jeudi 13 août 2015

College girl seeking tiny help

I know this looks and sounds really bad, but so is my situation

I really did not know where to post this, in which forum to who, and why even..As I thought this would be a community full of businessmen who has helped many others in need in the past, I thought posting here would work.

I am a 21 year old college student and I my student house has been robbed a short while ago. I lost nearly everything, including my laptop that i have my schoolwork in, my TV, and everything.
Even before this happened I was having some financial issues and this was the killer point. I decided i needed to do something. While thinking of a way of income, I saw the nudes that I have taken for my ex. I recently broke up with him. IDK if my anger to him made me think of this, but i plan on selling those nudes and videos.

I thought there would be people over here who would not hesitate helping. Even if you don't, please do not judge me. I cannot think of anything else, this seems like the only way out...

You can contact me through skype to buy my nudes & help me

skype : lerdon.gambit

thanks in advance

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