jeudi 18 juin 2015

Mindbody/Front Desk vs QuickBooks

I'm currently in the process of looking for business management software (such as MindBody (MB) or Front Desk (FD)) and realized that a lot of the information needed to file taxes is collected and can be reported through the software. However, I wasn't able to clarify if this made something like QuickBooks pointless - or if I would need this software on top of MB or FD.

It seems that I can get all of the reports I need to file taxes from MB or FD and QuickBooks would be redundant. I could essentially hand all of the reports to my tax accountant from either program and I'd be set - the difference is that MB and FD allow me to manage business operations in addition to data collection.

I tried to confirm with one of the staff at MB, but couldn't get a direct answer.

What's your experience between the 2 pieces of software?

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