lundi 30 novembre 2015

Funding Questions

What's good people? Alright, so last weekend I went with my girlfriend to her grandparents' house for a weekend visit. At dinner I started conversating with her 84 year old grandfather about things and he asked about what I'm into. I told him I'm a huge business and stock nerd. Little did I know the guy has an MBA from the University of New Hampshire and wrote a thesis on the steel industry strikes in 1959 which we talked about for like a half an hour.

The next day the rest of the family came for Thanksgiving. LITTLE DID I KNOW THE SON OF THE GRANDFATHER HAS AN MBA FROM STANFORD. This guy is loaded, he's the founder and CEO of an international industrial equipment trades company where he sells construction equipment and other huge equipment all over the world. The other guy is a carpenter but they all know a lot about business and it was amazing.

We all talked for hours about it and I asked them what the best solution to get funding for my businesses at 16. Their response was:

1. Rich uncle
2. Rich Aunt
3. Rich someone
4. The small business association (maybe)
5. An investor
6. Get a patent or document your item somehow so no one can patent it and if they do then you can counteract the patent.
7. Don't even think about banks, they won't touch you.
8. Kickstarter or AngelList

My question is, how does the small business association work and what is the best way to get funding? Thanks <3

Hi, Artist

Hi everyone.

Wanted to introduce myself.
I'm Joshua.

I'm an artist/entrepreneur.

I work with my partner and offer a variety of services:
Graphic Design, Illustration, Motion Graphics/Animation, 3D Design, Video

I'm looking for ways to grow my business further, while also being able to help others with my expertise.
When I was in art college I think I actually spent more time trying to learn about marketing and business than working on certain courses.
I have a real love for small business. I love the humanities, and I think empowering people about small business may be a way to help create positive change in the world.

I also really love animals.

Thanks for having me,

My local news did a story on a Pay Pal loophole that screws people over [Video]

I was glad to see this story, even if it is only on a local station.
I got screwed on this one a while back (You can read my experience in the video's comments) and it is infuriating that buyers are able to do this to businesses and sellers and get away with it. Also that credit card companies are willfully in on the scam of screwing people over. I'm actually angrier at the [Master Card] credit card company and the buyer than I am Pay Pal since they are the co-conspirators in the fraud.

I always sing Pay Pal's praises, but nothing is perfect and this has been screwing the little guy over for years and savvy people who know the law exploit it all of the time.
8 On Your Side: PayPal - Story | LasVegasNow | KLAS-TV

Looking for advice on logo choice

I'm looking for a little bit of advice regarding my logo. My business puts on events for car showrooms in order to increase sales. Its mainly car showrooms but I might get the odd motorcycle or commercial van showroom but very few. Now I know that a logo isn't the most important thing in the world but our initial contact with the showroom is printed material which will have part or all of the logo on the envelope and obviously on the information inside.

I am being given advice from 2 sides regarding the content of the logo. On one side I'm being told that the logo should show what we do / be related to what we specialise in. On the other side I'm being told to do the opposite and not look to specific so that I don't li8mit myself to the types of events we do. I can see the merits of both sides so I'm pretty undecided at this point, hence why I'm asking for some advice.

Personally I think it might look better to a potential client that we are an events company specialising in a certain type of event rather than a company that will have a go at anything?

I would appreciate it if I could have some views on the logo's below, cheers guys.

Has anyone used Worldcore?

Hi everyone! I need a payment gateway for mass payments for my affiliate program and I found in google advertising.Their fees look nice for me and quick approval seems attractive as well. I did some research and couldn’t find any bad word about them but it would be perfect if someone confirms an experience with them. I opened an account already and got it verified but our company transaction volume is pretty high so I want to do a deeper research before switching my transactions to Worldcore.

More people shopped online than in stores on Black Friday

I don't get the appeal of the Black Friday sales anymore, but then again I rarely buy most things in an actual store anymore. Whatever deals a brick and mortar is advertising, you can find the same or better online and have it delivered. There's also deals all year long, but especially before and after CES ( for electronics).

This year, for the first time, more people shopped online on Black Friday than in stores.


More than 103 million people shopped online over the four-day weekend, which started Thursday on Thanksgiving and continued with Black Friday, according to an annual survey commissioned by the National Retail Federation. That compares with fewer than 102 million who ventured into traditional stores, the trade group said.

I'd say this trend will probably continue for quite some time.
What do you think?

The first question

Hello, everyone
I've just joined the forum.
Here is my question
Can I put a link in my posting?

Pinball arcade. Questions about competing

My dad wants to help me start a pinball arcade. He's owned his own business for 20+ years.

I talked to some pinball people and pretty much got made fun of. They think starting it with $20,000 is a joke. I was also told I needed machines from the top 100 pinball machines of all time.

I was thinking I could get a cheap space in a downtown area (cheap being a relative term) and charge $9.25 + tax for all day play. This way you and a friend could have fun all day on a $20 bill.

I want to do it completely without a loan. This way, if it's a rough start, I'm not totally screwed.

If I could get 200 customers per week, I could stay afloat while I'm getting some better games and all that.

There's already a pinball arcade in the area, and they've probably invested $200,000 in top quality pinball machines. My dad says we need compete around them rather than directly at them.

We would be sort of a budget arcade. His idea was to charge 25c per play. I'm not sure if 25c per play is better than a flat rate all day pass.

I plan on amassing a variety of machines over the course of a year or two.

The arcade would be fun, but I just don't see a way that I could make it more fun than the guys who have the best of the best pinball machines which I cannot afford.

How hard would it be to pull of 200 customers per week at $9.25 all day? What could I do to out compete a guy who has better machines than me?

Need on new business and business plan help!

Hi everyone, I'm starting a new business in my town particularly a Retail/Guided Outfitting Business. my business is in the Hunting, Fly Fishing and Fly tying, fire arms, ammunition, outdoors retail. where I'm located is in the great state of Montana, and there is absolutely no competition whats so ever for at least a 100 miles in either direction, we all ways get people passing through asking if we have a store like the one I'm describing in my town, and sadly we tell them they have to go a 100+ miles either west, south, east or north into Canada. so I'm jumping on the ball and going to provide these services to the locals and tourism people alike not to mention I'm only 20 minutes away from Glacier National Park:cool: but my question is on the business plan, i need help with choosing a good legal structure and whats the best legal structure for a retail business in that field.... any advise or suggestions would help!

What is Cache?

Hi All

What is Cache?

dimanche 29 novembre 2015

Maximum Number of Shares Authorized


I am about incorporating a business in BC Canada. The is a question bout Authorized Share Structure in the application i.e. "maximum Number of shares authorized" what should one indicate here. I am the only shareholder and I am incorporating the company for my Coaching business. What should also be included under "without par value" or "with a par value of" what does this mean. Do any of this have some form tax implications in BC, Canada.

I'll appreciate any response. Thank you.

Newbie with shoe business idea

Hello! I'm Lara. I came across this forum while looking for resources about how to start a business. I need all the help I can get!

My idea is to start a children's shoe line. I want to produce a brand of higher quality children's shoes and sell them on my website and in stores. I'm uncomfortable sharing more publicly at this point, but please feel free to message me for more info!

I am thinking I should start by selling on Amazon, until I get enough money to begin producing my own shoes. Then, I will create my brand.

I'm currently a stay-at-home mom with little business knowledge. I'm confident that I will be able to learn the ropes quickly, however. I've already been exploring the SBA website and have found a SCORE mentor.

My biggest concern is how to acquire start-up funds. I've considered doing a Kickstarter project.

Thanks for reading.

samedi 28 novembre 2015

Linux External HD

I'm having trouble finding a USB Linux external HD that the pc will recognize. I have a lot of movies I don't want to loose and the files are big, so an online service won't work for those. It would be really cool if the external drive would recognize files on windows as well, but I have no idea how that would work.

Any Linux users have any recommendations?

vendredi 27 novembre 2015

Hi There

Hi everyone,

My name is Evan. I'm from northern California in the USA. I have been doing online marketing for about 7 years now. I did some missions work in Thailand from 2005 to 2012 and that's what got me started in this business cause I had no support coming from the USA and needed to be able to support myself while overseas. Glad to be a part of this forum now. If you have any questions about me or what I do feel free to ask. Happy Holidays again everyone.

mercredi 25 novembre 2015

I hear that the Bahrain stock exchange has started region’s first Islamic finance

I hear that the Bahrain stock exchange has started region’s first Islamic finance index. How is it going to help investors?

Let's all give thanks

As the US Thanksgiving is upon us (we already had the real Thanksgiving over a month ago up here in Canada), remember to take the time to reflect on the blessings that have been received.

I was reminded of this again today as I learned that a son of a couple in my church is in very serious condition after his car exploded (Explosion injures one | St. Thomas Times-Journal).

Rethinking my business approach. Better to make items to order or keep Inventory?

I have been running a custom t-shirt business for almost 5 years now and we currently custom print every shirt to order to keep our overhead down. I have a vendor that can supply me with the blank tees the very next business day allowing me to print on demand. In doing so however we run into other problems I wouldn't have If I just outsourced the printing in bulk (no one offs as it's too expensive) and did everything myself. Right now we have periodic quality issues with the printing that wouldn't happen if these were large print runs instead of 1 offs, issues with employees when we have to hire seasonal help for the busier times, overhead of having a shop, machinery, payroll, etc. I know they say your employees will never work and care as much as you do but It's tough to accept as I want to give my customers the absolute best. I was totally against carrying Inventory in the past but the more I think about it now the more I am thinking this wouldn't be so bad but I am scared to pull the trigger. I have close to 250 t-shirt designs now and I can assuredly pick at least 100 of my better sellers and just have these printed in the most popular sizes i sell and inventory that. If i did that I can get rid of my current overhead and I can actually house the inventory in my house and just package and ship from home. However, most shirt designs i have are very pop culture driven and only sell when the iron is hot so to speak. When I am printing these in house I can easily just post a new design I am not sure on and print if I sell, if I am outsourcing i maybe stuck holding a good amount of dead stock.

Any thoughts feedback on this is much appreciated. I really don't want to do a half and half type deal so please suggest one or the other if you could. Thank you all in advance.

mardi 24 novembre 2015

Pinball arcade truck. Is this viable? What would you change about it?

Arcade trucks have gotten popular here in the states. What most people seem to be doing is fitting cargo trailers with consoles and flat screen TVs and charging $100+ per hour to bring it to a party of some sort.

My idea is similar. What I want to do is fit an air conditioned trailer with about 15 pinball machines. My business model would only charge $30 per hour, but the machines take quarters.

The advantages would be that I stand out from the crowd by offering something different, if mom and dad are tight on cash for a birthday party it's only $30 per hour and the guests can pay to play themselves, and it attracts an older crowd so I might get things like bachelor parties.

The main downside is that kids today generally prefer shooters and might not be too interested in pinball.

Three questions: Should I go through with this? What would you change about it? Should I charge 25c or the standard 50c per play?

New to the forum

Hello everyone!

My name is Nathan and I wanted to introduce myself. I own an animation video production company called Animation Ants. We create explainer videos for businesses that help generate leads in a unique way.

Seems like a great forum at first glance. Look forward to discussions with you all.

Seeking feedback from small business owners

Hi guys,

I would be soooooo grateful if you can take a couple of minutes (under 3 minutes!) to answer a few questions for me.

I'm seeking feedback from small business owners about HR advice - where do you get it from etc. I've put together the questions in Typeform, there's 14 questions and I promise it should take you less than 3 minutes.

Here is the LINK

Thank you in advance!

Siri, Cortana, Google Now, or Alexa?

Odds are by now you are using or at least have one of these voice activated virtual assistant, search thingies. If not, you probably will be by the end of the holiday season with the 4 major players going on full scale marketing pushes.

Was wondering who uses which, if you like using them, and how do you feel about the future possibilities?

I have Android phones so I've been using Google now for a while. I think it's a pretty awesome tool on the phone. Google has access to pretty much all the information that you need. I even used it the other day while importing some old CD's that I'd burned years ago and forget some of the track names. I just kept asking Google "What's the name of this song?" and it was spot on every single time. And some of my music is pretty niche Dance and EDM.

I have Windows 10 computers so I do use Cortana, but it's not really as good and it doesn't speak back most of the answers, it merely shows you on screen (as if that's really some kind of inconvenience).

Same with the XBOX. It's spotty at best and I don't really ever use my voice to control it anymore.

I also have an Amazon Echo and it is very impressive. At the moment it lacks the access to the same wealth of search information as Google, but where it really shines is in it's ability to control other devices. Something the others either don't do, or only do in their own ecosystem.
It's voice recognition is also far superior than the others, and you can speak naturally from across the room and it will hear you and do what you say.

I don't have anything Apple, but I have tried Siri on other people's phones and it is very good.

If I could combine Google's access to information, with the Echo's voice recognition and integration with other "smart" devices, it would be perfect.

Obviously I'm still waiting to see which one of these will let me use "Computer" as my trigger word so that I can realize my Star Trek dreams.

So who's using what and what do you think about them?
Or do you dislike them altogether, worry about privacy or other concerns?

lundi 23 novembre 2015


Hi everyone, what is the best way to increase site score for getting the maximum of PPC campaigns??

Back links.

Hi everyone, I want to know the best way to get quality backlinks with high PR?

Hello guys!

Hey guys! I'm new to the forum and eager to give and receive helpful information.

Earlier this year I went into business for myself FT as a consultant and love speaking with others who have similar goals, dreams, or who are already entrepreneurs.

Thanks for having me here.

How can i start my small business

hi i am razu age 27, any one give me idea how can start my business i want to create new web service solution , i have no insufficient money how can i get a loan from bank?

dimanche 22 novembre 2015

Hi from Sweden

My name is Jonathan Andersson and I am a student as well as CEO for GetWeb UF.

I want to learn more about international marketing as well as just regular advice from other users. I got knowledge in web development and I am happy to assist and help making the web even greater. I can also offer my services for any member who is interested in purchasing a website.

Please check out my web and tell me what you think about it! :)
Attached Images

Hello - Product Development Services

Flintrock Engineering, LLC focuses on product development solutions for individuals and small businesses.

3D Printing
Engineering Design

I enjoy assisting with taking an idea from a rough sketch on a napkin to a functioning prototype.

samedi 21 novembre 2015

Choosing Extension Numbers for Phone System

This is a detail I never thought about before and it's probably not a big deal but what structure do companies use when setting up phone extensions? For example does a whole department generally have the same first number (e.g. 2XXX for Sales)?

Are the any common practices such as Customer Support usually starts with 1XXX and sales usually a 2XXX for example?

These are things I've never even thought about but now that I am about to have to setup our system, I just would like to avoid any potential issues down the road.

Music Management and Streaming Music Services

For years I've been using iTunes faithfully and have one iPod touch that I've had for years that I never use anymore.
However IMO using iTunes as a music manager is a complete nightmare and it has always been but there weren't many options before.

At the moment I have all my music backed up and duplicated all over the place. iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Music, Plex, Groove Music (formerly XBOX Music, formerly Zune Music), and the various cloud accounts that those services come with, and my own WD cloud server.

Obviously with the exception of my own home server it is ridiculous to have this daisy chain of one thing backing up to another, backing up to another but it's the only way to have all of my music on every device. (Android Phone, XBOX, 2 Windows Computers, Amazon Fire and Echo). And maybe I don't completely trust any of them and want to make sure I have multiple back ups.

I thought Plex would be an all in one solution since there are apps for it on everything, but it really doesn't seem very stable to me.

I've also been testing a trial of the Google Play Music service (after resisting paying for a streaming music service), and to be honest, the fact that it comes with You Tube Red, and You Tube Music makes it a pretty awesome deal. Especially now that these services are better at curating the kind of music I listen to most. Still not sure if I'm going to pay for it though.

So, I'm wondering what some of you use, why, and how happy you are with the set up or service that you have.

Hello guys

Hello friends new to forum. Looking for long nice stay here..

small medium enterprises in india

Small medium enterprises in India will find a right portal in SMBConnect to learn market trends and get insights from business experts while building contacts.
SMBConnect is an unique and a simplified concept that connects all the SME’s and the upcoming entrepreneurs across the nation. It’s a one stop solution and serves as a common point of interaction for all. Small business owners and entrepreneurs come together and share various aspects of experiences and knowledge of their work field leading the business further.

Small and medium-sized enterprises

SMBConnect aims to mentor small and medium-sized enterprises, while bringing them together under one roof to give them maximum advantage of networking.

vendredi 20 novembre 2015

Don't like turkey

I don't like turkey. I'll eat it but I don't like particularly like it. Sweet potatoes and most squash make me gag.The rest of the normal condiments I like.I'm thinking about duck this year.

Anybody else cook alternatives to turkey?

Native advertising

I have recently discovered native advertising services, like Sharethrough. They seems to be great because they offer quality content in your site instead of boring classic banners. But, my question is: are they more profitable than Google Adsense for putting them in a website? Are better choices for making a free website profitable? Thanks in advance.

Starting a business using a loan

I am in a pickle - To fund my eCommerce clothing business, I do not have a business credit card - or many business assets, but I need a loan. Should I take out a personal loan and apply it to my business? If so, what are the downfalls of kind of merging my personal finances with my business finances, or was that bound to happen anyway?


Good day members!
Found this forum, and intresting to see how easy and friendly people are comunicate here. I live in Kiev, and specialize on tennis staff and equipments, as well as a tennis trainer.
will be in touch.

Help understanding partnership

So I have worked for my company for 12 years and have been offered partnership.
I would like to point out that my boss is a great lifelong friend and I trust him completely.
We have a small home improvements business the business owns 2 vans and various tools and access equipment.
I have been asked to pay £11000 for 25 percent of the company and this can be taken in a directors loan.
My increase in wage will more then pay for the directors loan so my percentage is essentially free in fact I have a little left over from the pay increase.
However a problem has arose.
These are not actual figures but I will use simple ones for ease.
When I first sat down with the boss and his wife we first agreed that we would get paid an equal salary of £5000 from the company each as we both do an equal amount of work and then anything left over would be divided up according to our percentages.
Upon another conversation about the whole process today my boss tells me that his salary should be 3 times mine because he has 3 times the percentage however based on those figures the company wouldn't even be able to pay his wage because if my salary that's been agreed is representative of 25 percent then the money left in the company would not be enough to pay him his 75 percent even on a fantastic year!
So I figure this means I would just never ever get anything more than my salary because the remaining amount will never be enough to pay him so he will take it all if you see my meaning.

I just figured we both got our salary for what we actually do and then the percentages are split on anything left.

Am I way off the mark?

How do unequal partners salaries work?

Many thanks

internet marketing

start with affiliate jobs gi.can help!

3d panels made from plaster production. Is it profitable?

I'm thinking about launching 3D panels production business. It seems to me it's a very profitable one. The difference between cost of plaster and finished product is huge. Income level reaches 300-500%. I saw in internet company, which has molds made from plastic and polyurethane. It would be interesting to contact with manufacturer. I want to try to order molds from Russia and set up my own production of panels. What do you think about that idea?
So here we’ve got a bag of plaster which can be bought with 17-19$. Mixing plaster with water and spilling it on the molds, we will get a beautiful 3D wall panel. Depending on thickness, one bag of plaster produces 4-5 panels. Europe average cost of each is 27-29$. Summarizing all afore-named, for every 18$ spent on the material, total profit accounts for 100$. (400% profit, excluding stuff and rent investments)
At first it’s possible to produce by my own hands. But I've got small work experience with plaster (made some figures). And also these panels are rather huge, that might cause shipment problems. how do you think, is it possible to send such panels to different cities?
Most likely I will have to get in contact with designers and share benefits, as they might recommend the goods. I would appreciate you to share your feelings about that. How many investments does it take?

jeudi 19 novembre 2015

Outgoing. Am i being robbed

I am wondering if i am being charged correctly for outgoing?
I am just to receive an estimate for the current y ear nor have i ever received audit copies of invoi ces。 
each month my landlord sends a bill saying : outgo ings for x month is x amount。
I am paying for pest control that never gets done  and a public telephone i cant locate within the complex  

is my landlord in the wrong? or do I just have to suck it up?

Starting capital

Hi to all.
I try create a several little companies. And first question is starting capital. Now I can see next ways:
1. Employment and save % of salary.
2. Take in family, friends.
3. Take a credit.
4. Finding investor.
5. To win the tender
6. Founds.
Maybe are other and ways?

How to Get Into International Marketing Career ?

“It’s a small world”, is a famous words that you must hear every day. Indeed the world is getting smaller by the day and boundaries are getting rubbed out as you speak. In such a manner everything is global and the term globalization has gained a new significance. Marketing jobs are such that they require integration of the entire company deals and doings. With most companies becoming international, it is most likely that your job in marketing is becoming international too.

Marketing is a field that is essential for the success of a company. It is the tool by which a product or service offered by a company is presented to the consumers. As the company grows up, it tends to branch out and expand to new places. Earlier the trend was to set up new branches all over one country. But now, one is rarely satisfied with so little. A company is considered to have truly become successful when it has achieved a global situation. This means that a company or organization has branches in various countries and places. Thus marketing jobs too are expanding too, to surround the whole world.

International marketing jobs are very profitable especially if you enjoy travelling. The jobs may be hectic, and you may have to fly at all hours but the real attraction of the job is in the new places and experiences that you get to enjoy. To get into an international marketing job, there are a few features that you require.

International marketing jobs are more required than regular marketing jobs and hence the top-notch employees are channeled into international marketing. It requires special skills to manipulate a lot of things and handle pressure in strange places. You need to keep exercising your creativity and come up with ideas that are sure to be a hit regardless of where you go. Think global only then can you be successful in an international marketing job.

Keyword Research Importance for Business Growth

Keyword Research or keyword Analytics is one of major techniques of Search Engine optimization that have been helping businesses to grow up.

Search engine optimization is one of the major techniques used these days for a website promotion and to make business successful.

Extensive keyword research and sorting is one of the major technique required for any business promotion. By doing deep keyword research, one can achieve better results in terms of website visibility in topmost search engines. The process is a bit time-consuming and requires lot of research and analysis. But this method if carried out properly can bring out better results. Keyword research requires a huge amount of patience and smart calculations. Not only this, an individuals should also be aware of essential and better quality tools for the purpose of performing keyword research for a perfect search engine optimization.

The most common and widely used tools used for keyword research are Google Insight, Google Keyword Tool, and Google Suggestions. The steps for using these tools are:

1. Downloading them in an excel sheet.

2. Finding out keywords.

3. Sorting them by every day searches.

How to Start An Online Business?

Each business owner plan to take his business into a higher level. They always dream of having several branches to reach more people, expansion is a good idea but the cost may be too expensive.

Now you can expand and share your service and product into a larger market, why not make your business globally?

If you have an online business, you can easily reach your target audience, communicate faster and there is a great opportunity to reach more customers. This is a cheaper way of expanding your business, no hassle and no need to build a new office. Sounds easy, but how do you start?

A business owner must know how to do an internet marketing. If you are a busy person who doesn't have enough time to take a short course on online business and internet marketing, you can just take exercise and online product training which means you can learn in your own free time. It basically teaches you how to implement Internet marketing. It's to make things easier, you do more actions with less effort. More profits, more income with less effort, less investment and less time. With this type of technique, a business owner can be rich in no time.

Once you have an online business, it is important that you keep in touch with your visitors and turn them into customers. Follow - up is required, by email, you can tell them directly about your service, its benefits and why they need it. Who knows, they might be interested in what you offer or you refer to others. Why email? Because millions of people go online and check their emails daily. For starters, it can be complicated, there are many things that need to be made and sending emails every day can be tiring. No worries, because there are companies that help beginners in the management of their business.

Although some of them may be strict, everyone cannot be accepted, they do so to protect their integrity. Applicants must be qualified or referred. Once accepted, they provide virtual office, with business tools, training and technical support. There are also business coaches who have extensive experience and vast knowledge when it comes to business. They will lead you to the road of success. This is specially designed to guide and assist those who have an online business to succeed regardless of their education and corporate training.

Furthermore, there are a lot of internet marketing methods and techniques that should be used like video marketing, blogs, social marketing ….etc, so you can customize your suitable method depending on your online business type.

For instance, if you intend to sell products online, you have many choices according to the size of your business, so if you have little number of products, you can sell on web auction sites to save your money and effort but if you have a lot of products, you can do a web store by yourself or assign someone who has an experience to do so and customize your marketing methods and useful applications such as Shopify store platform which has a lot of advantages suitable for a wide band of an online businesses.

What you value most in the business

Hi, all!

What you value most in the business. I'm most value the quality. No matter, this is product or service. Any you?
Asking, because maybe I'm wrong...

Free job board for recruiters

Hello, if you are hiring you can post job offers for free in this job board:

Starting a business with a full time job


I am currently wanting to start a business while i have a full time job. My Full time job is a apprenticeship so my income is only £190 a week.

The only outgoings with my business will be £47.99 a month and about £10.00 for a accounting software per month.

I will be receiving enough to cover my outgoings a month every month automatically through my monthly payments off my customers.

The real question is i'm wondering how it will work with tax and stuff while working at my current job.

What exactly will happen?


mercredi 18 novembre 2015

How Do You See Your Future Employee

Since i don't have sufficient finances for my bussines development, i found myself pushed to work as an employee for another business.

I applied for a 4h/day - 5 days/week job at a company. Today they called and invited me for a face to face interview at their headquarters.

Next i will write down a small part of their hiring announcement:

"What do we expect from our new colleague ?
- seriosity and responsability
- willing for self-improvement
- proactivity and positive attitude
- long term collaboration
- involvment and perseverance"

Ok, i really agree with this and i don't like the idea of working in this company just for raising money. Experience and new friends are allways welcomed.

I posted this thread to ask business owners that have empployes or not, what they expect from a person that comes to a job interview. What they really seek. I'm really interested to find out everything. How should i behavefrom the first sight and impression, until the end of the interview. What employers really want to see at theyr future employee. I need key advice about how to express seriosity, responsability, willing for self-improvement....etc.

What question would you ask a potential employee?



I always asociated coffee with business. People often talk about business and share their ideas while having a coffee. I like drinking coffee and i consume it every day.

I created this thread to find out how you like your coffee. What brand? From which country are the coffee beens? How you want it to be made?(filter, coffe machine, boiled in a kettle...) You like a snack beside your coffee cup or not. You want to have your coffee on a terrace or inside...and so on...

I know the most users on this forum are from US and they like it "large and black" (big joker over here), but maybe we can find out more about coffee culture.

I will start first: I like the coffe made by a gas station's restaurant francize (OMV). It's made by a italian coffe machine, very aromated, served with a small cookie and a glass of water at the end.

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mardi 17 novembre 2015

Can't come up with an interesting original business name!

Ok guys I could do with some help here. Whilst other areas of setting up the business are progressing well I can't come up with a good name for the business.

The business is event based and is specifically aimed at car and motorcycle showrooms to promote sales. It involves us sending out marketing material to clients inviting them to a sales event, advising the showroom on how to position cars etc during the event and finally dressing the showroom for the event.

The names I've come up with or have been suggested so far have either been already in use or not relevant at all. Ideally I want something that describes what we do but would also lend itself well to the design of a logo. I realise that names, logo's etc aren't the most important thing in the world and this type of business is going to be successful only if the results of our events are good. That being said I would still like a decent name to start the business off with.

I kind of have a tag line / 3 descriptive words.... 'promote-event-sales' .... but if anyone thinks this can also be improved upon I'd love to hear suggestions.

I'd appreciate any help at all on this as I've been trying to think of a name for a good while now. I've deliberately not listed any previous ideas or companies currently in the same industry so that any suggestions are completely fresh and not influenced by old ideas.

high rank

how to get high rank in google?

More Money = More Profit

Everyone knows this. Bigger financial capital means bigger income. Is simple.

Greetings to everybody! I'm new on this server and i want to present you some toughts about my bussines. I must warn you that i'm not a native english speaker so please excuse any writing mistakes.

Financial capital is everything about my bussines. Is like blood that keeps it alive and transport nutrients, helping it grow bigger and stronger. I'm saying this because i obtain profit using only money, like banks and brokers. To be more accurate it is about sport betting. I know that first reaction of many folks.They see my like a "scam boy" or betting games addict. I don't care because i know i'm not like that. Sport Betting is my passion for a few years. I don't own a betting agency. I studied the system, i calculated the oportunities for months and i came up with a long term plan for obtaining profit. Imediatly after i builded the plan, i puted it to work, without using real money. I simulated for one whole year. And it worked. It's not making you a millionaire over night, but brings a good percentage of profit. It passed six months since i puted a little sum of real money to work for me and everything runs good. The main advantage of this bussines is that is consumes only a few hours per week (3 hours). The money works for me. I just stick to my everyday schedule. I'm a college student and i can't miss any classes.

The main "problem" for me now is that i don't have enough liquid money

Employee Requesting to Defer Wages


I have an employee requesting to defer his wages until after January 1st. He says that for the remainder of this year he needs to pay Social Security one dollar for every two that he earns and wants to avoid this. Can we do this?

lundi 16 novembre 2015

Shipping for small businesses


I don't know if you agree but I find that a number of small businesses struggle with their shipping. This is simply because they do not have the volume to negotiate acceptable rates with the popular couriers. Therefore I have found shipping resellers like International Shipping & Corporate Couriers | eShipper are very useful. They have a very convenient and easy to use platform. Once you are registered (free), you add your shipping details and it would give rates from all big couriers. The best part is that you can ship from the same website. They can offer highly competitive rates because they ship large volumes. It is ideal for small and startup businesses!

They also have an API integration for eCommerce platforms which can really come in handy. If anyone is interested I do have a direct contact there who can help you through the process.


For Accountants: New Affordable Care Act Tax forms

The new Affordable Care Tax forms has caught everyone off guard. Its going to be required to file for your employees.

Affordable Care Act (ACA) reporting is mandatory for calendar year 2015 and is the responsibility of the employer. The reporting requirements consists of two types of forms and their related transmittal's. Free samples are available. Just add it to the shopping cart and place the free order. We'll email you a tracking number when the free sample has been shipped.
ACA Forms:

Form 1095-B must be issued by a self-insured employer with less than 50 full time employees (including full-time equivalent employees), or by the issuer to the employees and to the IRS as proof of healthcare coverage.
Form 1095-C must be issued by employers with 50+ full time employees (including full-time equivalent employees) to employees and to the IRS. Filers may submit multiple 1095-C batches to the IRS.
Form 1094-B is the transmittal form that must be filed with form 1095-B
Form 1094-C is the related transmittal sent to the IRS. This transmittal may have up to 3 pages with also must be included when e-filing each batch to the IRS.

There is information on our website if you need more support.

Question for business owners

Would you drop your current waste removal provider for a company that offers a charge that adapts to your fluctuating waste generation each month ?

dimanche 15 novembre 2015


hi friends

I am new member of the forum.

Wts ! Apple iPhone 6s plus 128GB-$550 ( bestmobilephoneshopltd@ gmail . com )

Up for sale is an iPhone 6s and 6s plus world phone, factory UNLOCKED and SIM FREE. Please be confident to buy our items. You are doing business with an Approved dealer. Your purchase is backed up by our top-notch customer service.

Our Price :

Buy 2 units and get 1 unit FREE
Apple iPhone 6s Plus 128GB (Factory Unlocked) — $550
Apple iPhone 6s 128GB (Factory Unlocked) — $500

Apple iPhone 6 Plus 128GB (Factory Unlocked) — $470
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 64GB (Factory Unlocked) — $440
Apple iPhone 6 Plus 16GB (Factory Unlocked) — $400
Apple iPhone 6 128GB (Factory Unlocked) — $420
Apple iPhone 6 64GB (Factory Unlocked) — $380
Apple iPhone 6 16GB (Factory Unlocked) — $340
Pick up at any time in our Store.

Customer Service:
We want you to be completely satisfied with your purchase and we will do what is necessary to meet your needs. Our Customer Service Call Center is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week till promo runs out. Contact Us !

Returns Policy :
We offer 20- days return policy from the day you receive your order under following conditions:
Refunds and exchanges may only be made within 20 days of receiving the merchandise.

Shipment Duration
US, CANADA, Australia & UK : 2-3Days
Other Countries : 3-4 Days

ratio for splitting of both partners

Hi, i'm totally new here.
Got courage to ask upon viewing a forum regarding partnership. Hence, we had some doubts right now how to proceed under the current situation. Furniture/tent rental company was bought 3 years back here in middle east. Partner 1 is the capitalist and decision maker/problem solver while partner 2 is supposedly the operating. for the last 2 years, business is not that much profitable hence industrial partner did not do his part well. although company still floating with the tangible assets around and some clients coming in from time to time. scenerio:
no partnership agreement has been signed/notified.
[LIST][*]both verbally agreed only. [*]both partners did not took salary except partner 2 taking petty cash much as it includes personal expenses.[*]partly partner 1 received partial amount for the capital invested but again he has to put money if company needs such as license renewal, staff salary etc.[*][/LIST
question are: how much should be the ratio for profit sharing?
does partner's need to have salary from the start?
for 2 years, P/L will show losses even now not unless all tangible assets will be liquidify. from both partners, who has the say in the company's decision making?

i know it a bit long, but hopefully we read a good advice.


samedi 14 novembre 2015 a newbie and need some help

Hi...i started a manufacturing business about 2 years ago.i manufacture candy. I was running a one man operations.never really had any and stil dont have any structures in place.but now after 2 years id like to change that.i teally hope somebody can help me.

Since it started becoming too much for me i decided to employ a sales rep. His only working for a week now.

1. How do i motivate him to increase sales.
2. How do i keep track of whatever he does.... like how many customers his seen... how does he spend the day....he uses his own personal car and i cover his fuel.he works for a basic plus commission. How do i keep track of his business mileage since i am paying the fuel. How do i know his using the fuel money for business only...
3.i really dont have an accounting background but from what i see i have made some money in my business. But now how do i structure things together.basically keeping track of finances.
4.since it is a manufacturing business how do i work the yield and keep track of inventory of raw materials and finished goods. Dont really have a budget now to invest in a manufacturing software
How do i keep track of it all manually.

Sorry for such a long post but really gope someone can help and probably il have plenty more questions in the future.

Thanks for taking the time to read this and hope you wil help. Any help whatsoever.

Exciting New Affiliate Marketing Company In The Travel Industry "Zyn Travel


My name is Ca Ly. I work as a affiliate in the travel industry and i represent a brand new travel club with the name Zyn Travel. We are going to launch for members and customer in desember. We seek positive minded people that is looking for a big business opportunity.

What we offer is a way to start earning and take part and join as an affiliate where you can offer membership in this travel club to friends and family and start earning when they save money on vacations when order Flights, Hotels, Cruises, Timeshare Apartments, Car Rentals and Dreamtrips ect.

This is a totally new way of thinking in the travel industri and we have a unique product to our affiliate members and customers.

Ill add some links for more information about this opportunity.

For more information contact:

Ca Ly

Exciting New Affiliate Marketing Company In The Travel Industry "Zyn Travel Club"


My name is Ca Ly. I work as a affiliate in the travel industry and i represent a brand new travel club with the name Zyn Travel. We are going to launch for members and customer in desember. We seek positive minded people that is looking for a big business opportunity.

What we offer is a way to start earning and take part and join as an affiliate where you can offer membership in this travel club to friends and family and start earning when they save money on vacations when order Flights, Hotels, Cruises, Timeshare Apartments, Car Rentals and Dreamtrips ect.

This is a totally new way of thinking in the travel industri and we have a unique product to our affiliate members and customers.

Ill add some links for more information about this opportunity.

For more information contact:

Ca Ly


Hello everyone. Short time lurker, first time poster.

A question that has had me for years is.

If I get an order for ten units I consider that a good order. Every blue moon an end user will ask for a quote for 100. When they do this they will also ask a middle man (e.g. motion industries, bearing distributors) to quote. When I quote I give everyone the same price, knowing there is no way the middleman is going to get the sale. In my mind if anyone should get the better pricing it should be the end user, the one I do the most business with. What are your thoughts? Thanks.

PS I tried posting this yesterday but I didn't find it anywhere so I apologize if it posts twice.

vendredi 13 novembre 2015

Best Way To Find A Business Partner?

Hello fellow business people!

Before I ask what I need to ask let me give you a summary on why I'm asking this: (hehe)

Ever since Stacktron failed (R.I.P ) I have been developing a new company...secretively ;)

Basically, it's an online marketplace for businesses. The concept and everything behind it is very strong and could do quite well, but I have one issue. I need a business partner. I seriously cannot stand working alone, on top of that, being 16, it's incredibly more difficult financially and legally to start a company. That's why I'm here.

My question is: how would I go about finding a business partner here in good ol' Maine? There isn't much business "gatherings" or events here as it is quite boring. I was thinking about trying LinkedIn to go about something like this, but I have no idea who I would approach or how I would do so. Also, finding someone here that would be interested is also difficult as most people here are incredibly naive as how I am at business and are too self centered to actually listen, and most are hicks and have no idea how a business works. Ugh Maine.

As you can tell I'm stuck. What should I do?

Hello from sunny California

Hello Everyone,

I would like to introduce my company vKaarya. We provide back office support services to entrepreneurs and business owners.

Our mission at vKaarya is to empower entrepreneurs and companies by providing back end Services from experts who prioritize customer care.

We provide a wide range of services from graphic designing, web development, internet marketing, SEO, SMM, email marketing, content writing, bookkeeping, virtual assistant, etc.

If there is anything we can help you with, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yo yo

lol Hi I'm Charley,

I always feel like I'm at a AA meeting when I do an introduction post.

I have been working online since 1998 and have a couple current companies like Domain Web Hosting Services - and | Animal Life Organized Protection

Besides work I like to travel to off track places like the Galapagos and Peru.

I work too much and need to find a way to break up the long geek out days. I still haven't been able to figure that one out.

Thanks for reading!

Patenting a product

I have developed a wearable product which can be used to detect earthquakes. It is completely radiation free. After all the testing I got the sample product developed by a product development and design company called Spark Innovations in USA. I had a session with them and they told me that the product has potential to stand out in market. They told me to get a patent for my ideas. I am from Canada and I would like to know what would be procedure for patenting? How much would it cost? What documents do I have to provide? I know its a lengthy procedure. I am just new to this and I am looking for some good advice :)

Small Business Ideas

Developing large or small business ideas is a matter of creating a vision, leveraging your strengths and determining what the market needs. These three steps should get you started.
take few minutes and conjure up a detailed image of what you want your life to look like in 5 years. Be as specific as possible.

Where do you live?
How do you spend your days?
What kind of work do you do?
Do you work alone or with other people?
Who are you surrounded by?
What do you do when you aren't working?
Don't limit yourself to these questions; create a vivid vision of yourself, touching on things that are important to you. These are all personal issues that will impact the type of business you pursue - being a city or country person; wanting to travel or sit at your computer; liking to meet people or work on the phone. This activity will help you create a foundation for choosing from small business ideas, making business decisions, and setting clear goals.

How to introduce new brand or business online?

Which is the most successful way to improve visibility of brand online?

jeudi 12 novembre 2015

References, References and more References that I just don't have

So, my business is relatively new. My business is state and federal IT contracting. I have pretty much everything setup and have been searching and responding to proposals that are technically appropriate for my business. I can respond to the req, however it gets to the point of references.

Of course the answer is I have no business references, considering my business has been alive for only a few months!!! However, COTRs (Contracting Officers) will come back as indicating that I'm no longer qualified for submission if I don't meet the reference requirement.

Obvious question is how do small and NEW business break through this issue.

Legality of Gift Cards and Minors for Marketing

The vast majority of our customers are minors due to the nature of our business.

Question: Is it legal in the U.S. to offer Gift Cards to Minors who go through our course, for a friend referral?
I.E. Tell a friend, they use a code, you get the gift card?

If not, is it legal to give the gift card to the parents directly if the minor finds the referral?

If it is legal, are there any limits to the number of referrals that a minor could bring in?

Also is there any type of card that is not valid for this, I.E. Store cards vs. Visa or MasterCard Gift Cards?

Thank You.

Is Directory Submissions still an effective way for link building in 2015?

I've come across many sites which state that Google doesn't prefer much link juice or no link juice at all after you submit your sites to Directories. Wondering if Directory submission is still a healthy way for gaining some good rankings?

mercredi 11 novembre 2015

Credit card processors

Any help is greatly appreciated. We are almost live, and WOW!! When choosing a credit card processor to process our online payments, there are a ton of companies that have TERRIBLE reviews, hidden costs, and many I would call a SCAM. Can anyone here point me in the right direction? Thank you

Hello from Goddards Accountants

We are a Cloud based firm that specialises in “Cloud Accounting”; Personal and Business Tax; VAT; CIS; Payroll: and Business Consulting.

Goddards Accountants have been nominated as finalists for the FSB Surrey Business Awards in the Business Innovation section and Enterprising Business section.

Also, our Apprentice, Daniela Cavallino of Goddards Accountants has been nominated as a finalist for the FSB Surrey Business Awards in the Apprentice of the Year section.

We will find out her final placement and Goddards’ placement on Wednesday 18th November at Mercedes-Benz World Weybridge.

mardi 10 novembre 2015

Hold Inventory or produce to order?

Hello all, very glad to have found these forums. I run an online custom novelty t-shirt business that has over 400 designs and has done quite well over the years. What I am starting to question however is my process and wether or not to carry a staff. I have always produced all my t-shirts to order, meaning when a customer places an order on my website myself or one of my employees screen prints the design the customer chooses on the size and color the customer chooses. Anyone that is in the screen printing business may know this is kind of a crazy idea when considering setup time BUT 95% of my designs are 1 color and are super easy to setup and I carry very little to no overhead operating this way. Staffing can be a challenge with work flow somewhat of a roller coaster being that we are very busy around the major holidays and slow down quite a bit the rest of the year. I have a full time manager and a full time printer but I bring on part time employees throughout the year when we need extra help but training someone to only work for a month or two is tough. And when you do bring basically seasonal part timers they don't seem to be as serious about whats going out the door as I am.

I have been doing more and more thinking and I honestly believe If I could just narrow down my t-shirt designs to say my top selling 100 and just print them myself or even outsource it I can run this business entirely by myself again. Especially when customers receive a badly printed shirt or the wrong shirt design entirely or I look around and employees are just sitting around looking for something to do when its slower. Only problem Is if i went back to the route of me doing everything and stocking designs I would be sitting on thousands of dollars worth of Inventory Instead of printing to order and keeping my overhead low.

Thank you In advance for any feedback and or advice.

UTD Class Project

If you are a business owner please do me a favor and take the survey below. This is for my Entrepreneurship class at UTD.



How to promote a new property website ?

Hello guys,

I am going to launch a brand new property website ( like based sri lanka, Asia. I would like to have some good suggestions from you all about how to promote the site. I already know some of the way to promote like Goolge Adwards, SEO, Social media Etc but, I want get a few suggestions that come from outside the box. Please leave your suggestion.


How to increase sales?

Hi friends,

I have an apparel eCommerce store website. Kindly provide some ideas to increase my business sales and also to increase customers retention.

Thank you

lundi 9 novembre 2015

Requesting Feedback for Business Plan Writing Service.

New member here but have been reading and love the energy and interaction on this forum so I thought I jump in and ask a question.

My brother and I (MBA and a degree in finance) are considering offering business plan writing services catering to start-ups. (this is not a solicitation we are seeking input)

Our own personal plan seeks to target millennials with a limited budget and high ambition. Through our market research we have discovered that creating the financials are the most challenging aspect for start-ups as well as forming a clear value proposition, cost structure and revenue streams.

Of course I agree that writing your own business plan would be ideal and feel that everyone should write their own plan in some manner, even if it is just one page. With that in mind I also realize that some do not have the skill sets or time to create one and need something a bit more professional for funding.

There are a wide range of individuals online offering business plan writing services on and offline from $20 to $50,000. With software and online fill in the blank forms galore.

With that in mind if I may ask as entrepreneurs what would you find valuable in a business plan writing service? What needs would compel you to purchase one and at what price point?

Our goal is to create an effective means via business plan writing to truly assisting individuals interested in business.

Any input or suggestions you can provide will be greatly appreciated.
Thank You!

Retiring and Wanting to Turn Your Retail Store to Cash

Many Retail owners when they retire, family members are not interested in the business. What are there options to get cash in their pocket?

1. Sell the Retail Business- This is the best way if the store is making a lot of money, otherwise why would a new owner like to spend a lot of money to make a little or even lose money. Be prepared sometimes it can take many months or even a few years to get a qualified buyer.

If you have $200,000 in inventory at cost, don't expect for someone to buy it at that price. Most likely, you are looking at $100,000-$160,000. Where you make your money on a sale is based on your earnings.

2. Do an Auction- NO, NO, No
Unless you want pennies on the dollar

3. Liquidate Your Merchandise & Fixtures- Often this is the best way to get the best return quickly. Sale can start in a couple weeks and be done within 1-2 months in most cases.

Whatever, you decide think carefully before you make the decision, You don't want your last major decision be a big mistake.

UNI Poll

Hi guys,

I am currently doing a uni assignment on the implications and ramifications of small business and contractors when larger building firms become insolvent.

Can i ask you to vote on my online poll, the question is rather boring and obvious but will serve it's purpose

really appreciate it, hope the moderators are ok with this post :)



dimanche 8 novembre 2015

The Hardest Part of Starting a Retail Business Is....

... Finding merchandise at reasonable prices.

So, I did all the wonderful paperwork, federal and Virginia and county. Wonderful. Paperwork. (So much to read in legal jargon for tax things...) I've got my FEIN, my SCC ID, certificate for resale, set up all the taxes stuff, got the email, Facebook page, working on the website... If there was a T-shirt, I'd probably have it already. I know what I'm going to do, what I need to do to get there. I'm scouting retail locations, trade shows, prospecting online sales....

I just have one major, MAJOR, problem: I cannot seem to find reputable, reliable sources from which to procure merchandise. Google and I aren't friends right now. Wholesale, distributor, licensed goods... Everything I can think of to search just returns middlemen who offer no room for profit, or wholesale sites that sell items I would only consider if I ran a dollar store. What I'm doing requires licensed products, not dollar store knockoffs.

Yes, what I'm doing requires licensed items, not knockoffs.

Please let me know if you need more information. Thank you for your time in reading this, and any response is appreciated.

New Business Directory Service

Hi Guys,

I am a young web developer based in Swansea UK, I am currently developing a Business Directory Service. I am in the process of looking for Companies to help me populate the site, it is totally free to add your business.

Thanks for reading,

New Business Directory Service

Hi Guys,

I am a young web developer based in Swansea UK, I am currently developing a Business Directory Service. I am in the process of looking for Companies to help me populate the site, it is totally free to add your business.

If this is something that would interest you, please take a look at:

p.s if this is in the wrong forum please feel free to move

Thanks for reading,

The free consultation as marketing

Hi there,
I'm not sure this is the right board for this post, but here goes...

I provide digital marketing training and assistance for people who don't really understand it. A big part of this is building trust with the (potential) client. So I have started with "free consultations" to a couple of potential clients as a way of hopefully talking them into hiring me. The problem, though, is me. I give too much a way. I have tried this a few times and the potential clients all left feeling as though they had their questions answered with no (immediate) need to hire me.

I am looking for advice on how to manage myself better. Strict time limits? Strict rules about what I say and don't say?

Has anyone done this successfully?

I appreciate any and all feedback.


school for talent

Can anyone tell me What is management consulting? i am waiting for your reply..
Thnaks in advance..!!

school for talent

Talent Redefined

how do I get into management consulting? i your ideas are appreciate here..!!

Opher Brayer

samedi 7 novembre 2015

When did you leave your "safe" job to puruse your own business?

So I've been working in HR for the past couple of years or so now and although it's okay I have always wanted to own my own business and had an interested of starting a doggy day care because I love dogs. Before I thought about staffing agencies but there's way too many and I work in staffing and I really don't like it that part of HR anymore.

So I am looking for opportunities right now to volunteer at animal shelters or even part time positions at doggy day cares to get a feel of what it's like to work with dogs and see if I enjoy it. From that point, I would gain as much as experience as I could handling them and then possibly start my we will see how I like it if I get the chance to work with them.

But I'm curious, do you just take a leap of faith and leave your current "safe" job and take a risk to pursue your business? My father decided to quit his job when he saw his business was doing good 35 years ago. I would imagine it being hard to have a part time job and operating a business unless you have some kind of partnership.

Ideal method for affiliate sales ?

I am setting up a 'store' section on my blog to promote products from artists, authors, musicians, etc. The easiest way I can think of doing this is using Amazon affiliate links but Amazon doesn't really jive with the theme of my blog which is more local oriented, not big corporation like Amazon. Another perk about Amazon is that I don't have to correspond with the sellers or buyers. I am wondering if there is anything better than Amazon that would jive with my blog?

Setting up a store would give me more control of money but then I have to intervene with the product shipment.

vendredi 6 novembre 2015

Hello from NJ

Hey everyone.

Just wanted to introduce myself. I began working as the operations officer at a small business a few months back and while I have been learning a lot very quickly, I still only kind of know what I am doing. I work for a fabrication and design firm and they are very small so I pretty much doing anything and everything that doesn't fall under the production side of things. Any advice you guys have is great and I'm super excited to get involved in a forum that can help me further my skills.

Any one else from Northern Jersey / New York City area?

Need your opinion! New print programmatic online service

Hey everybody,

I'm student at Wiltshire College in HNC Business Management but also I'm a french student in England this year to achieve this degree.

Furthermore, I'm in a Business development internship for a french company in print advertising sector called Adintime.

Little bit about the company
"ADINTIME is a marketplace dedicated -as a start- to print media buying inspired by RTB: real-time bidding. We can call it print programmatic. We want to digitize and simplify purchasing media space buying by offering advertisers the ability to communicate with just a few clicks, 100% online and with the best rates on national and international press titles."

I have to realize a market research to know if it's interesting to develop the company's activity in United Kingdom and what kind of businesses can be interested by this service.

This is why I created a online survey to know your opinion as company. I would appreciate some feedback. I appreciate your time !:D

Choose language


jeudi 5 novembre 2015

Who does your business cards?

Just curious. I have a logo and everything. I just don't want it to look like they came from a inkjet printer!!! I'm thinking online (visaprint)

Credit Report

Some of my credit cards have been sold off to other companies. Does anybody have a recommendation for a place to get a credit report that will show the actual companies that I have credit cards with?

Hello from FL

Hello everyone!
My name is Parker. I am located in Florida.

A friend of mine recommended I take a look at your site and get involved.

I run a small private equity company. We acquire assets that can be improved and that are scalable. I have experience in many different industries. I hope to give a bit of insight where I can and hope to learn from you as well.

Thanks for having me!

mercredi 4 novembre 2015

Order of Operations?

Good day all. First time poster here.

Background: I have a business idea. It's a simple and cheap product. It's also something I can do whilst maintaining my current job. The risk is low IMO; as there is no immediate need for financing outside of my own income. It is a niche market within a major industry, with few competitors and plenty of room for a new entity in the market. It's been my hobby for several years and I have perfected my version of the product. The goal is not to become rich, but slowly transition from a life in a cubicle to becoming my own boss.

Problem: I have the entrepreneurial spirit....I just have never taken "the leap" before. It's a daunting task the first time through.

Question: Is it bad practice to Incorporate before I am actually ready to do business? For some reason I have this overarching subconscious thought that everything needs to be done and ready at once. I can't shake it, and I don't think its true. But I think this idea of completeness has held me back in the past.

So is there any reason I should NOT Incorporate now, request EIN, and setup accounts? Even though I know I wont be ready to launch for say 6 months? There are other task that need to be completed, such as permits and inspections. Those will definitely need to be conducted as the entity, correct? What are some general issues to be concerned about with a temporarily inactive business?

Thanks for any clarification.

Inventory Management

Hello Everyone!

I am recently joining a new, growing company who needs some information on what options there are to help manage inventory. We use multiple platforms such as Amazon, EBay, Volusion Retail Solutions, and we have a physical retail store which is open to the public, but we're not fully functional or stocked just yet. Our warehouse is onsite here behind the store front.

We are looking for a program that is all-encompassing, and can manage our inventory flow and keep it current and updated for all the platforms we are using, including the in-store sales. I recently spoke to a rep from BOA about the Clover POS, and will be having a demo done here to see what this system can do.

If anyone out there has used Clover, or another program who does what I described as our needs, please let us know!

Thanks for reading and any input you may have!


mardi 3 novembre 2015

Merchant Cash Advance regulations

Hello guys, I am new to this forum and I have a really serious question.

I am from Europe and I want to know if the Merchant Cash Advance Business has the same regulations as a bank or are they even called a bank, when you create a Merchant cash advance company?

What is the business name of companies like that? Because when you want to create a Bank you need 5 Million Euros to get a bank license but i dont think that these companies have that capital.

So are these Merchant cash advance companies addressed as banks or as what do they register at the government?

Sorry for my bad english.



Could Bitcoin Become Major Reserve Currency?

A week or so ago one of my younger customers brought up bitcoin in conversation while I was doing a repair for him, he asked if I accepted bitcoin as payment and I jokingly told him to stop by the Coinstar machine as I prefer bills to change. I had never really heard much about it until then but saw this posted on my facebook newsfeed earlier and find the whole thing pretty interesting. It is really crazy how our world is changing.


The value of digital currency Bitcoin has soared 70% - and analysts think it could become one of the world's major reserve currencies within 15 years.

The cryptocurrency has made big gains over the past two months, since it hit a low of $213 (£138) in August.

But as it's currently trading at $370 (£240), it's nowhere near its early-2014 peak of $1,100 (£715).

Some have speculated that Bitcoin interest from MasterCard and Bain Capital Ventures has legitimised the currency, which is the payment method of choice on the dark web.

Others say it could be down to people using it to bypass capital controls in Greece and China.

According to, most trading in the past month has come from Chinese Bitcoin exchanges.

The European Court recently ruled it is a currency and exempt from VAT.

New research suggests it could become the world's sixth-largest reserve currency by 2030, with $1bn (£650m) being invested by big financial institutions in the next two years.

The report comes from a company called Magister Advisors, which advises the technology industry on mergers and acquisitions.

Partner Jeremy Millar said blockchain, the technology that powers Bitcoin, has revolutionised finance.

He said: "Blockchain is without question the most significant advancement in enterprise IT in a decade, on a par with big data and machine learning.

"Bitcoin has proven itself as an established currency.

"Blockchain, more fundamentally, will become the default global standard distributed ledger for financial transactions."

Could Bitcoin Become Major Reserve Currency?

Looking for a Entrepreneur interested in a joint venture

Hello Everyone, I would like to start my own sublimation manufacturing in NY instead of obtain the products from overseas. If you have experience in screen printer, graphic designer, marketing and would like to become partners. I have all the logistics in place. I'm looking for an entrepreneur who has time, skills, capital and passion to bring to the table.

SERIOUS INQUIRY ONLY, Please provided a resume to

Unskilled Job Search

Wife wants to get a job. She's worked at a department store an Amscot like company specializing in sending money to Latin America for legal and illegal immigrants. On a busy Saturday, she could handle $45k. She hasn't worked in a number of years. and would be a near minimum wage employee. Her native language is Spanish. Her English is pretty good.

For people like this, they normally make you apply at a machine in the store or online.

How would you recommend her to approach her job search?

Localization in South East Asia

Hello all,

I am a 26-years-old Vietnamese. My profession is translation, English-Vietnamese and vice versa.

I have been working for almost 5 years in the trade and realized the potential of localization business in South East Asia for foreign television channels.

I found this site is a very friendly and active forum for business ideas. Could I ask your opinions about my idea, starting a company doing localization for foreign tv channels in Vietnam? Thanks a lot :o

Localization in South East Asia

Hello all,

I am a 26-years-old Vietnamese. My profession is translation, English-Vietnamese and vice versa.

I have been working for almost 5 years in the trade and realized the potential of localization business in South East Asia for foreign television channels.

I found this site is a very friendly and active forum for business ideas. Could I ask your opinions about my idea, starting a company doing localization for foreign tv channels in Vietnam? Thanks a lot :o

lundi 2 novembre 2015

: Making an introduction

What’s up everybody…
Henry here. I’m interested in connecting with like-minded people and discovering new ideas and exploring new perspectives that will improve my life. My passion is making money from the Wall Street Game and I look forward to sharing my insights. Thanks.

Tax Penalty Abatement

The IRS charged our small business a $10,000 penalty for late filing of Form 5472. We filed this form along with our 2014 tax return because one of our partners (>25%) is a foreigner, and he was related party in a $2,133 transaction. We submitted the filing 10 days late. Upon receipt of the penalty, we filed an abatement request, arguing that: the 10-day delay was the unintended result of the fact that this was the first time we filed this form; the Form 5472 instructions mention the penalty for failing to file, or filing a substantially incomplete form, but does not mention late filing; this is our company’s first offense, and this is the first abatement request we filed. The IRS denied the abatement request. Along with the usual arguments, the letter stated that we were subject to similar penalties in the past, even though that is absolutely not the case. I am interested in advise from anyone with experience in this matter, and, in particular, advise to strengthen our legal arguments.

Finding reliable SEO tools

Hello guys.
What are the best services to make site audit? Do you have any tips how to make audit easier?
I hope you can help.

dimanche 1 novembre 2015

HELP! Opened a store and needing soe advices

Hello everyone! My name is Matías, I am from Argentina, and came to Miami Beach, Florida to open a Gifts Shop.

The store offers exclusive gifts and gadgets, and is located at washington avenue, a high transit street.

The thing is that, as usually happens, when starting up the business, some extra costs appeared, and now that the store is working I have a very limited budget.
I opened a week ago, advertised on google ads, social media, flyers in lots of hotels, stores, restaurants, etc. And this week, until today, we have sold less than $200 (And Miami always have a high transit on halloween weeks). I know that no business will start producing just after starting, but as I mentioned, my budget is REALLY low at the moment, and my question is, being a so touristic city, and being working in a busy week, Should I wait to the sales rises or just stop investing and consider it a "Dog" business?

Hope you can give me some ideas, and thank you in advance!!
Have a nice week!

Question for business owners

For those of you that use a waste hauling company to pick up your dumpster ? What would you change or add to make it better for you?