vendredi 26 juin 2015

Advice on old fashioned door to door b2b

Hello everybody, my name is Dillon and I just started business as a broker of employee benefit programs, and small business legal plans. I am brand new to this field, and the best way my mentors say to market myself and the product, is the cold call and door to door sales. I am focusing right now on going business to business, marketing legal plans, as I have found they are needed most in the marketplace right now. My question specifically is what has worked for you-(or your salespeople) to get in and get an appointment set?
So far, when I have gone into a business, almost right off the bat they either ask me what I'm selling, or tell me they don't take solicitors. I realize this is mainly due to confidence, posture and experience, but what other tidbits do you guys/gals have that might help me not to be perceived as the "dreaded salesguy"? My product is incredible, it can save businesses literally thousands a year in legal fees, and there is always genuine interest once I get the appointment. However I can only help a business or pay my rent if I start getting appointments.
Any advice is appreciated!

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