samedi 27 juin 2015

Young Guy Seeking Advice

Well to start off I am 21, live in Iowa, have a son, and am newly working at a local foundry doing parts grinding in the millroom (ah the joys). My job history for being 21 is long, although most of it is manual labor in factories (food processing, machining parts and assembly of gas valves, meters, etc and my current job) and janitorial (was even my own boss working for contractor for a good while!).

So what brings a young guy like me here? I've always dreamed of running my own business. For awhile I figured on starting a janitorial business starting small in residential and then expanding out to cleanouts/commercial. Due to the costs of equipment, PPE, gas, etc. decided to lay it down for now. Although now I find myself wanting to do something along the lines of Kydex holsters and some "novelty" wood items. Don't know why but I love manufacturing and it helps keep my anxiety down once I have a routine. I figured my costs to start making holsters out of home would be around $400 and for advertising use local shops plus online and just do flat rate USPS shipping to keep everything simple as possible.

Anyways just looking to get advice, opinions, etc.

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