vendredi 1 mai 2015

Jade Helm In Texas Getting Coverage On Local News

I'm taking my lunch and rarely watch the tv but do watch the local news with my coffee or like now while eating my lunch. I'd been hearing talk about Jade Helm recently but shook it off as 90% of the conspiracy stuff I hear - I'm real open minded and not a fan of US politics as I think they're a sham for the most part but I don't fall for the likes of Alex Jones and those who spout off a lot of nonsense which I think diverts people from the real truths. What did pique my interest was the local news just covered a story on Jade Helm and it seems to be getting a lot of attention - any of y'all heard about this?

Texas governor orders troops to 'monitor' Jade Helm - Houston Chronicle

U.S. Military Forces Will Take Over Texas This Summer and Put Enemies in FEMA Death Domes. (Either that, or a military training exercise kicks off in July). | Houston Press

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