mercredi 24 juin 2015

Determining pay percentages on new est. busn

Hey how's it going everyone. I'm new to this site/ forum. Well anyways just recently 2 friends and I started a mobile detailing business. Now let me explain how things started. First we found a nice van with all the proper machines. 100 gallon water tank, Honda generator, Honda pressure washer. Now the Van cost $4000. One of my friends invested $3000 and the other $1000. Now technically they invested in the van because I have been detailing cars on the side for a good 5 years and decided I wanted to start my own business. Ive only contributed a couple hundred in supplies. But plan on investing back into the business with some of the money I make. But now that we have started working. My friends are already money hungry. Both asking for a 30% each on every job that I work.( I am the only worker detailing the cars.) and 40% for me. The one friend that invested $3000 will not being doing any work w/ the business and just will provide money when needed. The friend that invested a $1000 dollars will be doing minimum work. So far he has set up a couple weekly accounts with some of his well off family members. One a lawyer, the other a doctor. The law firm will be once a week 7 cars with basic washes $25ech($175 a week). The doctors office 4 cars, two basic washes($25 x2=$50), and two full details($120 X2=$240). Now that gives you input of so far what's happening. I need a fair percentage split. I was thinking 70% for me, 10% back into the nest egg, and my friends 10% each. Now is that in unfair to them since I'm doing all the work. They both make ok/ good money already and I quit my job for this. So I need a minimum amount to pay my bills and eat. I will being doing more later down the road. Now the friend that invested $1000 wants to already start making business cards, flyers, and t-shirts. But I feel he is getting to far ahead. One, because we technically aren't established as a true business with the city. I'm pushing for our business license and business insurance. And then getting those things made, and from there I will do advertising myself. I've got some college credits for a few business classes. But I feel he is being naive towards my input. As for the business ownership percentage. I said 51% to my friend that invested $3000. And to my friend that invested $1000, 39% and me 10% because we wouldn't have made this business if it wasn't for my ability and skills detailing cars. And as time goes by I will buy into it more for a stronger percentage of it. Please someone give me some advice. I would very much appreciate it.

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