mardi 30 juin 2015

Mr Electric Franchise


I am wondering about the relevance of franchising and appropriate benefits. I have been contacted by Mr Electric about becoming a franchisee and wondered whether it was worth it or not. I've added a thread on some electricians forums but wanted to get a more business perspective to see whether it was worth buying a franchise.

I'm currently working for myself as an electrician but I am unsure which route to take, Franchise or not?

I contacted Mr Electric to see what they have to offer and it seems good. I’ve spoken to them 5 times now and for an £18,000 fee I seem to get a lot including help with starting my business and lots of training. Basically lots of help with things I am bad at.

It seems good but I’m not ready to take the plunge just yet as I like to get advice from various places before committing to a decision.

Could anyone provide information on the Mr Electric franchise and perhaps franchising in general to help me make my mind up?


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