mardi 3 mai 2016

Practical Tips for Beating Burnout

If you're in business, at times you will experience burn out. No matter how many business cliche's you try to live by such as, "Do something you love and you'll never work a day in your life" and so on, reality is that some times you just get tired, your brain stops working, and there are days you wish you could just lay in bed binge watching Netflix.

For me generally keeping some kind of social life, hitting a Friday Happy Hour with friends, the occasional event like a show, a beer festival or concert, and keeping regular hours and weekends off helps keep me from zoning out due to burnout. Being interested in something other than work helps to. You have to have days where you do stuff that you want to do, not stuff that you have to do.

Read this article this morning where the author shares some tips for recognizing burnout and what do to so that it doesn't zap the life out of you.


“Different people manifest burnout in different ways, but I think for all of us, it’s some variety of a shutdown,” she says. Parts of your personality start to contract. Your range of expression shrinks. Your world view narrows. “Burnout is deadly to startups because it kills perspective."
Read the full article here:

What do you guys do to snap yourself out of burnout, and stay productive?

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