jeudi 30 juillet 2015

B2B Sales Comp Plan - Hints, Help, and Everything More

Hello Guys,

We are looking to build a sales team and we are starting to work on the Sales Compensation plan, we are a Business to Business (B2B) company, so the rules are a bit different for a B2B company over a B2C company.

We don't have any real capital at the moment, so we are going to try to build a sales team of 100% commissions independent sales reps that can set their own hours, but we are running into a couple of issues of how to do it. I have a bunch of network marketing friends who have tried to help me with their comp plans, but it is really driven off of forming a team and profiting from people below them, but we can't do that with a B2B one.

So, we are trying to figure out different things like:

1. Should we base it off revenue? Gross Profits?

2. Should we try to get as MANY as possible in an area, or should we keep it low number so we don't saturate a market and set the reps up for success instead of the business name.

3. Should we do a HIGH based commission with very low bonuses or low commission with huge bonuses?

These are all things I don't know about when setting up a comp plan and sales strategy with it, so I am looking for ANY insight into what we should do, as we have to do it 100% commissions at the moment as we don't have any type of capital.

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