vendredi 1 mai 2015

If you are looking for website builder- stay away from

I just had terrible experience with Weebly. I invested lot of time to create me a 7 page website, endless hours of developing, testing, redoing. When I got it ready and I really liked the outcome I had a problem cause some of a text was invisible with Firefox while it was ok with other browser. So I contacted the help desk... got it fixed...

In 2 hour time my site was deleted and my Weebly account terminated... No warning, no reason , no nothing. I sent them an e-mail asking what about the content that took me days to create? No answer to this date! Seriously... my website was not really ready yet, no payment module, no real domain I was planning to purchase....

It is just killing me how rude they can be. I do not know the reason. I did not advertise the site , was just developing it. It was sports related information and consulting....

Either way. Be aware. You do tons of hard work. Finally you develop the product you like....and they erase everything and throw you out with the one click. And no explanation ...Nothing. Buff you are gone....

That is not business, that's BS people. Do not go anywhere near these fools! You will get hurt!

There is nothing worse when you have nice website you have developed through hard work, business is growing, clients are approaching you and one morning you wake up and all that you have been working for is gone. No e-mail, no explaining , nothing!

Your account is terminated , you send and e-mail to ask and no one answers you! UNREAL! And the dullest thing is- I have no idea why. NO IDEA!

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