mardi 11 octobre 2016

Business Attorney?

Hello my fellow humans who use this forum (assuming aliens aren't using this website as a tool to learn about how human interact with each other).

Recently, I have been getting ready to apply for college. I'm waiting for my second SAT scores to come in, then I will apply for college. There's just one itsy little issue: I'm having second thoughts on my major. Recently, I met an attorney at my Staples job. After a lot of talking, it kind of got me thinking: what if I went to law school after college? I know for a fact if I decided to be an attorney, I would go for business law. I would love to represent companies. Plus I love arguing with people ;)

I was originally going to go for finance, but if I want to do business litigation / law what should I go for? Should I just go for a business degree and take some pre-law classes? Should I try getting an internship before college?

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