mardi 21 juillet 2015

Why only offer 25% ownership of a new company.

Good afternoon all!

I am a new member and am grateful that a community such as this exists.

I live in Canada and have been approached by a friend with a new business idea that he would like to team up with me on. It will be his first business, and of course mine too.

I am very excited about the idea and feel that we both bring equal FUTURE value to the table, although today I bring much less than him. He is an experienced manager with lots of experience in hiring, training, budgeting, people management and scheduling. He is also very capable in the sales department.

I have had much less experience in the work force (being 6 years younger.) My value is mostly intangible at this point. I know for a fact that I will very quickly bridge any gap that might be apparent today.

So, this brings me to my reason for being here today:

He has offered me 25% ownership of the new company, he will own the other 75%. I am his best choice to partner with as his other options are proven to be unreliable and not nearly as easy to work with.

1. Why is he only offering 25% to me? is there a "secret" benefit to owning 75% of a corporation that I am unaware of? (He did let slip at one point 2. that he had read a book that he was afraid to let me read based on this topic, if you can name that book I would be very appreciative!)
3. Based on the future value that I will bring to the company is it fair to say I am worth 50% today?
4. I am aware that this is his idea and he could go elsewhere, but I am his best option. He will not succeed nearly as swiftly or as smoothly without a partner. Should I be firm and take no less than 49% of the company?

Any advice you have based on your experience would be very highly appreciated!

I look forward to hearing from you all.

Best regards.

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