jeudi 18 juin 2015

Business Email Setup

Here's the deal. I have a partner an hour and a half drive from me. We both get the same emails. We use Thunderbird.

The biggest problem we run into is we both answer the same email, not only doubling the work but making us look like we don't know 'who's on first'.

The Thunderbird db, at least on my end, is getting to big. Occasionally, I'll get an order from someone I quoted 2 years ago. I like to have access to my sent items so I know what pricing I gave them etc. I don't really want to erase historical info.

So it would be nice to have a remote server setup that does this:

- Notes that my partner is working on a particular email

- Saves historical responses that we both can see.

I'm looking at a cloud storage backup HD. I don't know if that affects any of this.

I'd appreciate any ideas.

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