mercredi 17 juin 2015

Need a lot of advice

Anyone have any advice on how to properly manage a small family business. We are a family owned septic company that has been in business since 1965. It consist of my mother and father, my sister and her husband, my girlfriend and I and 4 other employees. My sister, mother and girlfriend are secretaries, my father, my sister's husband, me and another employee are truck drivers and 2 others are laborers. Here are the list of problems.

1. My father has no management skills, his motto is that the employees are friends, and they must be kept happy so they don't quit. This is a major problem since the employees have overstepped their boundaries and think that since they are friends with the boss, they can do what ever they want, and disrespect everyone else.
2. My sister was given a position of management, she has no management skills whatsoever and is just as bad as the other employees. She puts in her 8 hour day and leaves at 4pm sharp every day. Doesn't ever work a weekend, and never puts any other effort in.
3. Due to the lack of management, there is a lot of work, and other tasks around the shop that are not being done. The place looks like an absolute dump.
4. Before I started working on it, there was no form of accounting, no body kept track of sales or expenses, no one had a clue if we were actually making money or not.
5. We have employees who lie, a lot and will fabricate lies to make other employees look bad and possibly get them in trouble. My father knows this but he refuses to fire anyone.
6. Most of our employees will sit on the clock and waste time talking or eating. I have calculated that they waste at least an hour every day from sitting around.
7. Our expenses are out of control, we waste money one excess electric use, wages, food, drinks, fuel, maintenance, etc.
8. Our prices aren't nearly enough to turn over a reasonable profit so we can re invest in the business.
9. Being a sewer treatment plant, we have very strict guidelines to follow by the Department of Environmental protection. If there is something incorrect we can be fined enough money to be put out of business. There is multiple DEP violations here ranging from minor to very major, and my father takes no action in correcting them.

And lastly. I have been working my ass off, I am the first one here every day, and the last one to leave everyday. I work out in the field, I do estimates for work, I call and talk to customers, I do the accounting, I do the payroll, I pay the federal and state taxes, I try to clean up around our shop when I have time, I try to lead and manage our unruly employees. This is only some of the problems, but I really need some advice.

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