vendredi 24 juillet 2015

Getting burned with non payments. Need payment processor that protects digital goods

Looking for a payment processor that fits our business. We are located in USA.

We are a small marketing company where we generate specialized contacts that are sold to 3rd party businesses.
The 3rd party can order anywhere between 100$ and 2000$ worth of contacts at one time.
We've been burned twice now for non payment.
The contacts we sell are useless to us once they leave our hands.

We've looked at traditional merchant accounts but they don't seem to fit us.
-Too many fees.
-Too many undisclosed details.
-Simply not enough volume to justify it...

Of the online modern ones:
Paypal is no good because it doesn't offer any protection for the sale of digital goods.
Square seemed good enough but it seems to be a customer service nightmare and random freezing and deactivation is offsetting.

key points:
*100$-2000$ sporadic order processing
*volume is low (under 4000$/month)
*need protection from chargebacks for selling digital goods

Thank you!!!

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