lockers. (The ones where customers lock their phone up to charge). I was wondering if any business owners on here have had experience with offering such amenities to their guests/customers. I am ready to pull the trigger on the purchase I just want to get insight from other business owners about this. For context, my business is bar/pub and we constantly get customers asking us to charge their phones.

For those curious this is the charging station we are considering buying

samedi 18 octobre 2014


Is there any way to find a cosigner other than friends or family? I know they have services online that match you with a cosigner, but I think they are all scams.

How to buy real estate for under fair market value?

What is the best way to try to do this? Keeping in mind that if I buy a "fixer upper," this will include costs of repairs.

If I could get 90%, I'd be satisfied.

Make many offers? Anything else?

Do any of you have strategies that you use to get the lowest prices on real estate?

How do I finance a real estate business?

I want to start a business where I buy rental properties, both commercial and residential.

I want to attract investors. How should I do this? Are there businesses like this already? Is this what a REIT is?

I don't want to just borrow from the bank.

would you hire a 19 year old kid?

lost my last employee last week...he was a real winner....he showed up 10 minutes late for work last monday--while i was in the house he went into my van, grabbed his check and took off...thats how he gave notice...what a POS

anyways....ive decided id rather take on someone younger this the past they have all been older guys and none have lasted long....a kid out of high school may stick with me longer....hours is what i think is the biggiest issue...its a part time job...20-30 hours a week.....some weeks can be as low as 12-15 though...this is where im losing the older guys.

i only got 3 resume's this week....and only 1 interested me....he was honest and showed up early for the interview.....what more can i say...he's 19...he's not going to be a great interview....he has no experience in life...he's had a few other jobs that relate to what he'd be doing for me....none lasted very long though..

i have 3 calls into 2 of his old employers.....but most likely they wont call construction returning phone calls when your not a paying customer pretty much = 0 chance

would you consider hiring someone as young as 19?

Hello World!

Hello How u doing all?

Just tell me about yourself in 1 Word.

Hello Everyone

My name sureshraaz i am new member for this forum so please suggest me this forum rules.

vendredi 17 octobre 2014

Simple beginner tax and business questions

Is writing off an expense or capital expense deducting from the profit to lower taxes? When a person writes off gas mileage, office space, office supplies, business trips do they at receive a portion or all of the money back when filing taxes or does it deduct from profits and lowers the amount of taxes you have to pay.

When you have a registered business do you have to pay sales tax on materials Ex. Furniture company buying lumber from the processing plant. Also does this apply to equipment like table saws, ladders, and down to small things like nails.

Same as the question above but in regards to shipping costs, accounting fees, ect can these be deducted:confused:

What are some ways a company can save money when it comes down to taxes? Its a broad question but if there are things I can research about or look into that would help also.

jeudi 16 octobre 2014

Hello all!

Hello to all members on this forum! I have just joined it as I found several interesting topics on it. I hope I would get new information and learn more from your experience. I love making friends and do surfing over the Internet. Reading good books about business and successful business person is my hobby.

I would like to wish you happy and healthy life.



Hello all!

Hello to all members on this forum, I have just joined it as i found several interesting topic on it. I hope I would get new information and learn more from your experience. I love making friends and do surfing over the Internet.

Success with LinkedIn?

Hey everyone,

I recently started a daily fantasy sports website called Needless to say, we are a small company and don't have a huge marketing budget, have been limited to word of mouth, Facebook, Twitter and e-mail newsletters so far. Has anyone had success marketing/networking for a small business on LinkedIn? I realize that it couldn't hurt, but we have a very small staff and any man-hours used inefficiently on such things can hurt us at this point in time. Thanks in advance!


Hello from

Hi everyone, my name is Tate and I recently launched a daily fantasy sports website with a group of friends from college called We are a small company trying to compete in an industry dominated by two massive companies (you've probably seen their ads everywhere). We feel we have a superior product and are implementing some ideas not found anywhere else in the industry. We are all relatively young and are exploring every avenue we can to succeed. I look forward to using this forum go soak up any advice you all have to offer and I look forward to contributing as well. Cheers!


Joining multiple affiliate programs

Hi guys, I wonder how many people using affiliate programs on their websites and if there are any who use multiple programs? For example, Amazon and CJ, CB and Google Adsense. My problem is I want to use different programs on different parts of my website, but not sure about their rules if they allow you to use ads/banners from their competitors. Basically I'm going to use: Amazon, Commission Junction, ClickBank and Google Adsense. Their rules are really long to read and it will take me a few hours to do that. Who else is using them? Any problems?

mercredi 15 octobre 2014

how to take care of social security tax


I hope someone can explain to me how this works.

I created cleaning company Inc. last year and few months ago I added my husband(we got married this year) as co-owner. We want to pay next year jointly. He has stable income(maintainance) that he can put on company name and I have so far one small job that makes 500$month. Besides this I have few investments as my income. We want to start pay social security tax ( to start planning retirement) , what is the best way to do? How to do this? We are both self employed. I know we will need accouter , but I'm trying figure out how the things works here as we both came from foreign country.

Thank you

tablet software

Hi just started n new line of work , selling stoves ect , i am out selling and quoting alot , just bought a tablet and need help finding free or cheap software to build a digital catalouge out of all my brochures catalouges ect

anyone got any suggestions

Business Struggles and Successes

Let this thread be about your personal business struggles and successes, go in-depth about yourself.

Payroll Software

I like to get the details on some of the Payroll software, anyone can suggest me to prefer a right one..

mardi 14 octobre 2014

What's taxable?

Okay, question about basic business taxes. If I start a for-profit charity that only receives funds through private donations, are all incoming funds taxable, or just the percentage I take for income? Btw, I'm thinking this will be a sole proprietorship. Perhaps there'd be advantages to other business structures? Thanks.

Good evening!

With over 17 years of experience, Financial Shop Solutions provides market research for the banking industry. Combining extensive industry knowledge and mystery shopping techniques, Financial Shop Solutions delivers quality information to financial institutions, but we can NOT do it alone!

We need YOU!

If you own a small business anywhere in the US with a valid Tax ID #, we have a special project available RIGHT NOW that pays $250 for 6 months – virtually NO WORK on your end!

We need to use your Business Name and Address for maildrop purposes - NO FINANCIAL INFORMATION SHARED – all we need is for you to forward any pertinent mail you may receive!

We have been utilizing businesses in this manner for 7 years - references are available.

Please email with available dates and times, and your phone number, in order for me to call you with further details.

Website traffic with seo

How can i get website traffic by using Seo??????????

lundi 13 octobre 2014

Hi Brian Here... Second Try

Too many edits I guess. Just wanted to share some pics of my kids...

Jeff Satterlee (front, right)


Chelsey Satterlee


Chelsey's Youtube

Chelsey's SoundCloud

Jeff, Chels, and Steve


need a logo for my site

Can anyone suggest a logo designer for me to look into? I'd like a new logo for my site and just need a logo that's simple and unique. I've searched around and most websites charge anywhere from $200 and up. Wondering if anyone here knows a site I can check out for a better deal?


Should I add sales tax to customer invoices?

My company is a domestic LLC with a physical address in Albany, NY. However we do a business in New York City and New Jersey only. We offer airport pickup services where we match our bilinguals employees with clients that arrive to any of three airports in the city. We don't sell any products. My question is should I add sales tax to a total price when invoicing our clients?

All I could find is


Purchases above $110 are subject to a 4.5% NYC Sales Tax and a 4% NY State Sales Tax. The City Sales Tax rate is 4.5%, NY State Sales and Use Tax is 4% and the Metropolitan Commuter Transportation District surcharge of 0.375% for a total Sales and Use Tax of 8.875 percent.

But I'm not sure if it's for goods only or for services as well. If so, any sales for less than $110 won't be taxed? And all sales above $110 must be taxed by 8.875%? Please help to figure this out.

Thank you.

Are there any fans of rock music here? Say Hello! :-)

Hi guys!

Do we have here any fans of rock music? Say hello and give us your favorite band! :-)


LinkedIn Advertising - Microtargeting Strategies

Hi everyone,

I am thinking about trying LinkedIn to grow brand awareness specifically using a microtargeting strategy. Long story short, we have a national organization who supports our product - publicly and privately. They have a LinkedIn group with over 2000 followers. I want to create a CPM ad campaign targeting only members of this group. What I am thinking, it will be a fairly low cost and the brand will be reinforced to the followers of the organization. Secondly, it looks like I have presence everywhere.

Has anyone tried this strategy and perhaps have any advice or thoughts.

Thanks in advance!

Annual Funding Source Opportunity for Small Business

Chase Mission Main Street Grants is a nice funding source for any small business and multiple grants are given out annually.

BLPS Content Connections develops modules & games for learners in PreK-college. Our products engage & fascinate students in reading, language arts, math, science and more. We develop materials to help teachers & parents. Our Gateway2Achieve venture will provide online curricular resources for all.

We're competing to obtain a grant from Chase Mission Main Street Grants and need a minimum number of votes to even considered. If you're a believer in small business, we'd love your support. Vote for us using this link:


Thank you.

Wanting to expand to another country

Hello, I recently started a company to provide and install energy efficient equipment. I am currently an LLC and based in the USA.

I want to provide the same service in a different country. i have a friend that lives there who will run the international branch entirely and i would like to partner with him. I want to use the same name as i have here for the business.

I understand there are different regulations for businesses in USA and India, so what do i have to do to go about doing this?

My potential partner can register a business and he could use my company's name but how will i be able to merge them together? Is there a better way to "expand" internationally?

If someone could point me in the right direction, that would be great. thank you!

Hello all new here


I am new here in this forum and I hope you will cooperate me :)

dimanche 12 octobre 2014

Hi from Chicago

Hi folks, I own an equipment (commercial laundry) distributor in Chicago. I'm always looking for ways to facilitate growth and get new ideas, along with sharing what advice I can. Glad to be here.

Support BLPS: Chase Mission Main Street Grants 2014

BLPS Content Connections develops modules & games for learners in PreK-college. Our products engage & fascinate students in reading, language arts, math, science and more. We develop materials to help teachers & parents. Our Gateway2Achieve venture will provide online curricular resources for all.

We're competing to obtain a grant from Chase Mission Main Street Grants and need a minimum number of votes to even considered. If you're a believer in small business, we'd love your support. Vote for us using this link:


Survey for a New Business Idea

Hi everyone! I'm a Media Communications student at Full Sail University in Orlando, FL. I'm working on a project that requires market research for a new business idea. I would so appreciate you taking 2 minutes to complete an easy survey. You would be helping me a ton! Thanks in advance!

Starting LLC/DBA

Hey all,

New to the forums and really dig the post. I needed some first hand experience and thought this was the place to ask. I have a business that I started a while back that is starting to come into fruition. I currently run a lifestyle and apparel brand and design studio. The design studio started in 2008 but was never legalized. My newer company (lifestyle apparel brand/goods) is kicking off great. Now I want to operate them under the same umbrella as they are parallel industries and can service each other. This is what I want to do and with my partners I currently work with. Please let me know what your thoughts are and if I'm doing this right.

Since my newer company is generating more of a customer base I want to place that into an LLC with the design studio being the DBA. My long time partner of the design studio started doing more independent work and the studio is still available and in service however not generating much of an income. I'm trying to figure out the best way to split profits for this LLC for the members included. Since I created the newer brand I was thinking of doing a 50/30/20 split between the members as a whole. The individual receiving the 30% would be my long time partner since we started our design studio together in 2008. He also helped me in coming up with the name for my new brand. However, my partner receiving the 20% has been a long time friend for almost 10 years now and we've worked together in the past on an old startup he did that fell through. He's great and invested in my current brand. My partners are smart individuals and I just want to make sure everything is fair across the board.

Should profits be split evenly between all three partners or should I be receiving 50% as creator of the newer brand and the rest 30/20? Also with the DBA the studio will operate under that and the LLC being the brand that is currently more profitable. Our studio will act as a service for the brand and whatever work that passes through relative will be executed by it. I have a meeting tomorrow with my partners and just want to get this squared away and have a better idea before I start the LLC/DBA on paper. All help greatly appreciated.