vendredi 19 juin 2015

The Male Pill is Coming...

This is pretty interesting and will change things quite a bit - the first mentioned is an injection, but the others slated to be released in the next few years come in pill form. I'll just leave this here so those interested can read for themselves:


Vasalgel is a non-hormonal male contraceptive owned by the medical research organisation the Parsemus Foundation. It’s poised as the first FDA (Food and Drug Administration panel) approved male contraceptive since the condom.
What's more, it's estimated to hit the US market around 2018-2020 - and could change the way we view contraception for ever.
It's easy, too. One injection would last for years. Research tells us that at least half of men would use it.

Contraception: Male Pill is coming and it's going to change everything - Telegraph

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