mercredi 22 juillet 2015

Marketing software to small business

Hi folks - this is my first post (other than my quick intro in the newbies section) but I'm trying to get some ideas on how to market my new CRM software that we built for small businesses. Some quick background: I've been consulting on SugarCRM/Salesforce products for over 10 years now (and 8 as my own company) and one thing here in Canada that we have an issue with is the cost of the products (our dollar is getting killed right now) and the fact that we simply don't have businesses as well versed in technology.

I find that I'm really successful getting people signed up with it when I meet with them face to face. So one approach I am taking is calling all of the regional Chamber of Commerces and trying to setup speaking events and contribute to their newsletters/blogs. So far so good as I already have a few that are on board.

Has anybody else tackled this kind of thing? The product itself has been designed with input from small businesses, it's just I know a lot of them might touch Facebook but don't really go out looking for these things which is why I've found MeetUp groups and networking events good so far.

Would appreciate any ideas. Cheers!


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