dimanche 1 novembre 2015

HELP! Opened a store and needing soe advices

Hello everyone! My name is Matías, I am from Argentina, and came to Miami Beach, Florida to open a Gifts Shop.

The store offers exclusive gifts and gadgets, and is located at washington avenue, a high transit street.

The thing is that, as usually happens, when starting up the business, some extra costs appeared, and now that the store is working I have a very limited budget.
I opened a week ago, advertised on google ads, social media, flyers in lots of hotels, stores, restaurants, etc. And this week, until today, we have sold less than $200 (And Miami always have a high transit on halloween weeks). I know that no business will start producing just after starting, but as I mentioned, my budget is REALLY low at the moment, and my question is, being a so touristic city, and being working in a busy week, Should I wait to the sales rises or just stop investing and consider it a "Dog" business?

Hope you can give me some ideas, and thank you in advance!!
Have a nice week!

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