vendredi 7 octobre 2016

Advertising For Other Businesses Online

I had the idea that I could use mail chimp or other emailing software to write and send out adverts for other people's businesses. I would market myself to those that are just getting started with their business ideas. I was thinking I would write and send out the adverts for a fee of something in the ballpark of 40-50 dollars, depending on the nature of the ad. In addition, I would be able to write product descriptions along with the advertisements, if that is needed. The 40-50 dollars would cover an advertisement and a product description I was thinking. After that, each product description would be 10-20 if it is reasonably short. If it is something complex that would require a large volume of content (this would apply to the ads too) I was thinking to charge a higher rate that would be on a case by case basis. As I learn more about SEO, I could also offer to set up a website for a fee that would be determined on a case by case basis. Rather than using the services of content mills, I would write the advertisements myself. I already am quite experienced and skilled as a writer, and I have already been writing a lot of well done advertisements for an advertising agency. Does this seem like a plan that could work.

I would advertise my services by creating email advertisements via mail chimp and/or constant contact. Additionally, I would create a website for my services, and people would be able to contact me via email or telephone from the site. The only information I would not give would be my address for snail mail (as this would be my residence and I would not feel comfortable with the idea of giving that out online). I would ensure that the page was 1-3% keywords, and I would post a significant amount of links various places (e.g. forums, comment sections, etc.) I would also use a meta description and other SEO strategies as I learn them. Ideally, the website would get a lot of traffic. However, I also would use email advertising and possibly also Google banner Ads and/or Google AdWords to advertise my page.

Does this sound like a workable plan, and if so, do you have any tips for me getting started with this business. Obviously, I am sure there are other people out there doing this and I'm not the only one. Given this, do you have any ideas of how someone would successfully compete against other advertisers.

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