mardi 5 mai 2015

Mobile IT Support for Business/Residential

Hey guys, new to the forum. My idea is to have an IT company that has support for businesses as well as residential areas. It would include computer support, network setup, repair, and some sort of administration, support kinda covers this but software and operating system installation, training in both hardware and software areas, small website design, cloud hosting and admin, possibly some logos on the side(ehh) security for all kinds of stuff and maybe a few more things. I would probably charge about 60$ and hour for residential and about 100$ for business. I would probably also have some sort of contract available for businesses which I think would be helpful. So this is kinda like a small msp with extra services that also works in residential areas. Do you think this could be successful? I'll be in a big city with TONS of small-medium businesses.

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