samedi 9 mai 2015

Build Your Mailing List With A FREE Book Offer (And Get Advertisers To Pay For It)

(I posted this thread on another marketing forum I'm a part of and I wanted to share it with you too!)

A few months back I requested the free copy of Ryan Levesque's new book Ask. It was absolutely free and I didn't even have to pay the shipping. He's obviously building up his list.

Well, the book finally came in the mail yesterday and I couldn't help but noticed there were ads included in the package (I tried attaching the photo here, but it keeps giving me an error, I then included the link and it said the file was too big... ugh! There is a picture on my blog).

I thought to myself, what a genius! He gave away a free book with free shipping, and helped cover his costs by including other advertisers in the package.

Reminds me of Valpak or other shared co-op advertising. Get your own advertising out for free while others pay for it. Cha-Ching

I thought it was a clever way to build up his list by offering something absolutely free, even shipping, and having other advertisers covering his costs.

Also, I wonder if he did research about which advertisers to include with the book (or, maybe it was Barnes and Noble's doing, since they're the ones who shipped it).

Obviously, we can all relate to food. So I wonder if a majority of his prospects are interested in photography (which seems like everyone and their mother is a pro photographer these days with their fancy smart phones) and wine (I'm not an alcohol drinker... but I do realize I'm an odd ball).

Your thoughts?

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